


Upon hearing such a shocking yet questionable statement, Emery and the others didn't know how to react to that.

Wasn't Earth already theirs? Why should they take it back? What did Lord Izta mean? These thoughts were swirling inside Emery and his friends' minds.

After unleashing such a statement, Lord Izta ignored the confusion of Emery and the others and took out a certain cube from his ring. The cube was transparent blue and looked like it was fragmented into pieces, but something held those pieces together, creating a unique construct never seen before.

Lord Izta then gave the cube a slight touch. In the blink of an eye, the whole hall suddenly turned pitch black. Tens of thousands of small motes of lights could be seen coming out of the cube, illuminating the dark hall. It was then followed by hundreds of spheres with different features and colors.

The current view inside the hall was similar to the one shown by Magus Minerva on the first day Emery arrived at the academy.

While Emery and the others were still stunned by the sudden spectacle before him, Lord Izta began to explain about The Universe.

The Universe was separated into nine quadrants, and each quadrant had its own galaxies and planets, which numbered tens of thousands for the former and billions for the latter. Humans and elves each controlled three quadrants in The Universe, while the remaining three were considered chaotic quadrants that weren't dominated by either.

Every year, the Magus Academy would select 10,000 acolytes from tens of thousands human planets. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the planets were lower worlds, with 20% of them being mid level worlds and only 1% being considered high level worlds.

It was proved by the statistics that the high level worlds would breed much better magus than the lower ones. Therefore, influenced by the war, the Magus Academy created a system that prevailed thousands of years.

A system that favored those from the higher level worlds. The low level worlds would only have 10% of the placements in the academy every year, while the remaining percentage was divided equally between the mid and high level.

As a result, the high level worlds would receive abundant yearly placements into the academy, while the lower worlds would be fortunate to receive placements every one thousand years.

The candidates who showed better stats would also automatically receive better treatment and resources during their time in the academy. Hence, the creation of the elite and privileged classes. They were the groups that were considered much more worthy of the resources provided by the academy.

After all, talent and resources were treated as the most important commodities within the universe.

If the high level worlds were seen as places where to find talents, then the lower worlds were 'resources' points, which were energy, food and manpower or slaves.

"This is outrageous!" Julian shouted loudly, when he heard Earth was just a resource point.

However, as a Roman soldier whose country had been actively conquering its neighboring nations, Julian fully understood this. Now he knew there were bigger hands at work and Earth was just a little tiny dot in the universe, while he, himself, couldn't probably be counted even as a microorganism in the grand scale of the picture. Julian couldn't help but turn emotional.

Emery himself couldn't help but think about the current way the academy worked, less placements and less resources... How could the lower worlds acolytes ever compete with the higher ones? Even if they were more talented they would always fall short…

This time Magus Xion added his thoughts, "You all must understand we are currently at war. In fact, many believe the headmaster has already been too kind for giving 10% placement to the lower worlds. Some factions even tried to lower the percentage even more for their own benefits."

The depressed atmosphere increased even more when they heard that. But then, Magus Xion continued, "However, your performance today might give some significant meaning for the headmaster. A lower world acolyte able to reach first place almost never happens. Your achievement prove to others there are talented people among the lower worlds."

Lord Izta then dragged his hands through the air and zoomed into one particular blue-colored sphere, "This is Earth, our planet and home."

Emery and the others were mesmerized, as they saw how their planet looked. Meanwhile, Lord Izta sighed deeply, as his eyes landed on this particular sphere. The sight of it somehow made him bitter.

Lord Izta then stretched his finger and touched the blue sphere and a screen immediately appeared, showing the information about the planet.

[Planet 1002 - Earth]

[M - class planet - lower world]

[Sovereign - Nephilim faction]

While the others were still amazed, Emery realized Klea looked shocked. Hence, he asked what was wrong.

"That name... There was this written record from an old civilization located near Egypt. The record mentioned about the gods who came from the stars. Nephilim was the name written there, they also have another name... It's the Annunaki. But it was a thousand year old record and most details about them were lost in the great flood."

"Who or what is this Nephilim faction?" Emery asked.

Upon hearing the question, Lord Izta looked at Emery and slowly answered, "They are the first settler of our planet, the ones who brought civilization to our world."

"Then... they are the good guys?" Thrax asked, sounding unsure.

Lord Izta suddenly laughed, "Hahahaha!! Yes, they are!" But then, the expression on Lord Izta's face instantly changed, "But they are also responsible for killing billions of our people."

Seeing the clear shock on their faces, Magus Xion said what he knew about the faction, "The Nephilim are known to be not only one of the major factions, but also one of the cruelest. I knew of a lower world that was turned into blood overnight because of a simple dispute with this faction," Magus Xion stopped for a second, hesitant and then continued, "And one more thing… Lord Izta here is one of their greatest generals."

"!!!" Everyone was further shocked by the revelation and they simultaneously turned their head toward Lord Izta.

"Yes, he is right! It was a choice I made and I had to live with it for the past 2,000 years."

For a split second, Emery swore he could see great sorrow and regret on Lord Izta's face.

Magus Xion then continued his words, "The human alliance had trusted your planet, your home, to the Nephilim faction. They can do anything they want with your planet, as they are the 'caretaker'. They could also simply destroy your planet using the cover of 'benefit for the human race'."

Magus Xion took a glance towards Lord Izta and said.

"The Great Izta Champion of the Realm, the Bow of the Banished will never admit it, but I am sure he joined the faction to make sure that they would leave your world alone!"

"That's enough, Xion!!"

Xion instantly showed his respect towards Izta.

"I am sorry Senior, I believe the more they understand this fact, the better they will improve."

"Yes, I understand..." Lord Izta replied wearily.

Lord Izta then turned his body facing towards Emery and the others, the expression on his face was extremely serious. "It's been 2,000 years since I last set foot on Earth. I was a king, a ruler, the champion of our people. The Great Gilgamesh! But regrettably, I have already reached the end of my time. For years, I have lost hope in my cultivation, as I couldn't break through into the Grand Magus realm. And due to that, I am sure the days of peace on Earth are numbered."

"Me and my friends didn't manage to do it, but you! You all are the new generation of Earth's Magus. Hence, you must show to those people Earth isn't just a farm. Do you all understand?!"

As they stood in front of the great man, who exuded such formidable aura, Klea, who knew what the name entailed, swiftly knelt on the ground and gave respect. Emery and the others also unconsciously follow her gesture.

Lord Izta walked towards Klea and Emery, "If one of you could make it into the privileged class, then it will all be much simpler. Therefore, Emery, Klea, I will give you all my support to help you win the next Magus Game's trial."

Upon hearing of this revelation, Emery suddenly felt a huge burden on his shoulder. After all, a lot of stakes were placed on the incoming game.

Meanwhile, Lord Izta turned towards Chumo, Thrax, and Julian, "As for you three! you will not leave the fate of our world to a girl and this dumb-looking boy, right? Hence, I also have prepared a plan for you three!"

To be continued