


"We did it!" A small yet bright smile could be seen on the trio's faces after they successfully destroyed the most important eyes of the Beholder.

As they had managed to cut the petrifying and recovering eyes, they had successfully cut half of the threat the beholder boasted normally.


The abyss creature let out an indignant growl and unleashed the energy ray through a barrage of attacks, firing the deadly rays on all three of them. The abyss creature also seemed to intend on a grudge vengeance, as it started to charge and bare its sharp teeth towards Emery.

Fortunately, the trio had anticipated this kind of situation, as it was still included in part of the overall plan at the time. Now that terrifying petrifying eyes had been exterminated, the most dangerous attack was the paralysis one unleashed by the main eye.

Seemingly unafraid of the severe consequences, Emery gazed directly into the main eyes of the beholder right in front of him. In actuality, there was no point in closing his eyes, as it was known the beholder could still gaze into him and give the intended impact, both physically and mentally.

When the beholder's mysterious force started to seep into his body, it was clear the time had come for Emery to cast his powerful skill.

[Shaman Transformation]

[Battle power :150 (212)]

The combination of the fifth stage [Immortal Gate], [Battle Howl] and the [Fey Transformation] provided Emery with the necessary amount of battle power to reach the level of a normal magus.

The Shaman Transformation also greatly boosted his spell prowess, but what Emery depended on right now, the real reason he activated it, was the amazing increase in magic resistance.

As Emery gradually transformed, the additional magic resistance allowed him to regain his mobility, as he felt he could move his body again, albeit slowly. In fact, he managed to move just enough to catch the coming charge of sharp teeth of the beholder.

He used all of his 210 battle power into both arms and grabbed the beholder's teeth, holding both jaws up and down. However, with the creature's 250 battle power, Emery still didn't have enough strength to stop the creature physically.

That's where Annara quickly moved in, changing from long range to mid-range. She used both of her whips to quickly entangle the beholder, giving the extra bit of hold Emery needed to keep the creature in place.

This was the second part of the plan. It was with it that their formation was quickly changed.

Knowing he was finally able to successfully grip the creature, Emery quickly shout:


On the cue from Emery, at long last, it became Silva's job to charge from behind. Using her glowing sword, she swung it towards the abyss creature's eyes.


The sword landed, but unfortunately, she did not manage to cut through the dispelling eyes. However, the successful strike also didn't go to waste, as it managed to entirely neutralize one of the energy rays instead.

She was certainly not satisfied with the attack and quickly turned to make another pass at it.

The abyss creature, on the other hand, wouldn't let her way as Its three rays simultaneously aimed at the girl, forced her to dodge and retreat.


A groan subconsciously escaped from Emery's mouth, as he struggled on holding the creature back. He himself was unsure how long he could lock the creature's bite away from his body, but he knew he had to hold on as long as possible. Right now, he could just hope Silva would quickly cut all of the eyes down.

The energy ray, on the other hand, changed its target again. This time, it did not only aim at attacking Silva, yet to each of them instead.

Unable to move out of the way, as it meant he would let go of the creature, Emery had to accept the energy ray that came in his direction. As a result, it blasted through his shoulder.

Annara also has a similar condition as Emery, as she couldn't afford to let go of her whip. Fortunately, she was far enough to make sure that the energy ray would not hit any critical part.

But as soon as the red haired girl's hips got hit, she let out a scream.

"Hurry up bitch!" she shouted toward Silva, who was waiting for the impeccable time to unleash another attack.

Unfortunately for the beholder, one energy ray was not enough to stop Silva from proceeding with her attack. She swiftly used the [Slithering Step] and was successful in running past and stepping on top of the creature.

Splaatt!! Another energy ray's eyes had been swiftly cut apart, leaving only four eyes remaining.

This time, Silva had no plan to leave, with only two rays left, she made the decision to just clean off all the energy ray eyes instead, making the creature lose its long-range attack ability. Thus, the girl ignored the coming ray attack and swiftly cut all the rest of the energy ray eyes.


Unfortunately, just an inch away from cutting the last energy ray, she was finally hit by a ray on her waist and thrown away to the ground by the force of the ray.


Despite the fact he only had three tentacle eyes left, Emery was at the end of his strength.

He was sure he had 2 full minutes to complete his Shaman Transformation. However, now it appeared he had made an error in his calculations.

Evidently, the paralysis attack required a significant amount of his spirit force to block. The result was, just after one minute of transformation, Emery had already felt the corruption acting within him.

"No! No!"

He was unable to let go of his arm from the creature after several attempts; as he was struggling to dislodge from his current predicament, the last ray even continued to shoot at him, causing multiple injuries to his body.

Both Silva and Annara seemed to be unable to make another attack at the moment. Silva had fallen to the ground as the creature hit her earlier, as well as Annara, who was unable to keep her whip in her hands any longer.

There was only one option left for Emery. Instead of giving up and surrendering to the corruption, he decided to force himself to embrace it.

Just as he did when he fought in the Arena with Atlas, he let the dark core to channel its synergy to his heart and by that, he finally made his choice.

[Night Wolf transformation]

[Battle power has increased exponentially]

The last thing Emery remembered doing before he lost his consciousness was him pulling the beholder's two jaws apart and cracking open the mouth of the creature.


To be continued