


What actually was the soul?

This was part of the sentences Emery read from the [Soul Tempering Meditation] book. It couldn't help but catch his entire attention, making him fall into a deep contemplation.

For a normal living being, the soul would generally mean the person's consciousness. The spiritual part of a person that was believed to give life to the body.

However, the same couldn't really be applied for cultivators, as this particular group of people had a way to make the soul the center of power, allowing them to live forever.

The book he bought with his precious contribution points contained extensive knowledge and explained the 7 major spirit points that controlled the consciousness of a person's body that would strengthen a somebody's soul. Emery couldn't help but be amazed, as he continued to read the book's contents.

7 major spirit points in humans body

The crown, which is placed on the top of the human head.

The third eye, right in the middle between two eyes.

The throat, which gave power through voices.

The heart, that is the central system of the body.

The solar plexus situated under the chest, where the spirit core was.

The sacral, the one that gave pleasure.

The root, which is located at the end of the spine.

These 7 points would eventually all centralize on the solar plexus below the chest, where the spirit core was. The meditation book showed how to channel the spirit energy into these 7 points in order to achieve its intended effect.

This would then result in the strengthening to the flow of energy coursing through the 7 points, subsequently creating a smoother control of one's spirit energy, as well nourishing the soul.

However, 24 hours after going through such meditation, Emery suddenly discovered a certain anomaly from one of the major spirit points within his body: the chest area. where the heart point was. The place where the blood was pumping from and circulating throughout the whole body.

He realized the liquid and the heated cauldron, which were currently tempering his organs and veins had been rapidly driving his blood in and out of his heart. Meanwhile, the added meditation apparently amplified the anomaly and subsequently generated a chain reaction in the heart, causing his blood to be extremely restless and active.

Due to all these factors, Emery felt as if his body was cooked, roasted and braised by scorching fire from outside and inside at . At first, the sensation he felt was slightly more painful, but as time went on, the pain became twice as much as before.

What Emery was experiencing at the moment was not pain anymore, but thedefinition of pure agony.


"What is going on?!" Master Dulin shouted, as he dashed to the cauldron where Emery was. He quickly did an examination and found out some anomaly on his precious cauldron.

The staff, who were tasked to keep watch of the cauldron, was also confused by the sudden incident. The former told the latter that the internal heat of the cauldron was gradually rising by itself and that the collection of rare ingredients they put in 12 hours ago had largely diminished, making him have to put in more ingredients than the usual routine.

"Should we stop it, Master?" the staff asked Master Dulin, who was currently busy trying to find out what was actually happening.

The situation forced him to use more ingredients than he should have and it certainly made him lose money. However for him, what he hated and was afraid of the most was inconsistent data. For a researcher like him, inconsistent data would naturally mean incorrect results, which subsequently meant disaster.

Based on his experience in the field of alchemy, Master Dulin knew this was a sign before a potion failed in its process. For this particular case, it would lead to the death of the person inside.

"No! If a privileged acolyte died in my lab it would be extremely bad, both for me and you. I might even lose my master title!!"

The dwarf master turn furious and called out more of his staff to come and help this particular cauldron.

"Hurry up and put more ingredients inside! You have to make sure the temperature is still within our control and margin of error!"

Unfortunately, both sides, Emery and Master Dulin, had absolutely no clue of what was going on in each of their sides, which obviously was the recipe of disaster.

[Battle point increase by one]

[Battle point increase by one]

[Battle point increase by one]

[Battle point increase by one]

[Battle point increase by one]

While Emery undergoing a hellish torture akin to his body slowly being torn apart bit by bit, his battle points on the other hand grew twice as fast. It was as if the excruciating pain and suffering he experienced was a currency and exchanged for a precious commodity called battle points.

The truth was, Emery was already prepared to quit and escape from this cauldron, but immediately after he found he was unable to move his body, no matter how hard he tried.

He couldn't even make any sound or cast any spell, as the pain had taken over his emtire body function.

He could clearly feel his heart was pumping like crazy, as if it was on drugs, while his blood was boiling into its highest ceiling. It was also at this point that Emery could even feel some changes in his blood.

There was something that managed to emerge from the blood, a little bit from all over his body, it then coalesced with each other before rushing into his heart. The moment it did so, a shocking message popped into his mind.

[Unknown essence has entered your heart]

[Your body has been corrupted]

'What is that supposed to mean?', Emery thought in the midst of his seemingly perpetual agony.

Then all of a sudden, Emery felt as if his heart had cut off all connection to his spirit cores, making him unable to feel his two cores and his other 6 spirit points. Then, he started feeling his consciousness begin to diminish.

"W-what is… happening… to me..."

As if it answered his question, another message appeared in his mind.

[Warning! Your body is unable to keep up with the rapid changes currently happening]

This time, Emery could tell the notification came with him losing control of his body. It was as if his body finally couldn't take it and decided to shut itself down.

Everything started to turn dark. Emery instinctively knew this could be his last.

"No…" muttered Emery weakly. "I… cannot give up now... I can't…"

Mustering the last energy and willpower he had, Emery forced his consciousness to enter his dual core that was full of spirit energy. Afterwards, he exploded all the energy inside like setting off a firework.


The huge cauldron exploded, shocking the alchemy master and a group of staff standing around him. They all had gathered because of the commotion.

After everything had calmed down, Master Dulin and his staff quickly rushed over and the latter immediately inspected the body that was lying on the floor, only to discover something that evoked shock and disbelief on his face.

"Master… he's dead."

Master Dulin's instantly changed when he heard that. He immediately pushed the staff aside and inspected Emery's body himself. Moments later, his face turned ugly as he came to the same conclusion his staff had made.

It's true the kid's heart had stopped beating. If that wasn't enough to prove the kid was dead, Master Dulin could no longer detect any activity in the former's brain.

"He's really dead!"

To be continued