


This was certainly a shocking development.

It took his mind a few moments before it could completely process what the latter had said. And when it did it, the shock on his face only became exponentially apparent.

In reality, Emery and his friends were already fortunate enough to be included within the elite class in spite of all the bias and discrimination they received as those of the lower class.

The elite class; ten classes where each consisted of fifty elite acolytes, totaling in five hundreds elites which made up the top 5% echelon of the acolytes in the Magus Academy. But these elite groups were nothing in comparison to the one offered by the headmaster.

The privileged class; one particular and significant class which only housed the most exceptional of these 'elites'. Those who were in this class were the top 1% echelon, with only one hundred or so members.

These privilege group acolytes were provided and given the best of the best the academy had - guidance, artifacts, consumables, items, facilities, and so on.

Most importantly, the privileged class would give out status, or rather, a standing that would definitely be very important for an acolyte of lower realm such as him. Hence being offered to enter the privileged class was certainly a one-of-kind fortune.

However, Emery was not as naive as he was before. He was sure there was nothing called a charity in this competitive academy, especially a matter as significant as this.

While he was trying to contemplate, the headmaster continued on speaking.

"There is one thing I need from you before I grant your privilege class."

As soon as the headmaster said those words, Emery took a deep breath, stared at the new headmaster with confidence and said, "Alright, headmaster. Tell me what you need."

"It's more like a requirement really.." said the headmaster when he saw how Emery looked. "I can't let you in the privileged class without you showing me how much you have improved since three years ago, after all."

The headmaster once again turned his gaze and looked at the cube. "You have the necessary battle power and spirit force. However you are only a rank 8 and all of the other one hundred acolytes in the privilege class have reached rank 9"

The headmaster tore his eyes from the screen and stared at Emery as he said, "Do you think you can break through to rank 9 in a week?"

Emery's face gradually turned strange after he heard the headmaster's question. That was definitely an absurd one. He couldn't even fulfill the 1000 spirit force requirement by then, let alone making a breakthrough. Therefore, he only quietly shook his head.

As if he had expected Emery's answer, the headmaster nodded his head.

"Yes.. I thought so. Your dual core certainly makes the matter tricky. In fact, it would be an achievement already if you manage to reach rank 9 before the end of the year."

The headmaster then put down the cube and said, "Then, in exchange, I will need you to show extraordinary results in the upcoming Magus Games that will be held next week."

Emery was about to ask what the other party meant by extraordinary results when his question was immediately answered.

"For starters, let's say reaching level 5. Yes, that should be enough.." said the headmaster followed with a nod. He then turned to Emery. "So that's the requirement."

As expected, there would be another Magus Game just like what Emery and his friends had participated in their second year.

Even though Emery had no idea what kind of game it would be this time and how hard reaching stage five was, it came without asking that he would try his best to get the best result he could achieve.

Hence the headmaster currently really was just offering him an extra gift if he accomplished well in the upcoming game.

Not willing to believe such a level of generosity was offered to a common boy from a lower realm, he proceeded to ask.

"W-why? ..Why are you offering me this, headmaster?"

Unexpectedly, the headmaster looked at him with what Emery assumed as amusement. The former had a pondering expression on his face for a moment before saying, "I am not Headmaster Altus. He has his own method while I have mine. For me, I am only here to find and nurture the best talent"

Seeing the look of disbelief on Emery's face, he continued. "You hailing from a lower realm not only further proof and reinforce my point, but also mean that you are untainted by all the politics of the magus world. Hence my belief that you have no involvement with whatever those old wolves are doing right now."

"In addition, the fact that you are able to reach rank 4 of your bloodline and having a dual core with the situation you are in, this is the kind of potential and talent that I wish to see."

To be honest, Emery found it hard to not like what he was hearing at this point. However, before he could show how grateful he was by the offer, the new headmaster once again stared at him with a sharp gaze that sent chills down his spine.

"Emery Ambrose, don't ever think of this offer of mine as a gift. With our current situation with the elves, I want to see only the most talented receive the best resources and expect the best results. Hence don't you dare waste this opportunity!"

"Now you may leave!"

At the same time, the door behind him was opened widely. Emery didn't even have the chance to deliver his gratitude as he was immediately told to leave the room.

Walking out of the room, Emery was still processing what just happened. He didn't know if the new headmaster had any hidden agenda or anything of that sort, but what he heard today was enough to give the other party his sincere bow and gratitude.

Turning around and looking at the already closed door, Emery muttered. "Thank you, headmaster."

He turned and walked away. His steps were calm, but one could see an excited look evident on his face. He was excited by the fact that he could finally access what the Magus Academy could offer to him once again.

But before that, he planned to find the others first.

Cool breezes blew upon his face as Emery walked down the pathway, and went towards where the other elite acolytes had gathered.

To be continued