

A young boy unexpectedly looses everything before he realises it. Those that he loved (family) and those that he hated (the worst school bullies imaginable) - they all disappeared. The reason? It’s because he was suddenly sent to the future in a time period where most are dead, not just those dear to him. The reality of the situation feels to distant to him, however, he soon comes to learn the hard way that there is no hope of him ever going back to the life he has been used to. He despite at the unfairness, and through this despair, is he respective to acknowledging the savour in front of him.

WeAreBlank18 · Sci-fi
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The Beginning Of This Story

"Welcome to the battlefield, kid."

These are the first words I hear when I woke up in this foreign world.

Around me is the rubble of buildings and what sounds to be gun fire in the distance.

How did I get here?

And who just said that?

As I turn my head to check who it was, I begin to reflect on what sort of person I am and what my life has been up until this point, for if this were a story, it would be a pretty convenient way of giving some context.

Why do I treat the situation as though it were a novel?

Well, I'll explain that too.

My name is Yuuichi Tachibana, and just a moment ago I was going to sleep after having a bad day at school as per usual.

That day I got back home after being bullied, though, I hate undermining what it is those group of thugs do to me as nothing more than 'bullying'.

I really hate those people, those monsters. I have been wishing for their expulsions from the moment high school started, and even tried multiple times to make it so.

Unfortunately, the teachers are so hellbent on 'equality', that every time I snitched, and with clearly good reason, I would end up with a wonder punishment due to the fact that the bullies knew how to peer pressure the teachers into getting their way.

It was a hassle to deal with a timid kid like me who always complained behind their backs, but on the inside, if there were such things as guns in my country…

Anyways, once I got home after being beaten and my mother complaining about how her ANTICIPATION of my crying was annoying, which I haven't cried for over a week now for some reason, I went up to my room and locked myself inside, again, as usual.

I don't really do anything in there except for the occasional manga read or two, however, when I'm not reading manga, I'm pretending to be asleep, and daydreaming to my hearts content about The Ideal World.

The Ideal Word is a name I've given to my hyper/immersive, unconnected daydreams.

Though, sometimes they are connected.

I usually think about things that get my heart beating softly and make me feel as though I've found the love of my life.

It's the best feeling ever, and even though I wish to experience such emotions one day in the real world, these imaginations are what's helping me wait out for such a day to come, without letting despair consume me.

As you can tell, I've put a lot of thought into this, since I've been searching for a way to make such fantasies into a reality.

However, sometimes things just happen to you with or without your will, don't they?

Well, I suppose this is one of those fantastic times, since now, after going to sleep with a dream in mind, it appears that I have woke up in the midst of one.

It's so realistic, I wonder what's going to happen in it?



Once I turn around, I see a girl with blue hair, a dark blue cap, dark blue gloves, bright blue eyes, a badass clothing aesthetic overall, everything blue for whatever reason, and the coolest, otherworldly aura that I have ever seen.

'Hello my future wife', I think to myself.

This is also the name I would give to any of the girls that I fall in love with within my imaginations.

"We need to reach the extraction point. Quick, let's go.", she says suddenly while handing me a gun.

"What? You aren't going to explain anything to me?"

"No time to explain."

"Hmmm… I'm a little disappointed with the dialogue of this dream, but I guess I can deal with it so long as the vibe remains."

She then looks back, staring at me, "This isn't a dream.", she says with her heart focused on the mission.

I then decide that convincing an NPC in my head would be a waste of an argument and valuable lucid dreaming time while I'm still asleep, and say, "Fine, whatever you say. Just don't let me wake- die.".

"I don't plan for you to die. I wouldn't have come all the way here if that were the case."

'Oh cool, the plot thickens.'

"Anyways, get ready to run."