


The two dwarf masters were extremely friendly as they checked his body from top to bottom. Despite their overflowing excitement, they still made sure to check very meticulously.

Soon after, the information appeared on the screen in front of him.

[Skin - 39% (70%) - good]

[Flesh - 51% (72%) - good]

[Muscle - 59% (81%) - superior]

[Organs - 56% (78%) - good]

[Veins - 48% (76%) - good]

The data was so different compared to his previous one that if he had not personally seen the data taken was his, he would have thought it was someone else's.

Emery looked at his reflection in the mirror, feeling the flesh and muscles on his body. It was as if it was made out of metal fiber.


He could not believe what he was feeling right now. Even without any skills or spells active, he could still feel power emitting from his body.

If this is without any spells, then…!

Emery hurriedly checked his body's stats.

[Emery Ambrose]

[Battle Power: 136]

[Spirit Force: 910]

Emery expected to see a pretty good increase, but the result still stunned him. A whopping increase of 28 battle power! There was also that increase of 6 points in his spirit force, but 28!

"This is amazing!!"

He could not help but swing his body around a few times, as he felt the power. He could feel his body was a little stiff, but it did not prevent him from enjoying the feeling of power freely flowing in his body.

It was not only his physical strength, from the energy flow in his body, he could tell he could now channel the spirit force from both of his cores much more smoothly than before.

His nature core and dark core were filled with power. With the beating of his cores, the power in them was pumped into the major spirit points of his entire body. He almost could not believe there were only 6 points of increase in his spirit force.

The moment Emery wondered where the increase in spirit force came from, the answer came to him. It was the effect of the [Soul Tempering Meditation - Stage One] he just mastered.

Seeing the excitement on Emery's face, the two dwarves also felt excited. For him to be so happy, everything must have gone smoothly!

When Emery noticed Master Grom and Master Dulin's enthusiasm, he suddenly realized something.

Because of how happy he was, he actually forgot to pay respects to his master!

"Master Grom!"

Emery hurriedly bowed to his master. Master Grom did not seem to mind him forgetting to pay respects, but when Emery remembered, the dwarf's expression brightened.

Emery turned to look at the other dwarf next to his apothecary master, unsure of what to call him.

Upon making eye contact, Master Dulin noticed Emery's hesitation.

"Hahaha! We are all family here, you can also consider me your master! Hahahah..." Master Dulin awkwardly laughed.

"Thank you, Master. The result was much better than I expected," Emery praised without holding back. He had to admit, although Master Dulin did not look like it, he was, in fact, very capable.

Upon hearing his praise, Master Dulin's awkwardness was quickly replaced by pride.

Emery was about to continue praising the dwarf, but at this moment, he suddenly received a message through his bracelet.

[Hey, Ambrose, I thought you were going to participate in the rank challenge. Don't forget, it's today. Don't you dare say I did not remind you. I'm such a good guide, aren't I?]

Upon checking, he found it was from Magus Ramora.

The message confused him for a brief moment, but he then realized what was going on.

Emery hurriedly turned to look at Master Dulin. "Master, How long have I been out for?"

As Master Dulin thought about it, the previous proud smile on his face turned awkward once again. "19, no... 20 days."

It finally came to him that today was already the 30th day of the month, the last day of the challenge to get higher-rank rewards for the following month.

It appeared he was out for twice longer than he thought.

"I am sorry, Master, but I must hurry to the main building. I will return as soon as I can and pay you what I owe then. I hope you will excuse me."

Emery being in such a hurry caused the atmosphere around them to turn very awkward. The red-bearded dwarf did not want to allow him to leave, but Master Grom stopped his brother.

"I will see you later, Master."

Emery bowed, before quickly running out of the facility. As soon as he arrived outside, he took out his orbiter and quickly dashed toward the Hyperion main building, hoping he would not be late.

He did spend too much time in that facility, but the amount of battle power he received was worth the time.

However, as Emery ran and flew, he felt that there was something off with his body. He was worried there might be a certain problem or side effect of being in an unconscious state for the last 20 days. He probably should have his body checked first before any fight, but then he remembered the building he was heading to had the whole room and full team to check on him.

Might as well check everything there.

Together with the exponential increase in strength, Emery also felt a strong desire to fight, something he never really experienced before.

"Let's see how many of those privileged I'll get to beat today!"

Meanwhile, back at the body-tempering facility, the air surrounding the two dwarves was serious.

"Brother, why did you stop me before? We still need to do some tests!"

"Huh! We have no way to test his problems anyway… it's not our expertise. I think fighting with his increased power will be the best test for him. This could be a good thing for not only him, but us as well."

Master Grom's calm response in turn calmed the agitated dwarf a little. However, the red-bearded dwarf still could not put down his worry.

"But… brother… if something bad happens, this could quickly become public!"

Master Grom sighed.

"Yes, but think about it… It won't be too easy to blame it on us."

Master Dulin fell silent. It took the dwarf a moment to cool his head and figure out what Master Grom was thinking.

"Ah! I understand now, brother. You are indeed smart!"

As the serious atmosphere dissipated, the two dwarf masters' mood lightened. However, after a few seconds of silence, the red-bearded dwarf suddenly thought of something.

"But, brother, if the kid dies… who will pay for all the ingredients spent?"

This time, it was Master Grom who fell silent.

To be continued