


    You said goodnight to the brothers and headed to your bathroom. You turned on the shower and peeled of your sweaty clothes. You jumped into the shower and reached for the shampoo when you suddenly fell. You groaned and tried to get back up but couldnt.

     You looked down to see a large blue and green tail. A mermaid tail. You screamed at the top of your lungs and reached up to turn off the shower. When you did turn it off you choked. It felt like you were suffocating. You turned the shower back on when you heard Dean at the door.

"What the hell is going on in there?"

"Uuuh... nothing!"

You cursed as your words came out shaky and nervous.

"Y/n let me in or I will bust this door down!"

"Well then do it! I cant open the door!"

"Y/n! Yes you can, if your cutting in there I swear-"

"I literally open the door! I cant even !"

Suddenly you realized you were half naked, the other half being a fucking fishtail and all. You grabbed your baggy shirt you were going to change inti and put it on right ad the door burst down.

     You looked up to see Dean and Sam standing in the doorway with completr shock all over their faces.

"Your a... uh... mermaid?"

"What does it look like dumbass!?"

Suddenly Dean reached for the shower handle and turned it off and you started to choke again. You tried to reach for the handle but Sam and Dean dragged you out of the bathtub, fully stretching your tail so I covered more than half of the bathroom.

     Sam and Dean kept asking you what was wrong and before you could reply by flipping them off and pointing to the shower the was a bright flash of light.

    You gasped in air again, you could breathe again! You looked down to see you had both of your legs back. The hell did that witch do to you?

"The hell is going on y/n?"

"I dont know, its like I randomly become a-a and I cant breathe without water?!"

"What? You cant?"

"Well I can right now! When im like I cant. Thanks for nearly suffocating me boys."

You stood up and brushed past the boys to your bed.

"Now get out of my room!"

They both filed out as you cleaned up and went to bed.

     That was the weirdest thing ive ever seen. Y/n had a giant fishtail, she was a mermaid basicslly. Her tail was about 4 feet long... and was really cool looking.

"What happened back there?"

"I havr no idea Sam, but all I know is y/n is some kind of... ."

"Its so strange, do you think the witch did this?"

"Probably, now lets get to bed alright?"

"Alright, night."



    You opened the door to the library when you were drenched in water. You looked up to see a hanging bucket above you. To your right was a huge tin bucket, almost like a bathtub, full of water.

"What the hell-"

God Dammit. You were a... gosh you hated thag word so much. You were a again. Sam suddenly picked you up and threw you into the large tin bath, so you could breathe.

"I told you Dean."

"Told him "

"Whenever you touch a large amount of water, you become a-"


"I was going to say-"

"You were to say fish person."

"Uh... ok. Anyways I had to test my theory before I could say the cure."

"Good because im tired of having one fat scaley leg instead of my two human legs."