
‎‎‎‎‎你好 what 2

Ray is an orphan who was born with a rare illness that has crippled him since birth. Although his condition is curable, he still cannot afford to heal himself due to the high cost of treatment. Even though he has no one to rely on in the world, he remains hopeful that a miracle will happen to him someday. Then one day, Ray wakes up in a different body on an unfamiliar planet. It is a world with more advanced technology than his past one. It not only has advanced technology, but it also has many people's childhood dream, Magic. This world appears to follow the same rules as any fantasy story: "Strong rules over weak", "Power equals authority", and "Survival of the fittest". Despite the fact that the rules on this planet are cliché, what can he do? Cry? Protest? Be a hero and change the system? No.  Ray has only one goal in mind. It is to do his best to survive in this new environment while also enjoying his new life. Little did Ray know that he would not only enjoy his new life, but that he would also stand at the pinnacle of this magical planet thanks to the assistance he received from the system he acquired as he gains consciousness in a different body. [ Earth's Greatest Legacy System ] : It contains experiences, guides, and skills from Earth's humans who excelled in various fields such as Weapons, Martial Arts, Science, and so on throughout Earth's history. 'Isn't just basically saying I could receive help from the most talented people in Earth's history, like the genius 'Albert Einstein' or one of the greatest swordsmen to ever exist, 'Miyamoto Musashi'?! Holy f*ck!' Ray's mind raced with excitement and wonder. Let's follow Ray's second life journey in a world of fantasy as he accomplishes amazing feats that astonish many people. ===== Are you curious about the full features of Ray's system? Give a few chapters a try. ===== The cover photo is not mine, it is AI-generated. I only added the text to it.

RottenEgg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


"I am now Ray Pember, but I'm still the same Ray from Earth," Ray thought to himself.

"I should accept this new opportunity to start a new life," he continued.

Ray felt like he was living in a dream, as he had previously been bedridden and unable to move his legs, but now he could move freely.

Although he had to accept that he was no longer on Earth and that danger could be found around every corner on this new planet.

He decided to set some small goals for himself. Firstly, he needed to adapt to his new body and learn how to move each part of his body properly.

His second goal was to gather information about this unfamiliar world he had found himself in.

Ray also needed to find his identification card to determine his current age and when his majika would manifest.

Lastly, after adapting to his new body, Ray aimed to strengthen himself physically since his body was weak at the moment.

'That should do it for now,' Ray thought to himself as he contemplated his plans.

Ray had been so engrossed in his thoughts and plans that he hadn't even realized how tired he was until he suddenly dozed off into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until several hours later that he was awoken by a loud knock on his door.

"Ray, the feast is ready. Wake up now, let's eat," his grandfather, George called out.

Ray rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed, feeling a little disoriented.

After sobering himself up, Ray quickly got up and opened the door to join his grandfather for the feast.

He followed his grandfather to the dining room and as soon as they entered the room, an amazing aroma hit Ray's nose, making him almost drool.

There were many different types of food in front of Ray's eyes, and all of it looked delicious.

He noticed that some of the dishes looked similar to the food he used to eat on Earth.

Ray couldn't wait to dig in and try the new dishes.

Excitedly, Ray took a seat at the table and began to serve himself a little bit of everything.

As he tasted each dish, he savored the unique flavors and spices that he had never experienced before.

As Ray was enjoying his meal, his grandfather suddenly interrupted, "I've ordered a smartphone for you to use, it will arrive later."

"Thank you, grandpa. I can't wait to see how it works," Ray replied with a smile.

George continued, "Also pick a cloth that suits you, don't worry about the cost, just pick what you want Ray." With that, he handed over his own smartphone to Ray.

A series of different clothes flash through Ray, the designs are also the same as the clothes on Earth but it is more elegant.

Ray scrolled down on George's smartphone and thought it was hard to pick because there is many choices.

After a few moments, Ray finally decided to choose what he want to buy.

A series of different clothes flashed through Ray's mind, and he was amazed at the elegant designs.

He scrolled through the options on the smartphone, finding it difficult to choose among the many choices.

After a few moments, Ray finally decided on what he wanted to buy.

He chose two black t-shirts and two white t-shirts, along with a black long coat and a black wind runner jacket.

He also picked out some shorts and pants that would match his shirts and coat and selected two pairs of shoes - one black and one white.

Ray was excited to see what he had chosen and eagerly waited for the items to arrive.

After finishing his selections on the smartphone, Ray felt grateful for his grandfather's generosity.

He handed the phone back to his grandfather and said, "Thank you so much, Grandpa. I'm done choosing."

"Okay grandson, no worries. Let me know if you need anything else. The clothes will also arrive later," George replied with a smile.

He continued, "I'll also give you an allowance after your smartphone arrives so you can buy anything else you may need."

After finishing their meal, George and Ray said goodnight to each other and headed to their respective rooms.

As he lay down on the bed, he felt the softness of the mattress and the cozy blankets enveloping him.

He closed his eyes and let out a contented sigh.

Despite his curiosity about the new world he was in, his tiredness overtook him and he soon drifted off to sleep.

Ray rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times to fully wake up. He yawned and stretched his arms, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep.

As he got up and opened the door, he noticed a box in front of it. He picked up the box and noticed a note attached to it.

"Ray, the smartphone and your clothes arrived last night. I have also set up a wallet account on your smartphone and wired your allowance to it."

"I will come back later at lunch as I have some things to do. Your breakfast is in the refrigerator, and you can reheat it using the microwave next to it."

"Also, don't forget to feed Midnight his food. The food is in the cabinet in Midnight's room."

-Grandpa, George

As Ray read the note, he felt a wave of relief wash over him.

Yesterday wasn't just a dream, it was real.

He felt a renewed sense of determination to make the most of this new life he had been given.

Excited to see his new smartphone and clothes, Ray quickly made his way back to his room.

He opened the package, and his eyes widened with excitement as he saw the new clothes he had chosen.

Ray then turned his attention to his new smartphone. The smartphone looks like the same smartphone on Earth but more futuristic. He opened the smartphone and started exploring the different features of the phone.

As he played with the phone, he discovered the wallet account his grandfather had set up for him.

┌─── Wallet ───┐

Name: Ray Pember

Age: 17

Birthday: March 16, 3059

Balance: 10,000 [ Magic Stone ] ( Grade I )

The first thing Ray noticed was that his wallet account had his birthday listed as March 16, 3059.

'March 16, 3059 is my birthday?!'

Wondering what the current date was, he searched for the calendar app on his smartphone.

'What date is today?' he asked in his mind.

Before he could locate the app, the system responded.

[ Host, the date today is March 10, 3077 ]

'D*mn, my birthday is coming up soon. I can finally get my own majika!' Ray exclaimed with excitement.

Ray felt a bubbling excitement as he anticipated his upcoming birthday.

But suddenly, his growling stomach interrupted his thoughts.

He realized that he was feeling quite hungry and needed something to eat.

Ray quickly put aside the box with his clothes and stood up.

As he walked towards the kitchen, he still couldn't believe that he was able to walk now.

In his past life, he had been bedridden, unable to move his legs, but now he had been given a new body that allowed him to stand and take steps on his own.

In his past life, he was bedridden and could only dream of moving his legs again. But with his newfound body, he could finally stand and take steps on his own.

As he opened the refrigerator door, he saw the food that his grandpa had prepared for him.

The sight of the delicious meal made his mouth water.

He took out the container and reheated the food in the microwave.

The aroma of the food filled the room, making him even more hungry.

After the food was reheated, Ray dug in hungrily, savoring the delicious taste of his grandpa's cooking.

As Ray finished his meal, he felt satisfied and energized.

He washed the container before putting it away, and after that he grabbed a glass of water.

He took a sip of the refreshing liquid and felt it quench his thirst.

Ray felt motivated to make the most out of his day, so he decided to start by learning new things and improving his body.

Ray quickly went to his room to grab his smartphone.

He knew he had to keep his phone secure, so he created a passcode to keep his personal information safe.

After setting up the passcode, Ray opened his note app and began to list down the activities he wanted to accomplish for the day.