
होल्ड अप

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What is होल्ड अप

Read ‘होल्ड अप’ Online for Free, written by the author Abhay_Bapat_9692, This book is a Book&Literature Fanfic, covering Fanfiction, Fan Fiction, Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is:


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After Getting Divorced, Her Powerful Birth Family Welcomed Her Home!

After Tan Ming got pregnant, her husband handed her divorce papers. Twenty-three years ago, Tan Ming was still an orphan nobody wanted. Her adoptive parents adopted her from an orphanage because they struggled to have their own children. However, Tan Ming's unfortunate fate did not change because of this. Within a month, her adoptive mother became pregnant. After her younger sister, Tan Si, was born, Tan Ming became the most disliked person in the family. Ever since she was a child, she had to give way to Tan Si in everything. Her parents only liked Tan Si because Tan Ming was not their biological child. Three years ago, the Tan family forced her to marry a comatose man for the sake of their business. For two entire years, Tan Ming lived as a widow. Until a year ago, when her comatose husband woke up unexpectedly, Tan Si fell in love with him at first sight. This time, Tan Ming decided not to give in anymore. She decisively tried to severe ties with the Tan family. However, she didn't expect to be served divorce papers in the end. For the sake of the children in her womb, Tan Ming was forced by her husband to sign the papers. When the children were born, their biological father was accompanying another woman for her pregnancy test. Just when Tan Ming's world was at its darkest, her real relatives showed up. They were such a wealthy family that even the Tan family looked up to them, and they welcomed her home! After returning home, she was no longer an unwanted child. Not only did she have parents who doted on her, but she also had three brothers who pampered her dearly! Later, her ex-husband regretted his decision and came to apologize in person. "Stay out of my life," Tan Ming uttered.

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There are situations disguised as blessings that turn people's world upside-down, spiralling down uncontrolled, sinking to the point of no return. Sometimes greediness wormed its way deeper than we anticipated, yet people want time to freeze, to savour a happy moment just a little bit longer. On the other hand, her life was handled too cruelly and suffered unimaginable pain and losses. The pain was her constant companion that guided her to move forward. It was pain that taught her that the world is cruel and embracing darkness is the only way to live, for it will always be true. A rarity in the world she is now. Emotions are fickle things and in this place, there is no room for it. Life in exchange for peace and slippery freedom. Blood for the sake of principles. She is an unknown pawn in the game of chess that will be used to destroy the enemy. She is the black horse silently tearing its way into the lion's den. Will she prevail? Or is her darkness within becomes her undoing? A battle of dominance is brewing. There is no time to hesitate as the enemy sets their eyes on her, waiting to strike at her most vulnerable. All rights reserved. This is only a product of the authors' creative thinking and imagination. Whatever similarities are drawn; names, place, and events are purely coincidental. Reproduction of this story by any means without the author's permission is strictly prohibited. Photo credits to the owner. Thank you.

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