
Dark Lights

I stumbled down the dreary sidewalks of New York City, and all I see is a place full of loud cars, and bright lights. Most people would kill to visit a City like this at least once in their life, but I just don't see why. "City of lies," is what I prefer to call it. This place isn't any better than an old farm, but "Normal" people wouldn't see it like I do.

I'm well aware of what you're thinking about me. In you're mind I'm a broken person who only sees the bad, and is so messed up and sad that he can't even see the good. Well sorry to say you're wrong. I'm not some lost soul that needs "fixing" or "healing."

I'm fine. I've always been fine, and I'll always be fine. Yes I've lost my share of people, but I don't get sad and I definitely don't think about them. Remember me talking about "Normal" people? Yeah well If you couldn't catch on I'm different. I like to call it my little "superpower." I don't have emotions. Sure I can express emotion, but I only do that to "fit in." Wouldn't want someone thinking I was crazy now would we?

I'm not sure why I don't have emotions, but I don't. I also can kinda do things with my mind. It's no big deal really...except I could end the world with just one thought. So on that note me having no emotions is most likely a good thing. If I had emotions my thoughts would be all over the place, and who knows what could happen then.

Well...I was so sure about all of that before I met her.