
“The Laughter from Within”

Buttercup is a young girl who is on the run from her King, well also everyone. Why? Simply because she is probably the only happy girl left considering the king wants to rule his kingdom filled with sadness. Yes sadness, everyone had their happiness taken away from them just because the king can't fill happiness. Now Buttercup is the only onenfilled with joy but she also wants everyone to be happy, join her on her journey to bring happiness to the world!

shontobears54653 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: King Jet

Name: Jet

Age: 18

Birth date: December 12

Likes: Black, sour food, rain

Dislikes: Happines, Buttercups, yellow


      Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Happiness. There was a young boy who never understood why others smiled. He never smiled. Only smirked and gave vicious grins. Others took this as a sign of hostile actions. That he was threatening them. The boy wasn't.....

      The thing with the boy was that he couldn't really smile. For his muscles couldn't form a smile so if he were to show his joy it would be his smirks and grins. The others didn't know that. Neither his parents. So they treated him with disdain. The little boy didn't know why everyone was being mean he tried to show them that he wasn't a horrible person by bringing snacks and gifts to gain their favor. And he would give it to them with a big grin. To others that grin was a sign that the boy was up to something. So they threw his peace offerings into his face. Than they would stomp away.

      Everyday the boy would come home with ruffled appearance or pieces of his gifts thrown at him. He tried to be friendly.

      His parents who saw their sons ruffled appearance, assumed he got into fights or bullied weak children. They too turn away from him. The boy received no love from them.

      Why did they hate him? Why look at him with distrust? He just wanted friends and their love. Wasn't this kingdom suppose be full of happiness? So why was he miserable? Why was everyone mean? He tried to put on a brave front but than one day he snapped.

      A kid, a young girl. Came to him and wanted to be his friend. He accepted her easily because he wanted one and she treated kindly. What he didn't know was that was just a front.she actually hated him and only did this to break him. And she broke him indeed. With his trust gone and hatred replaced it instead. The boy ran away and disappeared. Until one day he came back....not alone. He came back with an army and became the new king of the Kingdom...