
“Love In A Blink ”

Nelieme a handsome billionaire fall in love with an ordinary girl Emily, they went through many obstacles to become each other's comfort.Later on he learns that Emily was her younger sister which makes him heart broken and depressed.

Asante_Emelia · Fantasy
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2 Chs



After given my word to my secretary, we headed on our way along with my bodyguards.When we reached half way to our destination, my driver suddenly step on the brake causing my phone which i buried myself in to avoid Rody from striking a conversation with me fell on my lap.

'Asshole do you want to kill us'... Please sir, somebody suddenly bumped into our car.


I ushers my bodyguards to take a look.After what seems like a decade they came back with a lady which makes my blood boil.

'Did my car crashed her '... They replied with a confused face'No sir'.

'Then why did you come back with her since i'm not to be blame.Leave her on the side of the road i don't want to have a hand in any chaos, she might be send to harm me.

When they turned back to send her away my secretary stopped them and i shot him a deadly glare.

'Sir, leaving her here is not good, a car can even crush her'...I tried to be reasonable so we could help her i didn't want to leave her there.He did not obliged which means we can help her.I told the driver to send us to his mansion instead of his bar.

When we arrive in my mansion i went in first leaving the woman with them,as if i care.One of my bodyguard sent her in the leaving room asking me whether he should sent her to my room which i said' no! just leave her on the sofa and call the family doctor to check on her. From behind i can sense that Rody was laughing at me.

When the doctor finished checking up on her, he sighed and assured us that she was okay just a little stressed.He prescribed a med for her which i gave it to my secretary to get it for her since he insisted to help her.

I went to my room to freshen up when i came back i find only my bodyguard with her.I asked him about the doctor and my secretary but they both have left. I cursed Rody for leaving her here with me. I dismissed my bodyguard to go back and take a rest which means i was left alone with her. At first i thought of leaving her downstairs to go and sleep but i couldn't step a foot when she turns revealing her gorgeous look with her wet lip which open slowly and close.'what wrong with me i need to leave ' i whispered to myself.:

After fighting with my thoughts for hours in my room i felt guilty for leaving her alone so i went back to pick her. I gentlely lay her on my bed and scooped to sleep on the other side. I wasn't going to let her have my comfy bed.


I waked up in the morning feeling sore on my foot probably from running. Looking besides me was a handsome man laying beside me 'My holy moly ahhhh'... I screamed immediately waking him up with a dazed expression.

'Hey, how can you have the appetite to scream like a bird in trouble '.

How can a handsome man like him have such a sharp tongue such a foul-mouthed.'How did i ended up her....

I was caught off guard when i saw my dress was changed.looking at him with a shock it seems he noticed what i was thinking judging from my look.'What did you d..o...to.....'

'Don't you remember how dangerous we were yesterday ' he said nonchalantly and touch my hair which made me disgusted and angry at how handsome and a pervert he was.I brush his hand away and shouted at him 'Pervert!'

'Is that how you say thanks to the one that helps you yesterday to have a place to rest.'

I looked at him wishing i could swallow back my words.I apologize to him and asked him if he saw those that was after me but he said they only saw me.I don't know what happened but all I know was that I was being followed by those gangs.


Normally i care less about others but here i was feeling bad for someone for the first time apart from my little sister.I didn't know what comes into me i suddenly touched her hair reassuring her'Everything will work out'. looking at how tired she was i told her to take a bath in my bathroom and after that i'll find her something to eat.She nodded and stood up to leave but she could not stand by her own.I immediately held her before she could fall.'I think i wasn't gentle yesterday ' I said jokingly but looking at how flushed she was it makes me laugh harder.When she got over it she brush my hand from her and headed to the bathroom a few minutes later she shouted at me 'You pervert, i don't believe that something happened between us yesterday' I laughed even more. She slowly murmured something which i didn't hear clearly.