
Dean x Reader

    You slowly crept through the strange house. You had gotten worried about Dean, and tracked his phone which led you to a abandoned mansion in the middle of a thick forest. You knew that they were dealing with demons, but they said there had been a few more 'bad guys' than expected. They didnt know that you were secretly a hunter, and you werent willing to tell your father for a while.

You slowly crept into another room when you heard heavy breathing from underneath you. You searched the floor and found a secret latch. You lifted up the trap door to reveal Sam and Dean crammed inbetween the floor and the ground, both knocked out. You dragged them out one by one and tried to wake them.

After a while they both came to their senses, and when Dean saw you his eyes filled with worry.

"Y/n! You cant be here you dont know what were dealing with! Its dangerous!"

"Relax Dean, I know your dealing with a couple demons."

Dean looked at you with shock and anger. He looked at you as you cut the ropes holding his arms and legs together, and then you moved to Sam.

"Well if you know about demons, then you know how dangerous they are."

"Dad, I hunt, I have since I was seven."

"What? How did you even find out?"

"You left out grandpas notebook and I read it, and then I decided to help you. You should be thankful ya know."

Dean and Sam looked at you with dropped jaws. You chuckled when you all suddenly snapped your attention to the demon that just entered the room. He smiled as his eyes flashed black.

You and Dean charged at him, and tried to stab him multiple times, but this demon was well trained. Suddenly a strong hand grabbed your shoulder and turned you around. There were multiply demons, Sam and Dean were off fighting other demons, and there were three circling you.

You were able to stab one of the demons, but then something cold and sharp peirced your back, and you knew you had been stabbed. Dean ran in from the other room after he had killed the other demons, and saw you laying on the floor.

I saw y/n laying on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding her. Her eyes were lifeleas and her skin was pale and cold. I knew shewas dead, but I didnt want to beleive it. I should have warned her better, I should have raised her better. She shouldnt have always been left alone in the bunker for weeks. I should have known she would find out.

I cradled her dead body and sobbed. She was my only daughter and reminded me so much of her mother, now they were both gone. Forever.