

C440 Killing Machine

Leaving the building put Khan among the curious and loud crowd again. Surprisingly, those people had yet to disperse, but the Harbor's soldiers kept a path open for him.

Khan crossed the sidewalk only to find himself before a couple of soldiers guarding a long ship. The vehicle was another black model exclusive to the Global Army, but its shape hinted at its inability to fly in open space.

The two soldiers performed a military salute, and Khan nodded at them before crossing the ship's open doors. He had seen far better insides, but the seats were comfortable, and the closing of the entrance brought some cozy solitude. Khan couldn't help but think about his conversation with George, and being alone helped.

The ship set off almost immediately. People continued to shout from the outside, but the glasses and metal blocked any sound. Khan was in a quiet environment, and the scenery from his window kept him company while his mind wandered.

The imminent meeting wouldn't be Khan's first political event. He had already faced something similar on Reebfell when various families sent representatives to complain about his teaching methods.

Khan had used facts and honesty to win over most representatives, but the imminent meeting didn't involve concerned families. The important figures Khan would meet would be there due to his promotion, and he couldn't predict what they would talk about.

A choice that Khan had met in the past showed its presence again. He had to decide how to approach the meeting. Wearing a political persona would be wise, but he had already opted against that, and his condition only pushed him further to that extreme.

The trip was far from short. The meeting would happen in the embassy, and the seventh district wasn't exactly close, so Khan could enjoy the silence for a while. He couldn't find a perfect answer, but part of him had already made a decision.

The gigantic triangular building eventually appeared, and the ship flew toward its top. From that height, Khan could spot many vehicles resting on the ceilings of the rectangular blocks, and his ride soon landed on an empty one.

The two soldiers from before immediately left the ship to have their military salute ready for Khan's arrival on the ceiling. Still, they couldn't claim his interest when he was in such a peculiar location. The vehicle had left him near the top of the embassy, and the scenery past the block's edge was too captivating for him.

'So tall,' Khan praised as his eyes darted among the parking lots, landing areas, and many white pillars under him. He had already guessed that the embassy contained an uncountable number of activities, but that new perspective increased his initial estimate.

The opening of a wall on the other side of the rectangular block forced Khan to turn. The arrival of an empty spot had accompanied the event, and Khan felt no surprise when he saw Colonel Norrett at the center of the new entrance.

"The man of the hour," Colonel Norrett announced as he stepped on the landing area and let the wall close behind him.

"Sir," Khan voiced as he performed a military salute, and the two soldiers in front of him also turned to welcome the arrival of the Colonel.

"At ease," Colonel Norrett exclaimed as he waved at the two soldiers, "Especially you, Captain Khan. This night is for you."

Khan and Colonel Norrett walked toward each other to stop at the center of the platform. The latter gave him a long look before nodding in approval, and the soldiers entered the ship in the meantime.

The atmosphere relaxed with that newfound privacy. Colonel Norrett even stopped hiding his presence, and the appearance of his heavy mana forced Khan to focus on the five pairs of stars on his shoulders.

"Still wary of your superiors," Colonel Norrett sneered. "Don't worry. I'm the last person you have to worry about tonight."

"Who will be there?" Khan asked.

"The Headmistress," Colonel Norrett explained, "Some representatives from a few families, and a reporter. I'm sure you can handle this much."

"Should I be worried about anyone?" Khan wondered.

"All of them," Colonel Norrett laughed. "You are the youngest Captain in history. Everyone can't wait to find a weakness to exploit."

Khan frowned, and his reaction prolonged Colonel Norrett's laugh, pushing him to continue. "I hope you didn't expect this to be a simple dinner. What you do here will set the foundation of your political career."

'Reassuring,' Khan thought as he diverted his gaze. The news wasn't shocking, but the event sounded more important than he had initially predicted.

"Is this too much for you?" Colonel Norrett questioned. "Did I give you this promotion too soon?"

"Not at all, sir," Khan confirmed before taking his chances. "I was only wondering if you had some advice."

Colonel Norrett shot a long look at Khan before bringing a hand on his chin. "There might be something worth mentioning."

Khan's eyes snapped on the Colonel, who remained silent for a few seconds before voicing his thoughts. "I bet you don't see any difference between a representative and me. We must be the other side in your eyes."

"Sir?" Khan asked.

"The Global Army and the families are different entities," Colonel Norrett explained. "Connected, fused even, but still different. Keep in mind that you will be going in as a soldier while the others will be representatives."

Khan felt able to understand something, but he continued with a question anyway. "What about you, sir?"

"I'll also be a soldier," Colonel Norrett stated. "I am a soldier, but I already went through this. It's your turn now."

Khan nodded, but an idea slowly crept into his mind, and a shameless smile appeared on his face when he decided to voice it. "Colonel, sir, since you approved my promotion, won't a poor performance on my side affect your reputation?"

The statement could have multiple interpretations, but the shameless smile revealed what Khan meant, and the Colonel didn't miss that. His expression even froze for a second before breaking into a scoff.

"Little shit," Colonel Norrett smirked. "I'll only introduce you and step in if they go overboard, but the rest is on you, so don't disappoint me."

"Aye aye, sir," Khan stated while performing a military salute again, but his shameless smile didn't disappear, and Colonel Norrett found that scene funny.

"Hurry up," Colonel Norrett declared. "The Headmistress wants to have a talk with you before heading for the meeting. She is our first stop."

Khan remained slightly surprised, but the Colonel was done with the talk. He headed directly for the wall, and Khan could only follow behind him.

The wall opened as soon as Colonel Norrett approached it, and a small room unfolded. The area seemed nothing more than a big closet filled with screens closed behind transparent containers. Khan guessed that they were reports and similar items, but the Colonel led him into the next room before he could study the place any longer.

A door led the two soldiers into a big office, which brought another presence to Khan's senses. The place had identical transparent containers, a couple of big screens, and a desk, and an aura that matched Colonel Norrett's power sat behind it.

"You are late," The middle-aged woman sitting behind the desk announced while taking off her circular glasses. "Our guests are already waiting."

The woman left the glasses on the desk before standing up, and Khan couldn't help but inspect every inch of her figure. Her dark skin matched the color of her long straight hair, while her eyes carried a deeper blackness. She was slim and short, but her figure radiated heavy power, and her cold face highlighted that feature.

"Waiting is what they do best," Colonel Norrett scoffed as he pushed Khan forward. "Captain Khan, this is Headmistress Holwen. She handles most of the embassy."

"Pleasure to meet you, ma'am!" Khan exclaimed while performing a salute. The Headmistress was wearing a military uniform with five stars on each shoulder, so Khan found it proper to greet her like that.

"Captain Khan," Headmistress Holwen called as she walked around the desk to reach Khan. Her presence changed during the process. It transformed into a cold aura capable of making anyone shake.

"Yes, ma'am?" Khan asked while the Headmistress looked deep into his eyes. To her surprise, Khan didn't shrink under her pressure, but she misunderstood the reasons behind his endurance.

Khan had an easier time ignoring the fear caused by the mana, but he didn't need to rely on that ability in the Headmistress' case. He had gotten used to Liiza's coldness, so that freezing aura only made him feel cozy.

The Headmistress felt almost on the verge of praising Khan for keeping his cool, but she noticed something was up when he started to relax. She dropped her attempt to intimidate him at that point to move to the core of the matter.

"Let's make one thing clear," Headmistress Holwen stated while her eyes remained glued to Khan's. "I don't condone any violent behavior in my embassy. I don't care about the situation or injustice. If you have a problem, come to me or one of your superiors."

The Headmistress didn't need to explain herself to make Khan understand what she meant. His actions against Oscar and Tobias didn't go unnoticed, and Colonel Norrett's intervention couldn't save him from that reprimand.

"That being said," The Headmistress continued as her chilling presence waned. "Your decision to let the matter go is commendable. Mister Odse and Professor Odse will receive punishments, but keeping things inside the Harbor is for the best. It's always a mess when outsiders get involved."

The Headmistress finally broke her stare to look at the door past the transparent containers, and her speech soon resumed. "The embassy is a frail ecosystem. Too many families have too many descendants here, and keeping track of everyone is impossible. We can only make them stay put."

The "we" in the Headmistress' speech added to what Colonel Norrett had said earlier. Khan's background made him an outsider, but there were equally deep fractures between the soldiers and the families. Khan even guessed that they could be deeper than he could imagine.

'Soldier,' Khan repeated in his mind as a sigh tried to escape his mouth. He knew how he would act in the meeting. He could only hope that his new rank would award him some basic respect.

"Let's not waste time then," Headmistress Holwen eventually declared as she focused on Khan again. "Young man, don't punch anyone this time. Are we clear?"

"Technically, I didn't punch anyone," Khan pointed out, and his joke awarded him another glare, but Colonel Norrett also fell prey to the Headmistress' stern look when he laughed.

"Norrett, the warning applies to you too," Headmistress Holwen stated. "This is my jurisdiction. Try to be respectful."

"Aye aye, ma'am," Colonel Norrett replied in the same words used by Khan previously, and he didn't miss that detail. He didn't turn toward the Colonel but felt that the two had reached a silent understanding.

Headmistress Holwen's eyes darted between Khan and Colonel Norrett before giving the okay to enter the meeting. "Follow me."

"One last thing," Colonel Norrett uttered when the Headmistress reached him. "Is the Princess coming?"

"Who knows," Headmistress Holwen sighed. "Last I heard, she was orbiting the moon."

"Princess?" Khan asked.

"Don't worry about it," Colonel Norrett promptly stated before following the Headmistress toward the door past the transparent containers.

Khan couldn't see much from behind his two superiors, but his sensitivity drew a picture in his mind. His senses touched multiple masses of mana, some strong and some weak, while the symphony hinted at the presence of a big hall.

The sensitivity turned out to be on point. Once the Colonel and the Headmistress got out of the way, Khan could see a big hall featuring multiple people and a long table filled with delicacies. Food and drinks spread their alluring scent in the area, but the tension that fell prevented Khan from appreciating that detail.

Many gazes moved over Colonel Norrett and Headmistress Holwen before falling on Khan. Only the waiters standing next to the walls didn't look at him. As for everyone else, their inspection was so intense that the synthetic mana moved toward him. Someone even attempted to throw a formless and invisible spell at him.

Colonel Norrett's mana moved as the slow spell flew toward Khan, but he held back from intervening. His lack of actions told Khan enough, and he didn't hesitate to release a tinge of energy while his thoughts sent a silent request.

'Disperse it,' Khan thought, and the whiff of mana released from his back fused with the synthetic energy before flying toward the incoming spell.

The invisible spell wasn't strong. The caster seemed to have sacrificed speed, power, and stability to focus on its cloaking properties. Because of that, Khan couldn't find the source, but his simple request was more than enough to take care of it.

Colonel Norrett wore a faint smile when he felt the invisible spell dispersing. Instead, Khan sent his gaze left and right to check whether someone reacted to his feat. Still, no one did anything suspicious. He could only see polite and cheerful faces.

'Political monsters,' Khan cursed while stepping forward to match the Colonel and the Headmistress.

"Dear guests," Headmistress Holwen announced as soon as Khan reached her. "I'm sorry for the wait. I present to you, Captain Khan."

"As most of you might have heard," Colonel Norrett continued. "Captain Khan earned his promotion by serving on active battlefields and performing heroic duties during unexpected crises. I'm sure you can't wait to know him."

Colonel Norrett and Headmistress Holwen stepped aside, and the people in the hall formed three groups. The most numerous headed for the Colonel and the Headmistress, while only a few approached Khan directly. Monica was there, but she remained in the back and chose to go for the Headmistress for obvious reasons.

The first to approach Khan was a slightly fat middle-aged man, a third-level warrior wearing an elegant red suit that matched the color of his curly hair. His face was the least cheerful of the bunch, but Khan felt a friendly vibe in his mana.

"Captain Khan, it's a pleasure to meet you," The middle-aged man exclaimed while stretching his arm forward. "I'm Robert Bizelli of the Bizelli family. I have to say. Your fame precedes you."

"I hope the reality met the expectations," Khan kept it polite while shaking Robert's hand.

"How could they when you put a soldier outside his natural environment?" Robert wondered. "Still, I know Mark personally. He wouldn't promote someone unworthy."

"The Bizelli family builds many of the scanners used in the medical bays," Colonel Norrett explained while shaking another man's hand. "Mister Bizelli here is a renowned surgeon who patched me up more than once."

"He doesn't call me Mister Bizelli in private," Robert revealed as a smirk formed. "You are so young, but you already performed priceless services to the Global Army. You have what it takes to reach the top. Keep working hard, and you'll get there."

"Thank you, sir," Khan honestly said.

"I'll be in the drinking area," Mister Bizelli voiced. "Look for me if you are interested in a path in the medical field. The doctors are never enough in these troubled times."

Khan barely had the time to nod that Robert left the group to approach the table. A youthful blonde woman took his place, and she lifted the edges of her long black dress to perform a bow as soon as she arrived before Khan.

"Captain Khan," The woman exclaimed through a clearly fake smile. "I'm Nadia Chaunac of the Chaunac family. I've already been authorized to book your first year after graduation from the Harbor. If you accept, you won't worry about money or resources for the next two decades."

"Hey, Nadia," A man from the back of the group shouted, "I thought we agreed on keeping the bribes for later."

"Hector, playing dirty is only normal when the youngest captain in history is involved," Nadia Chaunac responded while peeking past her shoulder before bringing her eyes to Khan again. "The offer is negotiable. Look for me if you want to discuss it."

Nadia left before Khan could utter any word, and someone else immediately took his place. Another important name resounded in Khan's ears, and a tempting offer didn't hesitate to follow.

The first attempt to bribe Khan pushed the others to match the initial offer. Khan rarely found the time to speak after the polite greetings since everyone tried to capture his interest by mentioning important names and wild promises. Someone was even ready to give him control of a small settlement, but he limited himself to nodding and smiling.

Soon, Khan went through his entire group, but others made sure to follow. The people who had chosen Colonel Norrett and Headmistress Holwen as their first interlocutors moved to the other superior before heading for Khan, so his line never emptied completely.

All the interactions were polite, but they grew colder as the group moved on. The last in line didn't have a considerable interest in Khan, but they still forced themselves to perform detached greetings. They also never forgot to say their names, and Khan struggled to remember them as time passed.

Eventually, Khan met some troublemakers. As the line reached its last group, a fat man who couldn't be much older than Khan stepped toward him and crossed his arms before falling silent to inspect him from head to toe.

The inspection added a bad scent to the synthetic mana that didn't only come from the man's clear disregard for Khan. His actions and stance were even pretty explicit, and they seemed to aim to be disrespectful on purpose.

"A captain at the age of nineteen," The man eventually spoke while his gaze kept going up and down. "I'm sorry, Colonel Norrett. I have to disagree with your decision. He is talented but too young to be a captain."

"Mister Dunac, Captain Khan's promotion is already official." Colonel Norrett stated. "We can only see how he performs from now on."

"The families should have more control over promotions," Mister Dunac sighed. "Anyway, Captain Khan, I'll keep an eye on you."

"Sure," Khan replied, omitting the "sir" on purpose since Mister Dunac was only a first-level warrior. The latter didn't miss that faint lack of respect, but he only hesitated for a second before leaving the line.

The man that followed was so thin that his cheeks had caved in, but they were rosy due to the booze he drank before the meeting. His breath even reeked of alcohol, which added to his cheerful behavior.

"The youngest captain in history!" The man happily exclaimed while shaking Khan's wrist with both hands. "It's an honor to meet you. I'm John Raulon from the Raulon family."

"Pleasure to meet you," Khan couldn't help but show a kinder side to that tipsy behavior. "I'm afraid I'm unaware of the Raulon family's businesses."

"We occupy many fields," John revealed. "Mine involves the application of mana, and yes, I read your report on the Tors. Quite enlightening stuff."

"Thank you, sir," Khan laughed.

"Don't worry about the sir," John also chuckled. "Your insight into alien arts is spectacular. You should consider a position in the scientific department. I'm sure they'll value you a lot there."

The topic killed any happiness that friendly interaction had generated inside Khan. He knew he had to hold back, but his mouth moved before his smile could disappear.

"Sir, don't you know who my father is?" Khan asked. Colonel Norrett and Headmistress Holwen had left the entrance to entertain the other guests by then, but Khan's question made them turn in his direction, and they weren't the only ones.

"Oh," John gasped when he realized what he had done. "I misspoke. I should let the others introduce themselves."

Awkwardness fell on the scene and followed John until he reached the table. Some sneered when they saw him picking up more booze, and Khan couldn't remain interested in him anymore.

"Captain Khan, I'm Emilia Lamalot," An old woman with long white hair combed into a thick braid replaced John Raulon. "Your achievements are as famous are your looks. You are a sight for these old eyes."

Those words were flattering and polite, but Khan couldn't show any friendliness due to the scent radiated by Emilia's mana. Bitterness and a sense of superiority leaked out of the old woman and infested the synthetic energy, telling Khan how her intentions were far from gentle.

"If I may," Emilia Lamalot continued after her polite bow. "I'd rethink your habit of ending up with aliens. You are at the right age to find a worthy woman, a human woman. You should quell your youthful curiosity and stop pursuing futureless endeavors."

Some laughs resounded among the people who had spread through the hall. It seemed that many were aware of Emilia's character, and they had even looked forward to her meeting with Khan. Still, the suggestion sounded like a terrible insult to Khan, and his tongue promptly fought back.

"Ma'am, with all due respect," Khan wore a fake smile. "Where I stick my dick is my own business."

Sounds of coughing resounded. Part of the audience ended up choking on their drinks or food when they heard Khan's reply. The others froze, Emilia included, and only a loud laugh separated itself from that group.

Headmistress Holwen glared at the laughing Colonel Norrett. The latter had to clear his throat to calm himself down, but Emilia's reaction triggered another chuckle.

"I was only speaking in your best interest," Emilia scoffed as she turned to leave. "It seems that the Slums are still rooted inside you."

Khan was too annoyed to heave a helpless sigh, and the youthful figure that followed didn't give him the time to inspect the situation anyway. The woman had fair skin and long curly hair tied into a ponytail. Her brown eyes shone with curiosity, and she approached Khan while holding a device ready to note down words.

"Captain Khan, I'm Katia from the Heavenly News," The woman announced. "If you don't mind, I would like to ask you some questions."

Khan didn't read the news unless necessary, but his recent achievements had made him aware of many names in the field, including the Heavenly News. Colonel Norrett had also warned him about the presence of a reporter, so he immediately made the connection.

"Didn't you already make many articles about me during the day?" Khan questioned while glancing at Colonel Norrett. The latter was also inspecting the situation, and his behavior told Khan that he had to be careful about what he said.

"Having actual statements to corroborate articles always helps," Katia explained. "Don't make me beg, Captain Khan. You faced aliens and monsters. I can't be worse than them."

Katia was wearing a revealing black dress, and she didn't hesitate to close her arms on her chest to enhance her curves. Her cleavage also went slightly down, making her attempt to sway Khan more than obvious.

Intense jealousy surged behind Katia, and Khan could only pretend to ignore it. The reporter also leaned toward him during the wait, making it harder for him to reject her request or leave.

"I can't promise answers," Khan eventually replied, and Katia immediately straightened her position to bring her focus on the device in her hands.

"So, how does it feel to be the youngest Captain in history?" Katia began with her questions.

"I'm the same soldier I was yesterday," Khan honestly responded. "I need some time to notice the changes."

"Why were you on Milia 222?" Katia continued.

"That's a private matter," Khan stated.

"It really isn't," Katia objected. "Mister Cobsend's reports are open to the public."

"It is for me," Khan stated without bothering to add more details. The articles from earlier had shown him how easily misinformation could spread, and he didn't want to say anything Katia could use. Also, he wasn't completely lying about Luke's mission.

"Is it true that you faced the severed hand of a Nak on Milia 222?" Katia changed the question.

"That's classified," Khan uttered.

"That's false," Katia declared. "The Global Army doesn't have a monopoly over Milia 222, and the disaster there involved every species."

"I don't know what to say," Khan voiced.

"Are you lying to me, Captain Khan?" Katia wondered. "Why do you feel the need to lie? Are you protecting someone?"

"This is my first time receiving an interview," Khan revealed. "I'd rather remain silent than risk messing it up."

"I see," Katia nodded while wearing an excited smile. "Let's move to personal topics then. You should know how much you can reveal there."

"It will depend on the question," Khan pointed out.

"Is it true that you had an interspecies relationship on Nitis?" Katia asked.

"It's true," Khan couldn't lie about Liiza.

"Why?" Katia wondered. "Did you use it to garner a political advantage over the Niqols?"

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't jump to disrespectful conclusions," Khan declared. "I loved her. That's why I was in that relationship."

"Not love love, right?" Katia questioned as she browsed through her device to pull out reports. "According to the soldiers stationed on Ecoruta with you, you entertained a short relationship with an older woman before opting for something longer on Reebfell."

"Ma'am," Khan called, but Katia didn't give him the time to speak.

"Milia 222 was no different," Katia continued. "You ended up with the famous Nele of all species. How do you explain that?"

"I don't understand the interest in my romantic life," Khan kept it cool even if wild emotions began to build up inside him.

"Captain Khan," Katia exclaimed, "Your age and achievements make you one of the most sought men in the entire Global Army. You are top five among your generation, and it's the job of the Heavenly News to provide as much help as possible to hopeful readers."

"I'm not looking for a relationship," Khan tried to cut it short.

"Your record begs to differ," Katia stated. "So, what's the truth? Did you love all your girlfriends, or were they simply bursts of passion?"

"Ma'am, enough with the questions," Khan requested, but Katia didn't stop.

"Do human women have any hope after you had a taste of the Nele?" Katia pressed on.

"I," Khan hesitated since he didn't know if Jenna and the Nele as a whole would benefit from the truth. As for Katia, she saw his growing irritation as a sign that an interesting event was about to unfold.

"Though it's surprising," Katia declared in an attempt to make Khan reach the breaking point. "The Nele only love once. Did you leave with the promise of returning, or did you simply use-."

"Shatter," Khan whispered, and Katia felt forced to interrupt her line since a crack opened on the screen in her hands. The fissure even expanded until the device crumbled into pieces.

"Wha-?" Katia gasped, but Khan was faster at that time.

"I suggest you choose your next words very carefully," Khan threatened as his whole being influenced the synthetic mana to apply pressure on Katia. "I'm young and inexperienced, but I won't stand your insinuations."

"What did you do?" Katia asked as fear built inside her. She was a second-level warrior, but Khan's pressure was too much for her to handle after the surprising event.

"What do you mean?" Khan tried to feign innocence, but his cold tone told the entire hall that he was pretending. "You shouldn't bring damaged equipment around. You never know when it can shatter."

Khan used the same word from before on purpose, and his decision paid off. Katia felt truly worried about her life under Khan's chilling stare. His techniques were even unclear, which added fuel to her fear.

"It has been a pleasure," Katia hurriedly muttered before turning to leave. She didn't even head for the table. She directly reached for an exit on the other side of the hall.

Colonel Norrett approached Khan after Katia's departure, forcing Monica to wait for her turn a bit longer. He stepped on the broken device, disregarding the shards stabbing his shoes to stand before Khan. He showed his back to the hall in that position, which helped convey secret praises.

"That was good," Colonel Norrett whispered. "Rude but good. Don't let them step on you too easily, and have no mercy with the reporters."

"Yes, sir," Khan imitated the whisper.

"Now, stick to me," Colonel Norrett ordered. "We'll have another conversation with all of them, but my presence will show my support. Even that old hag will have to be respectful."

Something warm spread inside Khan. It felt nice to have a superior caring after him, and the Colonel also seemed a like-minded person. His mana didn't lie either, which pushed Khan to trust him.

"Still," Colonel Norrett smirked as he stepped aside, "I believe you must greet one last person. Miss Solodrey, I'm sorry for the interruption."

"At ease, Colonel," Monica giggled while covering her mouth. "I'm lucky enough to be able to see Captain Khan whenever I want. I made an effort to let him socialize before claiming him for myself."

Colonel Norrett could only voice an awkward laugh while Khan held back from teasing Monica. The reporter had clearly pissed her, so she had already stepped up her jokes.

However, before the Colonel could leave, the door behind Khan opened, and the entire hall felt shocked at the sight of the three newcomers. Khan also abruptly turned due to the threatening sensations one of them triggered in him.

A woman who looked as old as Monica and two massive middle-aged men had entered the room. The trio wore elegant clothes, but Khan could sense that the two men were fourth-level warriors. Moreover, the one on his left seemed able to turn the synthetic mana dark with his sole presence.

'What is he?' Khan exclaimed while inspecting the fourth-level warrior.

The man was more muscles than body. His elegant suit suffered under his size, and no number of baths could fix his rough skin. A long scar ran through the right side of his head and created an area where the black hair couldn't grow. Still, the soldier kept it extremely short.

"Blue hair," The woman between the two men casually voiced, forcing Khan to divert his attention.

Another wave of surprise filled Khan at the sight of that astonishing beauty. The woman had long brown hair that resembled silk and bright green eyes. Her skin was smooth and fair, and her curves created perfect proportions.

The woman's beauty wasn't as striking as Jenna's or as elegant as Monica's, but it carried a unique vibe that made her look perfect. Her very body radiated harmony, and the synthetic mana seemed to agree with that feature.

"Princess Edna!" Headmistress Holwen exclaimed while hurrying toward the entrance, but the woman ignored her.

"He must be Captain Khan," Princess Edna said before glancing at the huge man that had alerted Khan. "Jack, how is he?"

The fourth-level warrior moved his gray eyes on Khan. His gaze carried no emotion, but Khan knew the weight of that void. He wasn't in front of a man. The soldier before him was a perfect killing machine.

"He knows death," Jack evaluated. "He might surpass me in five years."

To be continued