

Many people are those who tend to say that love is sweet.

But this love

Overcome the sweetness and pain.

What if the amount of sugar we add to our body is too much?

According to qualified health doctors, they diagnosed that it is possible to get diabetes.


What about the heart?

Not from that vital organ that makes life easier for us, by pumping our blood

I speak of the heart responsible for feelings and love

Leaving aside the scientific methods, those strange devices that detect glucose in the blood and all those implements that we observe in hospitals.

Could sugar unite two hearts?



Broken and


Unite in a love two souls who were the same until everything changed?

You have the knowledge you need to know that not all the people who live on the planet we call "Earth" are lovers obsessed with candy. Some members of the population do not deign to step on a pastry shop or ice cream parlor. Many don't even add sugar to their steaming cup of coffee in the morning. In a nutshell

Their lives end up bitter, sour, and sweet is not a common word in their vocabulary.

Some suffer from lack of happiness.

I have not had the pleasure or the luck of meeting a person in my path who does not like sugar and questions the simple fact of carrying it in the blood and that even with all his bitter life always gives a smile.

Is it possible that after losing happiness you will find it again? In what you least usually expect.

Would you be able to forget the time you had trapped in a cage of sour life, with cells of bitterness and pain, you decide to change for a sweeter and more flavorful life?

Would you risk your well-being for the person you allowed to steal your heart?

The answer is in the history...