
7 chapter 7

That bridal sedan chair was made of bright red satin, embroidered with flowers, round moons, dragons, and phoenixes. Nan Feng and Fu Yao, one on the left and one on the right, guarded the bridal sedan chair. Xie Lian sat upright in the sedan chair, leisurely swaying as the sedan bearers walked.

The eight sedan bearers were all military officials with outstanding martial arts skills. In order to find skilled sedan bearers to disguise themselves as a wedding procession, Nan Feng and Fu Yao directly went to the official's mansion and revealed their skills, clearly stating that they were going to investigate Mount Yu Jun. Without saying anything further, the official pulled out a row of tall and strong military officials. However, the reason they were looking for people with outstanding martial arts wasn't because they expected them to be able to help. They only wanted them to be able to protect themselves and escape when the ghosts attacked.

In reality, however, these eight military officials didn't think much of them. They were first-class experts in the mansion, and where weren't they the leaders of the heroes? These two pretty boys actually rode on their heads and even made them carriage bearers. It could be said that they were very unhappy. They couldn't disobey their master's orders, so they forcefully suppressed the disdain in their hearts. However, they were still angry and couldn't help but flare up. From time to time, their feet would tilt and their hands would shake, causing the sedan chair to shake. Outsiders couldn't see it, but if the person sitting in the sedan chair was a little more delicate, they would probably vomit until the sky turned black.

As the sedan chair shook, sure enough, they heard Xie Lian quietly sigh from inside. The military officials couldn't help but secretly feel proud.

Outside, Fu Yao coldly said, "Miss, what's wrong? Getting married at such an old age, are you so happy that you're crying? "

Indeed, when a bride got married, many of them would cry and wipe their tears on the bridal sedan chair. Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but when he opened his mouth, his voice was calm and natural, without a trace of discomfort. "No, it's just that I suddenly discovered that this wedding procession is missing something very important."

Nan Feng asked, "What's missing? We should have prepared everything that needs to be prepared. "

Xie Lian smiled and said, "Two dowry maids."

"… …"

The two people outside coincidentally looked at each other. It was unknown what kind of scene they were imagining, but they both felt a chill. Fu Yao said, "Just think of it as your family being poor and having no money to buy maids."

Xie Lian said, "Alright then."

The bearers could not help but laugh as they listened to their banter. With this, the dissatisfaction in their hearts dissipated quite a bit, and their desire to get closer increased. The palanquin also steadied itself. Xie Lian leaned back, sat upright and still, and closed his eyes to rest.

Who knew that not long after, a child's laughter suddenly sounded in his ears.

Giggle, giggle, giggle.

His laughter spread like ripples in the wilderness, ethereal and strange. However, the bridal sedan chair did not stop and continued to move steadily. Even Nan Feng and Fu Yao didn't make a sound, as if they hadn't noticed anything unusual.

Xie Lian opened his eyes and said in a low voice, "Nan Feng, Fu Yao."

Nanfeng, who was on the left side of the sedan chair, asked, "What's wrong?"

Xie Lian said, "Something's coming."

At this time, the 'bridal procession' had already entered the depths of Mount Yu Jun.

The surroundings grew quieter and quieter. Even the creaking of the wooden sedan chairs, the crushing of broken branches and withered leaves, and the breathing of the sedan chair bearers seemed a little noisy in the midst of this silence.

However, that child's laughter still hadn't disappeared. Sometimes it was far away, as if it was in the depths of the forest. Sometimes it was near, as if it was lying next to the sedan chair.

Nan Feng solemnly said, "I didn't hear anything."

Fu Yao also coldly said, "I didn't hear anything either."

As for the other sedan chair bearers, it was even more impossible.

Xie Lian said, "That is to say, it deliberately let only me hear it.

The eight military officials were originally confident in their martial arts. In addition, they felt that the ghost bridegroom didn't follow any rules when marrying, so they wouldn't be able to accomplish anything tonight. Thus, they weren't that afraid. However, for some reason, they suddenly thought of the forty military officials who had mysteriously disappeared. A few of their foreheads broke out in a cold sweat. Xie Lian sensed that someone's footsteps had stopped and said, "Don't stop. Pretend that nothing happened. "

Nan Feng waved his hand, indicating for them to continue walking. Xie Lian then said, "He's singing."

Fu Yao asked, "What is he singing?"

Carefully listening to that child's voice, Xie Lian slowly and clearly said, "New bride, new bride, new bride on the red sedan chair … …"

In the silence of the night, his slightly slow voice could be heard clearly. It was clearly him, but the eight military officials felt as if they could hear the voice of a childish child singing this strange little ballad with him. They felt their hairs stand on end.

Xie Lian continued, "Eyes brimming with tears, crossing the hill, under the veil don't … … smile … … ghost bridegroom? Or what? "

After pausing for a moment, he said, "I can't. It kept laughing, so I couldn't hear it clearly. "

Nan Feng frowned and asked, "What does that mean?"

Xie Lian said, "The literal meaning. It's telling the bride sitting in the sedan chair to only cry and not laugh. "

Nan Feng said, "I'm asking why this thing ran over to remind you."

Fu Yao, on the other hand, always had a different opinion. He said, "It might not necessarily be a reminder. It could also be deliberately doing the opposite. In fact, only by laughing can one be safe and sound. However, its goal is to trick people into crying. It's hard to guarantee that the previous brides didn't fall for it just like that. "

Xie Lian said, "Ah, Fu Yao, if an ordinary bride heard this kind of voice on the road, she would probably be scared to death. How could she still laugh? Moreover, regardless of whether I laugh or cry, what's the worst result? "

Fu Yao said, "Being kidnapped."

Xie Lian said, "Isn't this the goal of our journey tonight?"

Fu Yao snorted, but he didn't continue to refute. Xie Lian said, "Also, there's something I feel I have to tell you."

Nan Feng asked, "What is it?"

Xie Lian said, "From the moment I got on the sedan chair, I started laughing."

"… …"

Just as he finished speaking, the sedan chair suddenly sank!

The eight military officials outside suddenly became restless, causing the sedan chair to completely stop. Nan Feng shouted, "Don't panic!"

Xie Lian slightly raised his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Fu Yao indifferently said, "Nothing. I just ran into a group of beasts. "

Just as he finished answering, Xie Lian heard a mournful wolf howl cut through the night sky.

A pack of wolves was blocking the way!

No matter how Xie Lian thought about it, he still felt that this wasn't normal. He asked, "May I ask, do wolf packs often appear on Mount Yu Jun?"

One of the military officials outside answered, "I've never heard of it! How could this be Mount Yu Jun! "

Xie Lian raised his eyebrows and said, "En, then we've come to the right place."

It was just a pack of barren mountain wolves, so they couldn't do anything to Nan Feng and Fu Yao. They also couldn't do anything to that group of military officials who climbed on the edge of a knife all year round. It was just that they were all pondering that ghostly ballad, so they were caught off guard and startled. In the dark night of the wild forest, pairs of faint green wolf eyes lit up. Pack after pack of hungry wolves slowly walked out of the forest and surrounded them. However, these beasts that could be seen and hit were much stronger than those things that couldn't be heard or touched. Thus, everyone rolled up their sleeves and prepared to start a massacre. However, the best part was yet to come. Closely following their footsteps, rustling and rustling sounds rang out. It sounded like a beast, yet not a beast, yet not a human.

One of the military officials cried out in alarm, "This … … What is this! What is this thing!!! "

Nan Feng also cursed out loud. Xie Lian knew in his heart that a sudden change had occurred. Wanting to stand up, he asked, "What is it now?"

Nan Feng immediately said, "Don't come out!"

Xie Lian had just raised his hand when the body of the sedan suddenly shook. It seemed as if something was clinging onto the sedan door. Xie Lian didn't lower his head. Instead, he slightly lowered his gaze. Through the crack of the veil, he saw something black at the back of its head.

It had actually climbed into the sedan!

That thing crashed into the sedan door, but it was suddenly dragged out by the people outside. Nan Feng cursed in front of the sedan, "Motherf * cker, it's a lowly slave!"

As soon as he heard it was a lowly slave, Xie Lian knew that this was going to be troublesome.

In Ling Wen Palace Hall's judgement, a lowly slave was something that didn't even deserve the 'evil' evaluation.

It was said that lowly slaves were originally humans, but looking at it now, even if they were humans, they would still be deformed. It had a head and a face, but it was indistinct. It had hands and feet, but they were powerless to walk straight. It had a mouth and teeth, but they couldn't bite people to death even after half a day. However, if everyone had to choose, they would rather encounter the more frightening 'evil' or 'fierce' than encounter it.

That was because lowly slaves often appeared together with other demons and ghosts. When the prey was fighting with the enemy, it would suddenly appear and use its endlessly entangling hands and feet, sticky body fluids, and its companions that would advance wave after wave to entangle the prey like sticky candy. Although its fighting strength was low, because of its extremely tenacious vitality, it would often appear in groups. No matter what you did, you wouldn't be able to shake them off, and it would also be very difficult to quickly kill them. Gradually, one's strength would be exhausted and they would trip over. There would always be a moment of carelessness when the enemy waiting for an opportunity would succeed.

And after the prey was killed by other demons and ghosts, the lowly slave would pick up the leftover limbs and eat them with relish, gnawing until the ground was full of holes.

This was truly an extremely disgusting thing. If it was a Heavenly Official from the Heavenly Court, they would naturally be able to scare them into retreating with a divine aura and a weapon. However, for the minor Heavenly Officials of the Heavenly Court, this thing was extremely difficult to deal with. Fu Yao said in disgust from afar, "I, hate, this thing the most! Did Ling Wen Palace Hall ever say anything about this? "

Xie Lian said, "No."

Fu Yao said, "What's the use of him!"

Xie Lian asked, "How many came?"

Nan Feng said, "More than a hundred, maybe even more! Don't come out! "

For things like lowly slaves, the more there were, the stronger they were. If there were more than ten, then it would be very difficult to deal with. More than a hundred? It would be more than enough to drag them to death. Generally, it liked to live in places with a lot of people. He never would have thought that Mount Yu Jun would have so many of them. Xie Lian pondered for a moment before slightly raising his arm, revealing a small part of his wrist that was wrapped in bandages.

He said, "Go."

As soon as these two words came out, the white silk suddenly slipped off his wrist. As if it had a life of its own, it flew out of the curtain of the sedan chair.

Xie Lian sat upright in the sedan chair and warmly said, "Strangle them."

In the dark of the night, a white shadow suddenly slithered out like a poisonous snake.

When that white silk was wrapped around Xie Lian's wrist, it looked like it was at most a few feet long. However, when this ghost-like lightning shuttled through the battlefield, it seemed endless. Only a series of 'ka ka', 'ka ka' sounds could be heard. In the blink of an eye, dozens of wild wolves and lowly slaves had their necks broken!

The six lowly slaves that were entangled with Nan Feng instantly died and fell to the ground. Nan Feng had sent a wild wolf flying with a palm, but he didn't feel the slightest bit relieved. Instead, he looked at the sedan chair in disbelief and said, "What is that thing!? Didn't you say that you don't have any spiritual power and can't use a magic weapon?! "

Xie Lian said, "There are always exceptions to everything … …"

Nan Feng was extremely furious. He slammed his palm on the sedan chair's door. "Xie Lian! Tell me clearly, what is that thing?! Is it … … "

This slap of his almost made the entire sedan chair fall apart. Xie Lian had no choice but to raise his hand to support the door. He was slightly startled. The tone of Nan Feng's words actually made him recall Feng Xin's appearance when he was angry in the past. Nan Feng was about to say something when he suddenly heard the blood-curdling screams of the military officials in the distance. Fu Yao coldly said, "If you have anything to say, then say it after repelling this wave!"

Nan Feng had no choice but to go and save the situation. Xie Lian quickly regained his senses and said, "Nan Feng, Fu Yao, you guys leave first."

Nan Feng turned his head. "What?"

Xie Lian said, "If you guys surround the sedan chair, there will always be more things coming. If you can't fight them all, then take the people and leave first. I'll stay behind to meet that groom. "

Nan Feng wanted to scold him again. "You're alone … …" Fu Yao coldly said, "In any case, he can use that silk, so nothing will happen to him for a while. If you have the time to pull and pull, why don't you first settle this group down before coming back to help? I'll leave first. "

He was actually very carefree and straightforward. When he said he would leave, he didn't delay for even a moment. Nan Feng clenched his teeth. In his heart, he knew that Xie Lian's words weren't false. He also said to the remaining military officials, "Follow me first!"

Sure enough, after leaving the sedan chair, although the wolf pack and the lowly slaves were still entangled, there was no new wave joining the siege. The two of them protected four military officials each. As they walked, Fu Yao bitterly said, "Outrageous, if it weren't for me … …"

After saying this, the two of them looked at each other with strange gazes. Fu Yao swallowed his words and turned his head away. For the time being, the two of them stopped talking and continued hurriedly moving forward.

Corpses littered the ground all around the sedan chair.

The silk Ruoye had already strangled all the wolves and lowly slaves that had pounced on it. It flew back and automatically wrapped itself around his wrist. Xie Lian quietly sat in the sedan chair, surrounded by the endless darkness and rustling sea of trees.

Suddenly, everything went silent.

The sound of the wind, the sound of the sea of trees, and the roars of the demonic creatures. In an instant, everything fell into a deathly stillness, as if they were afraid of something.

Then, he heard two very light laughs.

It sounded like a young man, but also like a teenager.

Xie Lian sat upright and didn't speak.

The silk Ruoye quietly coiled around his hand, accumulating power and waiting to attack. As long as the newcomer revealed a trace of murderous intent, it would immediately and frantically counterattack ten times over.

Who would have thought that instead of the sudden attack and murderous intent, he would encounter something else?

The curtain of the sedan chair was slightly lifted. Through the gap under the bright red veil, Xie Lian saw the newcomer extend a hand towards him.