


"What!! You're not returning home?!" Thrax exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of shock and annoyance. He couldn't believe Emery's decision to stay in the Magus realm instead of returning to Earth. His brows furrowed in disbelief as he tried to comprehend the reasons behind Emery's choice.

Emery took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before explaining his rationale. He emphasized the importance of taking the time to recover from his wounds and attending to the needs of his plant creatures.

Thrax listened intently to Emery's explanation, his initial shock slowly giving way to a growing understanding. However, despite his efforts to grasp the situation, he found it difficult to fully accept Emery's decision.

"I thought we were going to return together. Don't you want to see Klea? And who knows what that Roman has been up to in the last four years!" Thrax protested, his voice laced with concern and a hint of frustration.

Just as the weight of the situation settled upon the group, Morgana, who typically remained quiet, unexpectedly interjected into the conversation.

"Actually, the Romans have made multiple attempts to invade Britain's islands. And as for Klea... she has been desperately waiting for your recovery," Morgana revealed, her voice devoid of any emotion.

The news hit the group like a wave, crashing upon them with unexpected force.

"That damn ROMAN!" Thrax's voice suddenly boomed, his emotions surging to the surface. He clenched his fists tightly, the muscles in his jaw visibly tensing. Thrax had heard of Julian's promise to leave Britain alone, and the revelation that the Romans had attacked even the distant islands fueled his anger. He could only imagine the atrocities they had unleashed upon the rest of the continent.

Emery, on the other hand, felt a pang of guilt wash over him. He realized that he had been inadvertently cruel to someone he held dear. In his single-minded focus on his own struggles, he had neglected to inform Klea of his recovery and the challenges he was facing. The weight of his actions bore down on him heavily, and he knew he had to make amends.

"Thrax, you must return," Emery implored, his voice tinged with both concern and determination. "Tell Klea that I am fine and I will come back as soon as I can"

"Huh! You should come and return with me! For all I know, that Roman friend of yours might have made a move on her in your absence!" Thrax retorted, his concern for Klea fueling his insistence.

Emery let out a heavy sigh, his mind flooded with conflicting thoughts and emotions. A flicker of memory resurfaced—the memory of Julian confessing his feelings about Klea to him. Emery couldn't bring himself to believe that Klea would accept Julian's affections. Even if she did, he couldn't find it in his heart to blame her.

Even if she did, he couldn't find it in his heart to blame her. After all, he was mated to Morgana, and he had even married Silva. The complexities of his relationships only served to give him a headache, making him question whether returning home to confront these issues was the right choice.The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

Lost in his thoughts, Emery found himself longing for the frontline, yearning to fight against the elves rather than face the tangled web of emotions and responsibilities that awaited him at home.

As the weight of the situation pressed upon them, Terra Palace welcomed a new group of visitors. Gerri's enforcer squad of five, along with Chumo, arrived with a purpose. "We've been tasked to look after the situation here for a while," Gerri announced with a cheeky smile, aware of the favorable mission they had been assigned.

Emery couldn't help but wonder if their arrival was a mere coincidence. It seemed that Delbrand had orchestrated the presence of the people Emery cared about most, ensuring their safety and support in one place.

Upon seeing Chumo, Thrax, still fired up with emotions, sought support in convincing Emery about the situation on Earth. While at the same time, the negotiations between the Terra and Karat factions had seemingly reached a resolution, prompting Magus Rosia to call for a grand feast to celebrate the newfound unity.

The mention of a feast and the promise of bottomless drinks momentarily distracted Thrax, quelling his fiery spirit. The halls of Terra Palace became alive with lively festivities as the guests indulged in food and drink, momentarily escaping the weight of their responsibilities.

Amidst the revelry, Emery found himself surrounded by Lord Izta's widows, each eager to hear his stories and adventures. Gerri, in particular, proved to be the most persistent, his insatiable curiosity pushing him to pry into every detail.

In moments like these, Emery longed for the presence of his bodyguards to shield him from Gerri's relentless questioning. However, Morgana was absent, fully engrossed in savoring the various delicacies, while Twik had become the center of attention among drunken Terra's warriors, playfully tossing the plant creature into the air.

As the night grew late and the revelry began to fade, Emery seized the opportunity to have a private conversation with Chumo and Thrax. They sought out a quieter corner where they could discuss their respective plans and concerns more intimately.I think you should take a look at

Chumo expressed his longing to return home, reminding Emery and Thrax of his beloved Sosoeno, who remained unaware of the existence of the Magus realm. Five long years had passed since Chumo last saw her, and the fear of endangering his loved ones with the resurgence of the Nightwalker's disease weighed heavily on his mind.

"I just can't go back home, not until I am cured," Chumo declared with a mix of determination and sadness.

Hearing Chumo's words only strengthened Emery's resolve to stay and recover fully. He couldn't bear the thought of his friends suffering. He hope that once he had regained his health, he would find a way to help deal with the Nightwalker's toxin.

Once again, Emery expressed his regret for not being able to return and entrusted Thrax with the task of informing Klea and Julian about his well-being. He hoped that his message would bring them some relief amidst their worries.

"All right, all right... But first, I'll try to talk some sense into our Roman friend back home,"

Thrax then revealed his own reasons for wanting to return home. While he didn't have many people waiting for him on Earth, he explained that his main motivation was to make a breakthrough in his Magus realm cultivation. The countless battles he had fought had stained his hands with too much blood, hindering his progress.

A renowned Commander of the Magus Alliance had advised him to take a well-deserved rest and believed that returning to his origins would help him advance further.

Emery and Chumo offered their heartfelt wishes for Thrax's success, understanding the importance of his own journey and the need for personal growth.

In the midst of discussing their respective plans to return or stay, Emery turned to Morgana, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He asked if she would consider accompanying Thrax back to Earth.

"Dont you have anyone on Earth that is looking for you?!"

Morgana decisively shook her head and flatly refused the offer of returning home, expressing her desire to remain close to him, especially during his recovery.

Emery felt a surge of warmth and gratitude toward Morgana. Emery himself was hoping that she would have stayed with him. Taking her home would only complicate matters further, potentially stirring up conflicts with the Kronos faction. Moreover, Emery cherished the thought of exploring the mystery of Khaos Gate together with Morgana during his recovery.

As the conversation drew to a close, Thrax brought up a matter that had almost been forgotten amidst their discussions. "I guess we will see each other again at the Ancient Celestial Ruins," Thrax said, a flicker of excitement in his eyes.

The Ancient Celestial Ruins were the most sought-after destination for new Magus realm cultivators, opening only once every thirty years. Not only that they have vowed to visit the place together, the extravagant price for entry was already paid for.

Three years seemed like a perfect timeline for Emery. He hoped that by then, he would have not only fully healed his shattered nature soul but also resolved the matter with his plant creatures.

The thought of all five friends finally getting to meet each other again facing challenges together with their newfound strength excited them.

"Yes, let's promise to meet each other there!"

The three friends concluded their conversation with renewed determination and a shared vision for the future.

Their paths may diverge for now, but their bond remained unbreakable. They knew that their reunion would be all the more meaningful when the time came. And so, with hope in their hearts, they prepared to face the challenges that awaited them, both in the Magus Universe and on Earth.

To be continued