

Jungkook X Reader X Taehyung -------------------------------- "Don't leave me Y/n, please.", he said in a very low tone with tears in his eyes. "I don't want to see your face again Taehyung.", with that I walked away. --------------------------------- A short and sad love story.

_oobhrinoob_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


I was now sitting on my bed and planning out the upcoming schedule for moron model Taehyung. I literally got transferred here as the stylist, but it feels as if I am moron model Taehyung's secretary. I don't mind being a secretary of such a handsome man, but the way he acts, it really gets on my nerves. His attitude spoils everything. He looks good and all, but only if he had a different attitude, things would have been much better. No matter how hard I try to behave sweetly with him, he always behaves cold, rude, and arrogant towards me. With these thoughts crossing my head, my mind suddenly drove off to what happened yesterday.


I was at my small office room that was provided to me by the company. My room was just beside moron model Taehyung's room. Our rooms shared a common glass partition that had blinds. Through the blinds you can see the other side. It was when, I was working, and suddenly I felt being watched. As I looked up, I saw that moron model staring at me. As soon as our eyes met, he looked away. That's suspicious. I didn't understand why he was looking at me like that. He was staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

After a while of working, I was stretching my arms when my eyes landed on him. He is really ethereal. He is beautiful. He really is. It wasn't like I had a crush on him or something, but he had an appearance that is very pleasing to eyes. Once your eyes land on him, and that's it, you can't take it off. That is exactly what happened to me that time. I really lost track of time when I was staring at him. I was so busy admiring his features, that I didn't notice that he was already staring back.

I felt as if his gaze was piercing right through my soul. He was sending me death glares. I quickly took my eyes off him and looked down at the papers scattered on my table. I acted as if nothing happened and pretended to work. After a few seconds I heard a knock on my door.

"Yes? Come in!", I said looking up towards the door. There stood that idiotic person.


"Umm, yes sir? What is-", I was speaking when he cut me off mid-sentence. He literally has a bad habit of cutting people off mid-sentence.

"Why were you staring at me like that? Huh?! Am I some showpiece at a meuseum?", he said rudely.

"No sir. It isn't li-", I was speaking and he cut me off again. What the fuck is his problem? Damn! How bad I wanna smack his head through the wall and give him a super-man punch right on his jaw.

"Then what is it huh?!", he spat. I mean like how? How can someone be so dumb? I was explaining the same thing in the first place right?!

"I am sorry sir. It won't repeat. I promise.", I said, annoyed.

"That's better. Now focus on your work and stop sneaking on people.", he said and with that he left.

Now if I think hard, I guess he was the one that was sneaking on me. He started it. He literally has two worst habits. First, cutting people mid-sentence and second, blaming things on people.


I was busy making the schedule when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw messages from an unknown number. Upon opening the chat, my jaw almost dropped on the floor. It was from moron model Taehyung. I immediately saved his number.

Moron Model Taehyung Kim:| :

This is Taehyung.

Don't think I'm a creep or smthg that's stlkng u. I have better jobs to do n I'm least interested in women like u.

Mr. Choi gave me ur no. just in case I need it.


Firstly, I also don't take any interest in ppl lyk u.

Secondly, it's just three days n udk me prprly. So don't speak shit.

N I'll mail u ur schedule within mins. 

He saw my messages but didn't reply. I knew he wouldn't. He is just a disgusting pig that thinks he is above all and everyone else is just some mere creature working under him. Fucking bustard!!

With that, I quickly mailed all the details about his schedule to him. I checked the time and saw it was just 8:30 p.m. So I thought of taking a walk at the nearby park where that moron bumped into me.

I reached the park and looked around. There was no one else except but for me. I sat at a bench and was thinking about life. How everything changed just within a year. How I was a fashion stylist intern, then got the job, met Jungkook, fell in love, made friends that were more like a family to me, got heartbroken, moved to another country leaving behind my family, saw that moron model and now sometimes I feel like drowning in his eyes. He really is handsome. While all these thoughts were crossing my mind, I didn't realise that tears were rolling down my cheeks. I was taken out of my trance when a voice interrupted.

"Hey Y/n, is everything okay?", I quickly wiped my tears and looked up to see that cute Jimin guy standing in front of me.

"Oh hi Ji- Jimin. Yeah all's well.", I said with a small smile.

"Doesn't look like all's well. Anyway, wanna grab some ice-cream?", he said while showing me his cute smile.

"Sure.", I said and got up. We were almost half way there when I realised that I left my phone on the bench.

"My- my phone?! I guess I left it on the bench.", I said looking back at the bench and yes it was there.

"Wait here. I'll get it for you.", he said and went to get my phone.

I was looking at him when I saw him almost laugh hysterically looking at my phone screen. I didn't understand what was happening but I saw that the screen had lightened up.

"What happened Jimin?", I asked curiously as to know why he was laughing like that while looking at my phone. The lockscreen photo was of me and my parents. Nothing funny with that right?!

"What do you call Taehyung?", he asked.


"I asked what do you call Taehyung?", he asked while laughing.

"I generally refer him as Sir. Why tho?", I said, confused.

"Then what is it with Moron Model Taehyung Kim?", he asked and started laughing like a maniac. That is when I realised I might have received a message from him and Jimin saw it. I snatched the phone away from him and headed towards the ice-cream stall. I could still hear him laugh as he was jogging behind me to catch up with me. I was a bit embarrassed and nervous too, for now, what if Jimin told Taehyung about it? How would he react?

"Why do you hate him so much?", he asked while a hint of mischief was visible on his face.

"I don't hate him.", I said coldly while choosing an ice-cream to eat. "It's just that I don't like him."

"And why so?", he asked and chose one ice-cream and we headed out after paying. He paid to be very specific.

"I just don't like his attitude.", I said and we headed towards the same bench where I sat earlier. We both sat, maintaining a safe distance between us.

"Mmm, I see. He actually wasn't like this before. I mean, he always had been cold but he became rude these days. He was never so rude and impolite before.", he said. I was thinking what could have changed him like that, when Jimin spoke again. "He has been through a breakdown Y/n. He is broken. He just needs someone that will heal him and help him out with this attitude of his."

"What happened to him? I mean why is he broken?", I asked.

"He- uhh nothing. He'll tell you if he feels like. I should not tell you these things.", he said.

"Why would he tell me? We don't even talk about anything except but for work.", I said looking at Jimin while savouring my precious ice-cream.

"I know you both don't talk about your personal lives with each other, but you also don't have an idea how much he talks about you to us. You are special to him Y/n. You are the first woman to gain his attention after whatever he has gone through.", he said while looking at me and I almost choked on my ice-cream. I couldn't believe what this cute little guy just told me. "It will take time, but you will understand soon. I hope.", he finished.

We were quiet after the conversation and were busy eating our ice-cream. I dared not ask him any other question because I was not ready to listen to the answers. We finished eating and got up to head back to our house. He insisted on walking me home saying that it is quite late and being a girl at a new place I should not roam around alone at night. In no time we reached my house.

"Um, we are here.", I said and we both stopped walking. "Thank you for today Jimin. I will get going now. Good night.", I waved at him and walked inside the building.

"Good night Y/n.", I could hear him say from behind.

Upon reaching home, the first thing I did was to check why Jimin asked me what I call Taehyung. I unlocked my phone and saw a message from him.

Moron Model Taehyung Kim:| :

I have selected the design.

Meet me in my office tomorrow in the morning.


Ok sir.

I replied and put the phone aside. I was laying on my bed and was thinking about what Jimin told me about Taehyung. I was wondering why was he broken. What could have probably happened? Why was I the one that caught his attention? With all these thoughts running my mind, I fell asleep peacefully without even having a single thought of what could be going on in Taehyung's house right now.