
~New Pet?~ Chapter 8

Mia runs home after her shift was done and heads straight to home wondering if they will actually say yes.

Mia reaches the house and takes a deep breath then steps one foot on the porch, then the other one untill she's right in front of the door nob.

She takes out her keys and puts it in the key hole, then twist the key so that it unlocks the door. She opens the door and then walk in to find them all at the table waiting for her.

Luna gets up from her chair then runs to Mia with a big smile and hugging her."your home!" "We have to tell u something here come sit" Luna says while grabbing her hand and leading her to the table where eveyone else is.

Mia sits down and asks "so...what's the matter?". Jordans father clears his throat and looks at Mia with a look that she knows he's hiding something from her.

Mia feels her throat start to get hard to where she can't really swallow anymore. Jordans dad then says "so.." "we have something to show you".

Mia looks at him with a confused look and then looks at Jordan and Luna smiling at Mia. "W-what do u want to show me.." Mia says while unfolding her hands and putting them in her hands.

Jordan dad lip says he will be right back and then leaves the table going into the living room. He comes back with a box in his hand and it's moving.

Mia feels her heart beating fast w-why is the box moving... She says saying to her self i-is there an animal in there and if so what kind..

Jordans dad takes out what's inside the box and Mia goes in complete shock mode..."what do you think Mia?" Luna says while tapping her but, Mia just stays still with out saying anything just looking at what Jim's holding.