


The air held its breath, a suspended minute of anticipation that seemed to hang over the grove like a heavy cloud. Every pair of eyes, belonging to the finest of apothecaries, were fixed on the grand maestro, who was deeply engrossed in studying the potion prepared by the human participant.

The unbearable silence was ripped apart by a single, disbelieving voice.

"He must be cheating!!" It was Maksin, unable to comprehend the sight before him. His accusation hung in the air like a rogue spark, threatening to ignite the atmosphere.

Before Emery could even formulate a defense, the grand maestro himself answered. His voice, filled with admiration, echoed through the vast space, "This is one of the finest potions I've laid my eyes on in years. It's truly...remarkable."

His words hit Maksin like a gust of cold wind, freezing him in his place. What followed next was him forcefully escorted off the stage, his face mirroring the shock and disbelief. With countless experts observing, such a disgraceful incident was bound to leave a permanent stain on his career.

The grand maestro, having silenced the instigator, turned his attention back to Emery. His gaze, full of respect and curiosity, met Emery's. He inquired, "Your name?"

"I am Merlin," Emery replied.

A smile of genuine delight stretched across the old wood elf's face. He raised an arm towards Emery, directing the attention of the audience to him, and proudly announced, "We have with us here, an extraordinary talent."

Suddenly, a song echoed in the grove. It started with a single elf, her voice weaving an ancient melody that soon spread among the crowd. It was a ballad of honor, a chant that immortalized Merlin in the legends of the Vanyar people. The song painted him as a celebrated hero, a gifted apothecary whose name would be remembered for generations.

Liandrin and Callon, the two other competitors, joined the celebration, offering their congratulations. They patted Merlin on the shoulder, their faces filled with recognition. There was no room left for doubt – Merlin was indeed an exceptional apothecary.

With the Junior Master Forum finally coming to a close, the event host began to usher spectators towards the next arena. Here, the Senior Masters and Grandmasters would showcase their concoctions, an event that was eagerly anticipated by all in attendance.

Emery found himself intrigued by the prospect of witnessing these masterful displays. However, he was not in the best of conditions. It seemed the after-effects of the toxin he had ingested were kicking in, causing his body to weaken and inducing a throbbing headache.

His companions Morgana, Twik, Helena, and Elder Aegnor, who had initially been eager to congratulate him, now turned their attention to his apparent discomfort. Grand Master Hazard, who had been observing the situation closely, moved to prepare a restorative potion for Emery, but the Maestro intervened.

The ancient wood elf swiftly handed Emery a small pill, demonstrating an uncanny understanding of his condition. "This will purge all toxins from your body, but it might take a few days," he explained.

"Thank you, Maestro," Emery responded gratefully, his words slightly strained from the discomfort.

Yet, it seemed the Maestro still had something to impart to Emery. "I'm planning to stay on this planet for a few months," he revealed, his gaze steady on Emery. "I wonder, would you be interested in collaborating on a project with me?"

This proposition stunned everyone present, even Grandmaster Hazard's typically composed expression faltered. Working alongside such an illustrious figure was an honor beyond belief. Not only would Emery be privy to the Maestro's expert teachings, but he would also earn credit for any products developed during the collaboration.

However, Emery knew that his stay on the Vanyar planet had run its course. Not only did he need to return to his plant creatures to quickly start his own project, but his presence in Canta had also been widely known, making the place no longer safe for him. This amazing opportunity was one he would, unfortunately, have to pass up.

"Apologies, Maestro, but I have plans to depart from this planet shortly," Emery responded, his words echoing regret.

This unexpected response stirred a wave of shock among those present, most visibly impacting young Helena, the wood elf maiden. A look of profound disappointment crossed her features, her grip tightening around the edges of her dress. Her emerald eyes shimmered with unshed tears, her gaze flickering between Emery and the Grand Maestro, seemingly searching for a change in their decision. Yet, finding none, she excused herself abruptly and rushed away from the group.

The Grand Maestro maintained his composed demeanor, a gentle smile gracing his aged features. "Perhaps another time, then," he conceded, his eyes reflecting a hint of anticipation. "I look forward to witnessing your future accomplishments."

As he prepared to leave, the Maestro delved into his sleeve, producing a simple leather pouch. The old elf extended it to Emery, a thoughtful expression gracing his face. "I suspect your destiny is entwined with poison mastery," he began, his words seasoned with wisdom. "I hope these will serve you well on your journey."

Emery accepted the pouch with curiosity, carefully opening it to reveal its contents. Inside were a dozen seeds, glittering in the dim light, their brilliance unmatched.

[Elysium Seed]

The name immediately sprung into Emery's mind. These seeds were of the sixth tier, capable of growing into a robust plant renowned for its potent anti-toxic properties. Despite being classified as tier 6, Emery was well aware of their value, equating them to ordinary tier 7 ingredients. Moreover, having them as seeds opened the possibility of cultivating a substantial quantity of these plants.

"Thank you, Maestro," Emery said, gratitude echoing in his voice, his heart filled with warmth. He carefully stowed away the precious seeds, recognizing the incredible gift he had received.

As the Maestro departed, Grand Master Hazard showed a heightened interest in Emery. The seasoned potion master seemed to have developed certain suspicions about Emery's identity, hinting at his thoughts through carefully phrased questions. However, Emery had no intention of disclosing his identity at this juncture.

This time, it was Grand Magus Aegnor who posed a question, halting Emery in his tracks. "Do you really have to leave so soon?" he queried.

Emery paused, his gaze meeting the elder's. A response was expected, yet instead of providing a straightforward answer, he chose a different path. "Elder Aegnor," he began, his voice imbued with warmth and respect. "I appreciate your concern and all the help you've extended during my stay here. Your guidance has been invaluable."

Just as he finished, a staff member from the Grove made his way through the crowd and approached Emery. His presence was an unspoken reminder of the rewards awaiting the young apothecary.

"Please follow me, Master Merlin," the staff member respectfully invited, gesturing towards the warehouse in the distance.

At this moment, Morgana seemed unusually reluctant to let Emery out of her sight. She moved to accompany him, yet the restrictive nature of the area prohibited her involvement. With a gentle smile and a promise to return shortly, Emery convinced Morgana and Twik to wait for him.

The warehouse was a sanctuary of exotic ingredients and resources, each more enticing than the last. Emery's eyes roved over the array of items, his mind working quickly to identify the ones that would best serve his needs. The minutes slipped into hours as he meticulously selected the Tier 6 and Tier 7 ingredients.

For a brief span, amidst the allure of these resources, the throbbing pain coursing through his body seemed to fade into insignificance.

With his selection complete, Emery found himself anticipating his reunion with his companions. He strolled along the pathway, the weight of the ingredients and his reward in tow. Yet, his anticipation was quickly overshadowed by surprise as a familiar figure came into view.

The figure belonged to a woman. She was beautiful, a radiant human being that tugged at the farthest corners of his memory. Her presence was as unexpected as it was puzzling. She wasn't just another face from the crowd but someone who had left an indelible mark on his past.

To be continued