


As Twik and Morgana patiently waited outside, Emery stepped into the room, immediately recognizing the figure before him. The man's presence sent a jolt through his memory, and with a spark of familiarity, Emery addressed him by his former title, "Headmaster."

A warm chuckle escaped the man's lips as he replied, "Ah, Emery, it has been four years since I held that title. There's no need to address me as such anymore."

Emery nodded, showing respect to the man's request. "Of course, Elder," he replied, acknowledging the man's seniority.

Grand Magus Yvere, who was also present, playfully interrupted their conversation, his eyes glimmering with mischief. "Indeed, it has been quite some time. Perhaps it's about time you considered taking on a new position," he teased.

Delbrand's response was filled with a touch of nostalgia. "No, Yvere, not right now," he answered with a smile.

The two Grand Magus engaged in friendly banter, their voices laced with familiarity and shared memories. It was evident that their bond ran deep, like that of old friends. Eventually, their conversation turned to Emery, and Delbrand's gaze shifted to the young magus, his eyes filled with curiosity and recognition.

"It's a clone body, isn't it? Your real body remains on your home planet?" Delbrand inquired, his sharp observation impressing Emery.

Emery nodded, acknowledging the accuracy of Delbrand's assessment.

A heavy sigh escaped Delbrand's lips as he leaned back, his expression filled with concern. "I came here to warn you, Emery," he said gravely, his voice laced with caution.

Emery's heart skipped a beat, anxiety coursing through his veins. He knew that the elves had discovered his recovery, but to hear it confirmed by Delbrand heightened his sense of urgency.

"In fact," Delbrand continued, "just three days ago, the alliance captured a small reconnaissance party that had infiltrated Golden City. Their sole purpose was to locate and capture you."

Emery's eyes widened in alarm, his thoughts immediately turning to his friend on Terra planet. However, before he could voice his concerns, Delbrand reassured him, "Don't worry, Emery. I have already dispatched my own trusted agents to protect your friend on Terra."

Relief washed over Emery as gratitude filled his voice. "Thank you, Elder, for your swift response and concern for my friend's safety."

Curiosity tugged at Delbrand as he turned his attention back to Emery, his gaze steady and unwavering. "So, Emery, what are your plans now?" he asked, knowing that Emery's situation had become increasingly perilous.

Emery's mind raced, weighing the options before him. The elven hunters were closing in, leaving him with limited choices. He furrowed his brow, desperately searching for a solution.

Witnessing Emery's troubled state of mind, Delbrand's expression turned serious, his voice filled with conviction. "Actually, I wonder if you would consider accompanying me on my journey... as my disciple," he proposed, his offer laden with potential.

Surprised by the proposition, Emery paused, contemplating the possibilities. However, before he could respond, Grand Magus Yvere interjected, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "The Ghost of Lymhurst taking a disciple? Now, that's something new," he remarked, amused by the unanticipated turn of events.

Delbrand paid no heed to Yvere's comment, keeping his unwavering gaze fixed on Emery. He spoke with earnestness, his words carrying weight. "I understand the urgency of your situation, and I would never force you into servitude. But if you were to join me, I could protect you from the elven hunters and impart my knowledge to you. In twenty years, even that Little Nephilim sub-faction would think twice before challenging you."

Emery's admiration for Delbrand grew, recognizing not only his strength but also his deep connection to the dark element, which made him an ideal mentor for Emery's journey.I think you should take a look at

The offer was generous, one that Emery might have readily accepted under different circumstances. However, the urgency of his current task clouded his judgment.

With utmost respect, Emery responded, "Elder, I am truly honored by your offer. However, at this moment, I am in dire need of recovering my magus core and focusing on honing my nature spells."

Emery proceeded to explain his critical task involving the plant creatures, emphasizing its importance. Delbrand listened intently, his brows furrowed in understanding.

Delbrand turned to Grand Magus Yvere, seeking his assistance. "So, Yvere, are you willing to lend him a hand?" he inquired, hoping for an alternative solution.

Yvere shook his head regretfully, his voice tinged with regret. "As much as I would like to help, I am currently engrossed in my own pressing matters. Moreover, I am not the most suitable person to aid Emery in such a short span of time."

Curiosity piqued, Yvere pressed on, asking, "So, what is your plan, then?"

Concerned about the elven situation, Emery hesitated to divulge his plan, knowing the delicate nature of the information. However, after a moment's contemplation, he decided to disclose some details, cautiously saying, "There is a place highly recommended for me—a wood elves' planet."

Delbrand and Yvere exchanged intrigued glances, their interest sparked. Delbrand probed further, "Which clan?"

Emery hesitated, deliberating the consequences of sharing this information. Eventually, he decided to reveal, "The Vanyar Clan."

Delbrand weighing the potential outcomes. "That might just work," he concluded, his voice filled with newfound hope.

Grand Magus Yvere chimed in, affirming Emery's notion. "The Vanyar Clan is not only neutral but highly respected among the elven races. If you gain entry into their community, no other elf would dare harm you."

Delbrand sighed, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "It seems our paths are not destined to intertwine this time. Perhaps another opportunity will present itself."

Emery expressed his gratitude once again, appreciating the man's wisdom and guidance. "Thank you, Elder, for your kind offer. And if you possess the skill to nurture those plant creatures of yours, who knows? Maybe one day, you could assist us in building the new Magus Academy," he suggested, envisioning a future where they could collaborate.

Delbrand's eyes lit up at the mention of the Magus Academy, a project spearheaded by the Supreme Magus, Altus Dresden. While the details of the academy were still in development, Delbrand's involvement held promise.

"Farewell, Emery. Take care," Delbrand bid him farewell, leaving the room.

Now alone with the caretaker, Emery's mind raced, reminded of the task he had nearly forgotten—the primary reason for his visit

"Elder," Emery turned to the caretaker, his voice filled with curiosity, "I was also wondering about my Privilege class reward. Do you happen to have any information regarding it?" he inquired, hopeful for some insight.

To be continued