

Along day uneven mountain range, to east,

In the mountain range, many terrors the places of unusual animals bird of prey gathering, Feng Feiyun evades to draw back, made a detour, to meet the entrance of hidden world dwelling place of celestial beings all the way, some prosperous as before, the juniors tens of thousands , some were ruined, changed into stretch of ruins,

, Immortal Sect are gradually getting fewer and fewer, the ancient wooden jungle becomes more and more primitive, some mountains reach as high as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the average person is unable to cross, from time to time obviously, grew several thousand years of Gu Mu, reaches as high as the number hundred zhang (333m), just like a day umbrella, dozens meters ominous birds and beasts nidifies above,

More and more close Ancient Border Palace,

The Ancient Border person is antiforeign, does not dare to establish on the dwelling place of celestial beings paradise in this region, making this stretch of earth appear incomparable bleak,


Wing about 20 meters in length ominous birds and beasts, the whole body feathers are the black, the bird mouth likely pincers, puts out blood smell, Changming, then turns toward to sit in Feng Feiyun that the beast Qilin carries on the back throws, has regarded food him,

Feng Feiyun sat in the carrying on the back practice of beast Qilin, felt that the aura of heading on, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall departs accordingly, changes into a long spear, pierced the abdomen of this ominous birds and beasts directly, rotated several in the hand, then threw to fly,

The corpse body of huge ominous birds and beasts, fell from the sky, falls in the deep mountain stream,

„gua, gua."

But, at this moment, in these primitive ancient wood, runs out of the big piece ominous birds and beasts, is dozens meters, blotting out the sky clashes toward the sky above, in the eye is having the intense hostility,

The beast Qilin was given to daunt by these ominous birds and beasts, sends out whooshing that lathers,

The Feng Feiyun heroic bearing is remarkable, stands up suddenly, the portable long spear, each spear|gun can give to nail tight ominous birds and beasts, kills the blood rain horizontally to fly above the midair, the wing and feather everywhere fly, quick gives to cut down over a hundred ominous birds and beasts,


The Feng Feiyun cross wall stands, stands in the midair, the mouth cries loud and long, the body has the terrifying sound that ten thousand beasts roared, immediately the town resulted in the hills peacefully, the complete silence, several formidable ominous birds and beasts wanted to launch the attack to Feng Feiyun, but after hearing this long and loud cry, then has been dormant,

Ten thousand beasts fight the body, has so formidable deterrent effect,

„Here also merely is only the end of day of uneven mountain range, if entered Ancient Border Palace that 100,000 landscapes, will meet formidable rogue Spirit Beast and great birds and beasts, in hearsay Ancient Border Palace has reaches as high as more than 30 meters man apes appears and disappears, the hand such as Dragon Claw, once grasped Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer an arm of superior thumb gives to tear down, but also some people see a mountain that big red snapper, carries on the back is obstructing the day to shade the wings steadily, looks like in the legend very much ‚enormous legendary fish'." Bai Ruxue look dignified [say / way],

„Should be the descendant of enormous legendary fish, the genuine enormous legendary fish, spreads the wings is 90,000 li (0.5km), even if only the descendant of enormous legendary fish, feared that can also swallow Daoist Spiritual Master, in this headstrong forest, absolutely is the King rank." Feng Feiyun said that

Feng Feiyun made the beast Qilin receive the wing, changed into a huge tiger, returned to the ground,

This piece of wilderness, has bred the formidable ominous beast bird of prey, flies in the sky, then turned into the living target, will encounter more and more attacks, after falling to the ground, the speed of although leading the way slowed down, but actually few bitter experiences arrive at the attack,

Passed by three mountain big mountains, has met the lair of ominous birds and beasts all the way, inside had the complete human bones of the dead, some animal bones, looked at the person to be alarmed,

Now merely in the day uneven mountain range, these ominous birds and beasts was much more formidable, can hold in the mouth easily the member of low rank, hauls back the lair, becomes their food,

ancient is wooden, the luxuriant growth of leaves and branches, cannot see the sunlight, the air especially moistly, in the ground, the leaf has piled up thick one, inside has the snakeworm to crawl, not the well-known biology, ordinary humanity enters this piece of wooded mountain, a double-hour, will die,

„Ancient Border person inborn brute force, build is valiant, is common the evil way Sect member and slave business catches them, then the high price trades, some were regarded urges beast, pulls a cart to them \; Some let they look like the unusual animals general slaughter to seek pleasure, died in the abattoir, the people did not regard these four limbs developed simpleminded big fellows similar, but called them, Ancient Border slave."

„Humanity that therefore beyond Ancient Border person ten sections, some food person tribes, must seizing eats exactly, only then a person is an exception, that is the caravan."

To make money, that is courageous, the intercourse in the Ancient Border Palace caravan, absolutely is courage biggest one, not only need guard against the attack of Ancient Border person, but also possibly momentarily gives the attack by the unusual animals and ominous birds and beasts, naturally profit is also quite considerable,

The merchants can spend 12 coarse salt, can trade the value to surpass thousand gold coins from the hand of Ancient Border person the different animal skin \; Also can spend one volume of not good cloth, precious medicinal herbs that trades value 100,000 gold coins from the hand of Ancient Border person,

Feng Feiyun said: „Person and person are together, needs to respect mutually, similarly is humanity, was actually regarded is the wild animal, who can endure, since you, when I am the wild animal, I immediately am the wild animal."

Feng Feiyun was also regarded is different races, the Half Monster half person, was called as is „bastard", „Demon", „evil creature", since you said that I am Demon, said that I am the bastard, my then Demon looked to you that my then bastard looks to you,

Cannot obtain to respect, I why respect you,

Bai Ruxue Luo Shan is gentle, the sound is sweet and pretty, said: „Left a piece of mountain ridge, is the end of day of uneven mountain range, had the supernatural might armed forces to be stationed, has established ‚boundary gate pass', must enter Ancient Border Palace, then surely must by boundary gate Guan Guo."

Shuttled back and forth for four days in the jungle, finally suddenly saw the light, saw the habitation,

At the beginning of the boundary gate pass, builds in Jin Dynasty establishes, most starts to prevent some people seizes to seize the Ancient Border person, thus has the conflict and riot, but afterward, some people bribed guarding to command in the supernatural might armed forces of boundary gate control at the large sum of money, making here governing and ruling more and more loose, catches the phenomenon that caught the Ancient Border slave to sometimes occur, but simply did not have the supernatural might military control,

Gradually, „boundary gate pass" then turned has resisted the war pass of Ancient Border Clan riot,

Naturally in the peace period, here Ancient Border person and humanity can the peaceful coexistence, find at everywhere to set up a stall in the boundary gate pass as before sells the Ancient Border person of animal skin and medicinal herbs, human member who can also see by bargaining,

The boundary gate pass is a huge mountain pass, the city wall continuous several hundred li (0.5km), reclines like a black mountain range there, more approaches to the area just outside the city gate, then more can feel palatial and atmosphere that overspreads to come,

Entered the boundary gate pass, has not seen any supernatural might armed forces, can only see above a wilderness, is the straw mat stall, trades like one, many people mutually trade in this stall, many attire attractive aristocratic family juniors, cultivate for the profound Immortal Sect powerhouse,

Some are the booths that the height three meters many Ancient Border person sets up, above is putting the superficial knowledge of unusual animals, the precious stone, some bucket thick alone angles, the dagger that long animal teeth, or are the big bunch of big bunch of medicinal herbs,

Also there is a human member to set up a stall, is putting the table salt, cloth and Bao soldier vat... Wait / Etc.,

Here stall is very crude, even if the best stall, merely were many several wooden frame, nobody builds the shop front and house radically here,

When Feng Feiyun and Bai Ruxue ride the beast Qilin is entering the boundary gate pass, is the toward evening,

Watches the weather at the evening, the Ancient Border people of many setting up a stall start to tidy up the cargo in stall, bundled in carrying on the back of huge Qi Ox, then fast departure,

These human member, starts the member commodity cargo, departs in abundance,

Is only half double-hour, trading that was also fully occupied, then in abundance withdraws, a ground straw mat does not remain,

The beast Qilin arrives at one to tidy up thing blue robe the side of old man, Feng Feiyun jumped down from carrying on the back of beast Qilin, asks: „Old zhang (3.33 m), why these people in abundance leave."

This old man sees some person and him speaks, originally also some protection, but looks at Feng Feiyun is also pretty, young . Moreover the side is also leading an attractive beautiful female, likely is not the evil way unprincipled person, then slightly relaxed some vigilantly, said: „Day one black, who is also about to here, if met the unusual animals to attack a city, or was some huge tribe overcomes an obstacle, will die here."

Feng Feiyun nod of looking pensive, after already heard Revering Heavens Tribe Jing Feng Great Wiseman dies, Sky Witch Goddess became the Revering Heavens Tribe spiritual leader, Ancient Border Palace becomes very not peaceful, three big tribe battles are unceasing, likely already calamity and to boundary gate pass,

Spirit Beast birds of prey in Ancient Border Palace 100,000 landscape are very fierce, after at nightfall, the activity is more frequent, formidable Spirit Beast, will come to attack the boundary gate pass,

Why this is also a big mountain pass, does not have any house, even links a nice shop front not to have, because again here has constructed the house, possibly overnight was razed,

„These member, carry the commodity to catch up from ten thousand li (0.5km), seeks the wealth, they are always impossible to leave." Feng Feiyun said that

The old men said: „After at nightfall, everybody will hurry to the spirit territory inn 200 miles away, passes the night after there, tomorrow the dawn will continue to set up a stall to here."

„Spirit territory inn not by Spirit Beast bird of prey attack." Feng Feiyun said that

This old man some surprise looked at Feng Feiyun, then said: „Little elder brother, you are first time come the boundary gate pass."

Feng Feiyun nodded,

„That no wonder, the name of your unexpectedly spirit territory inn does not know that in this surrounding area 18,000 thousand li(500 km), the spirit territory inn is the safest place, is most bad risk place, so long as knows one's place, many to some wealth, the waiter Sir in spirit territory inn, will take shelter to you a night of position." This blue robe old man tidied up commodity, tied up in carrying on the back of two Qi Ox,

Feng Feiyun said with a smile: „A waiter in inn, can be called Sir."

„A pug-dog that the proprietress in spirit territory inn raises, half thumb saw must call a dog master." The blue robe old man sees Feng Feiyun somewhat to think otherwise, therefore sincere [say / way]: „To the spirit territory inn, best to have probably lower the stance, knows one's place, otherwise the best haven, will turn into the scariest deceased person place."

The weather was darker, in the air is blowing the cold cold wind, looks like the giant beast in mountain is roaring,

Feng Feiyun, then flew to fall carrying on the back of beast Qilin, along with blue robe old man toward 200 inside and outside spirit territory inn speedily lines,

The darkness in the quick hills the cool breeze blowing gently distant place has the fearful beast roar to transmit to the person a dense fearing intent

Passed by a narrow cliff [say / way] to see only above that escarpment to have the shackle to hang the huge animal bones is only being the head has above the house that big bone to burn the bone fire to send out the terrifying aura this is skeleton of one head thousand years Spirit Beast hangs absolutely there feared that had several hundred years

Front gradually has the flame to transmit

Above a stretch of open area built the innumerable tents to have some well-dressed merchant also many Immortal Sect disciples to have repairs also hangs the symbol of some company to have one team to wear the guard of armor for some formidable acting alone tents of above to protect the tent

Formerly spread one's wares on the ground for sale these member in the boundary gate pass and Ancient Border who person also arrives in here them many people only to stop over does not have the tent only to be able in the far place to sit cross-legged on the ground

Very narrow places give them to stay

Feng Feiyun somewhat curiously inquired: „Why they do not set up a stall transaction instead to run up to boundary gate pass here"

„Dares to trade light to be butchered both hands heaviness to throw into the snake pond in the domain in spirit territory inn in secret to feed python" blue robe old man to say

Feng Feiyun feels relaxed the place that spirit territory inn is did business you to receive its asylum also on, if also dares to snatch its business this is not courting death

These person of quantities are numerous , was not only merchant and some passing member also Ancient Border people here passes the night one to look to judge probably over ten thousand people of audiences this sketchily is the sketchiest estimate

Although the spirit territory inn is not the small inn is however impossible to stay these many people, only then has the status and status great person truly can move in other person then only to buy to the inn in a small open area to pass the night as the place of temporary rest outside here

Naturally here open area not cheap each square meter must spend ten gold coins to be equal to 100,000 copper cashes can make an average person use for ten years

This is also only the price of surrounding leaves spirit territory inn nearer price to be also more expensive

At this time a wear black cloth clothing wore the skull cap hand grasped a jade ruler slightly to thrash the lantern to walk

This young male servant step is on the rise in throwing out the chest dantian to breed the brilliant golden light lithely

Walks to have many member to stand up to greet with a smile to shout: „Waiter Sir"

This young male servant arrived at the front of blue robe old man to say with a smile: „Lin plans to buy many open area rests tonight"

Blue robe old man both hands hold the fist in the other hand bow to say with a smile slightly: „Waiter Sir the business is not good today buys 20 tabletop the open areas to most surrounding on the line"

The blue robe old man dispatched in a [gold/metal] bag is 200 gold coins is just heavy

The young male servant nodded as if already understands that receiving in his hand in the position of most surrounding has then drawn 20 a region of tabletop sizes the jade ruler of [gold/metal] bag

The blue robe old man pulled that two to pile up with cargo Qi Ox to enter in that not big region the cargo generally 20 the blue robe old man of regions of tabletop sizes being filled with like two hills can only sit in the crown of cargo

Feng Feiyun stands, when one side looks that the heart feeling businessman must make money not easy others only to notice you drink eats the meat actually nobody to know you, when outside rushed about to live outdoors

That young male servant stared then to look around Bai Ruxue however quickly to put aside the vision on the body of Feng Feiyun not to cling to the eye slightly narrowed the eyes to ask: „Your two must buy big open area"

Feng Feiyun said with a smile: „How leads a pretty woman to go out possibly to make her sleep outside outside prepares a best room to me"

Dares to close the person who does business mostly somewhat to repair to the boundary gate for the hearing naturally does not miss almost turns toward the youth tone where Feng Feiyun looked at came to come not to be really small

After they stared above the vision the Bai Ruxue outstandingly beautiful appearance immediately then feeling relaxed has so one pretty such as the colored female to go out is they will show tender affection is not cruel enough to make her sleep outside above this wilderness, but the key must open a room that price in the spirit territory inn is not the average person can withstand

„Is one wants the aristocratic family juniors who installs to force to want before the beautiful woman to show off own wealth to look, when he knows that will open the price affirmation face that a room needs to spend to be green in the spirit territory inn"

„That little girl is very indeed beautiful, if can spend together for night with her ** loses everything is also worth"

Bai Ruxue absolutely is the monster fine pupil flow of tears sound gently beautiful pretty [say / way]: „Opens one"

„You think that must open several" Feng Feiyun to say

The thoughts of woman never are the man can guess

„Or entire spirit territory inn wrapping" Bai Ruxue says with a smile

„That wraps" Feng Feiyun but actually also very along with her intent

Must the face same man also should satisfy their vanity outside woman to the man

Such remarks many people „tittering" smiled to come to see the idiot to look generally Feng Feiyun boast shamelessly actually to threaten to the entire spirit territory inn wrapping

Comes out the informed and experienced aristocratic family juniors only to be able on the outside tent face to have the color of mock „he to think that here is elsewhere these inn wants to wrap to wrap, if I can also wrap next ten inn however here me only to say in elsewhere directly... He He"

That young male servant has smiled saying with a smile: „Spirit territory inn vacant room are not many only remaining seven to have two is superior room 100 Spirit Stone of Tianzihao can live in one night of also three is side building 50 Spirit Stone remaining three of words is the side building ten Spirit Stone this young masters of person words you determined that under must wrap completely altogether is 380 Spirit Stone"

This price is very indeed scary 100 Spirit Stone to endure wealth of ratio -and-a-half thumb accumulations however here only to suffice one for a lifetime in the evening

On many member faces has the happy expression to look that Feng Feiyun makes a boner thought after Feng Feiyun hears this price, will be scared

„Was so cheap" Feng Feiyun continually to take out two wash bowl that big Spirit Stone brilliance from Spirit Stone to glitter in the nighttime sky like two stars the eyes of many person eye-catchingly must shine blindly

Such big two Spirit Stone have cut 400 Spirit Stone sufficiently

„Did not need to look for moved my beast Qilin to the room of person words on best wild animal delicacy to it"

Bai Ruxue has not thought that Feng Feiyun really has so many wealth to throw two such big Spirit Stone she actually not to know conveniently this is only on Feng Feiyun a drop in the bucket of wealth

All people are startled God of Wealth where petrochemical dumbfounded Nyima this is must send comes then to throw several hundred Spirit Stone eyes not to wink conveniently

Naturally also in some people of eyes has the greedy look to look that the Feng Feiyun appearance seems like looking at a motion the treasure house, if not for the spirit territory inn forbade to slaughter them perhaps to begin now

Feng Feiyun is shouldering both hands directly walked toward the spirit territory inn has after death broadcast the sound of whooping

„Who perhaps this boy is gets rid so extravagant entire Jin Dynasty younger generation also few to achieve is leader Beiming Potian of North Ocean Faction new generation or is Silver Hook Faction that certainly generation of talents"

„I thought that very likely is Silver Hook Faction that certainly generation of talents also only then Silver Hook Faction possibly so wealthy"

„If were the ominous people of these two younger generation you do not hit his attention carefully to lose one's life really in his hands"

The people all nodded

„Heard that today the defending pass of boundary gate pass will command Guo Shenjiang of supernatural might armed forces to come to spirit territory inn"

„Under Guo Shenjiang place where, but several million supernatural might armed forces endured compared with one side nobilities each month last day of will come to the spirit territory inn funny present spirit territory inn wrapping by this boy have made Guo Shenjiang live in"

„Then had the good play to look by the Guo Shenjiang temperament had feared that will kill people"

In a spirit territory inn secret room here decorates magnificently full is the rouge spirit flower is splendid like an imperial palace

A superficial knowledge snow white pug-dog generally lay like one group of cotton in the thick spirit flowered flower petal black eyes of round flashes the humane ray to turn toward dim corner to call two suddenly „tearfully"

That hand walked with the young male servant of jade ruler came out respectfully to one is doing obeisance [say / way] „proprietress spirit territory inn to come a special person"

„Person who comes to the spirit territory inn who is not special" is a sound voice of woman is very beautiful

A white smoke dense bathing pool mist transpiration can hear the moving underwater sound indistinctly

Perhaps „proprietress said is young male servant no longer talks too much really" for him is a special person however perhaps does not have that special mediocre person one to the proprietress

Also said: „Another matter today is one month of last day"

„" The underwater sound in that bathing pool stood still has gotten down that female saying: „It seems like that annoying god the Sir must come, if not for must under these supernatural might armed forces with the aid of his place protect the spirit territory inn I to stutter really he he he"

The after pug-dog of that pure white non- flaw hears this saying, immediately lathered got up also to call two


„That several odd people in inn they lived nearly for one month not to depart had discovered the proprietress your secret" young male servant buries the face is very deep

„They were the Spirit God Temple person goal do not lie in I should be Feng emperor escape from Copper Furnance Mountain to make them feel that the pressure has given them for the time being does not need to manage them who directed if naturally they could not hand over Spirit Stone me naturally to tidy up them" in bathing pool to stretch out slender gently beautiful white delicate arms glittering and translucent carving above to moisten a rose leaf to have the water drop to tumble above the beautiful white skin to the acme gently beautifully

Cold wind blows the cold air crazy volume

Outside the spirit territory inn welcomed a new guest this is a face whiten breaking arm man wears the purple catching up corpse robe appears tall Shou, the solemn hand in quite pinches a purple catching up corpse bell ringing a bell sound then to keep ringing in the curtain of night gently looks like from the ting that the hell bewitched very much

These sit the merchant and member above wildness on the ground are alarmed again

This cold air makes their heart tingle with numbness

„Is the purple ocean Corpse Cave catching up corpse person"

„Repairs for is not low"

„Was wants to go to Ancient Border Palace to dig the ancient corpse catching up corpse powerhouse with corpse Wang" some old men to experience the Bu Tian actual situation looking very broadly

Can carry the catching up corpse person who corpse king goes on a journey generally well-known, but before , had not actually heard that purple ocean Corpse Cave has such one to break the arm to catch up with the corpse person appears quite strange

„This customer you must buy big shelter" young male servant hand to hold the jade ruler to move forward to meet somebody

Bu Tian stood there vision looks at corners of the mouth to move „me toward the spirit territory inn not to stay at an inn is kills people"

The young male servants greet with a smile to say as before: „Regardless of any person wants not to have the good end naturally spirit territory inn not to help anybody in the spirit territory inn murder raise one's head we to advocate that own trouble must be solved"

Bu Tian lets somebody cool off or calm down shot a look above this young male servant skin a gloom to dissipate to condense one fierce ugly face one to nip the gloomy heyday chill in the air toward the young male servant like faint trace cold fog to be really thick

Blotting out the sky covered to change into the deep pandemonium here

The young male servants on got used to seeing an all these hand to hit a lantern hand to grasp the jade ruler probably as in that ugly face pressed above his top of the head in that flash spirit territory inn hears an old cough sound to make the hills of distant place vibrate earth-shakingly sends out the mighty bell echo


The ugly face was disillusioned to change into faint trace ghost fog loudly

The Bu Tian body shook first successive to draw back nine steps to tread out nine deep footprints to fall back on beyond more than ten zhang (3.33 m) backward outside to stand firm the personal appearance in the ground reluctantly

The young male servants said with a smile: „After reading your first time comes to the spirit territory inn to forgive your life slightly punished loudly warns, makes this preliminary mistake not by any means again"

The corners of the mouth of Bu Tian are hanging a bloodstain, although complexion as before tranquil, but the heart shocking especially opposite party merely will be only a cough will actually give to wound the small inn to hide the powerhouse of any what kind rank

He uses the sleeves toward the spirit territory inn that drying then did not say a word to walk one step to step into the bloodstain of corners of the mouth the inn that the white stone has built becomes here to build very much looks like a Shimiao however actually not to consecrate is actually Stone Hu who god Buddha consecrated

Naturally since is the inn naturally must have the nice wine becoming reconciled meat have the pretty accountant miss

Although the spirit territory inn the reputation is striking, but waiter also really few five fingers can count but actually

What that hand grasps the young male servant of disciplinary ruler his name to be called „waiter Sir" this is the people to his name is also his name his main control is the reception and all things outside spirit territory of inn guest

This accountant miss fresh is the delicate appearance endures compared with the princesses of these respected families very much

„Spirit territory inn altogether ten Tianzihao room 20 diphenyl guanadine room 30 person character rooms..." small two blink in bright eye to grasp on a bronze penstock face the smiling face like the flower

Her name was called „slightly two"

„Gives me to come to a Tianzihao room" Bu Tian to say

„Did not have"

„That gives me to come to a diphenyl guanadine room" Bu Tian to say

„Did not have"

The Bu Tian vision became disgruntled said: „Person character room ought to have"

„Did not have"

„Why you spoke that many" a Bu Tian fist racket maliciously above lithical case stage, if not for abstained from that that powerhouse in spirit territory deep place he will be at this moment young two to give a palm to pat

Small two hang the smiling face to say as before: „I am want to tell you superior room, although had not finished also the firewood room you, if in pays five Spirit Stone then to go to rest for night"

The mouth of Bu Tian exudes „cluck-cluck" sneering sound he, but the purple ocean Corpse Cave hole main big disciple has not actually thought that will be insulted on accountant miss a murderous intention of front reveals completely above the palm to surge corpse fog

Feng Feiyun sits on a below table of stone column suspends eight types of the meat of unusual animals to have the Qi Ox meat to have the snow sable meat to have the snow venison white pottery jade hare on the moon meat... In each meat also holds Zhu Guo good wine vision to pay attention on the body of Bu Tian

„Is the purple ocean Corpse Cave catching up corpse person" Bai Ruxue [say / way] in a low voice

Feng Feiyun nodded to say with a smile: „I can feel on him killing intent Spiritual Awareness to tell me him am kill my"

„You can also smile" Bai Ruxue to say

Feng Feiyun was actually smiles happier centralized did not suppress the sound to say to his body the attention of many person: „Perhaps spirit territory inn was not the place of murder he wants to kill me not to kill"

Distant place Bu Tian naturally heard the Feng Feiyun laughter to gather to stare at small 21 that the corpse glow above palm has let somebody cool off or calm down then the body transverse shift to fall the Feng Feiyun front Feng Feiyun to size up an eye to narrow the eyes saying: „Really was you already heard that you is a madman see today also are really not general craziness"

Small two eye pupils quite curious looks that here this was must kill people is really the anticipation

Feng Feiyun said with a smile: „clear(ly) knows that you could not kill my me should not be crazy"

The Bu Tian killing intent was very thick, but quick restrained got up he naturally also to know that now does not kill the Feng Feiyun place therefore directly to sit

His manner becomes extremely quickly obviously he is not a person of crude conduct

Bu Tian sits in the side of that table Feng Feiyun sits

That corpse Wang Jiangzhi body also sat to sit another side putrid stench to eat meal to drink strongly radically continually ** did not have

Bai Ruxue knit the brows not to want really again and a corpse king sits on a table Feng Feiyun saw that she does not want to treat again said here: „How walks to go to room"

They depart the later Bu Tian then big mouth eating meat big mouth drank getting up corners of the mouth to bring to wipe strange smiling face that is the smiling face of victor

Many people showed the disappointed expression they to think that these two engaged in a decisive battle actually not to think a youth actually evaded to draw back has gotten down to miss a good play in vain

Saying with a smile that some people mocked: „Was such frightened runs away is really instigates goods"

Although his sound small, but actually as before hearing to stop the footsteps to look that in the direction that the sound conveyed by Feng Feiyun saw a height five meters many Ancient Border person put on the primitive animal skin heavy features to throw over a steel wire general black long hair body tall and strong to look like a gorilla very much

His carrying on the back at the back of a bone club could not see that is above any beast bone however that bone lends the beastly nature that actually huge incomparably compares one living the Spirit Beast aura to be huge

„Does not want in the spirit territory inn to wage a war, but actually must some people stir up me" Feng Feiyun to say

That Ancient Border fierce humanity: „Cannot win cannot win why finds excuse to oneself"

„Your which eye sees me unable to win him" Feng Feiyun to say

That Ancient Border fierce person tiger circle stares like two fist that big thunder lanes: „Your cultivation, only then Heaven's Mandate 4th-layer but his cultivation to achieve late also corpse Wang Xiangsui of half thumb, so long as grows the person of eye then to see you are not his match"

The eyesight of this Ancient Border fierce person cannot see through cultivation of Feng Feiyun to achieve the super thumb of Heaven's Mandate 8th-layer very much generally unexpectedly for these unable to achieve this point

Feng Feiyun said with a smile: „Grows is actually not fact that the eye person is seeing"

Bu Tian cold Cece smiled getting up sound to dare the dry [say / way]: „That said that you must fight"

„Who asked me to be concerned about face-saving unable to bear others' prodding" Feng Feiyun also to smile

The accountant miss said excitedly: „Spirit territory inn, although forbids to slaughter with the battle but if occurred in inn that piece of Montenegro jungle we are also glad to observe"

Outside of spirit territory inn has a piece of primitive jungle to look from afar in dense mountain height fluctuating is hidden the innumerable ominous beast bird of prey danger after at nightfall, in then has the earth that the wolf of enlightening the benighted eats delicacies to transmit shakes to shiver

„Person of being concerned about face-saving exactly suffers hardship the youth formidable strength strong background should not better or endure low taking soft perhaps tonight also to maintain a livelihood" an old man of wear gray cotton cloth Chinese-style gown to urge

„Purple ocean Corpse Cave is not the affable lord runs away to the spirit territory inn is also useless you not to be impossible forever to hide the proprietress in this inn in this inn is a woman of being greedy for money, once you will not have Spirit Stone you is a thumb are expelled some people to think that to her" Feng Feiyun was offends purple ocean Corpse Cave to encounter to chase down to run away the spirit territory inn to seek asylum

They think like this but actually also reasonably looks like Feng Feiyun this young juniors how, if will have the strong backer also to lead a beautiful woman to arrive at this barren mountains and untamed rivers really

Feng Feiyun naturally does not fear cultivation of Bu Tian Bu Tian, although the strength of formidable corpse king is also very fearful, but wants to strike to kill Feng Feiyun this strength is the insufficient light is Feng Feiyun endures compared with the thumb peak speed they then can only be covered with dust in behind

Reason that Feng Feiyun accepting a challenge naturally by the Ancient Border fierce person prodding, but was he suddenly changes paid attention to that is because he smelled taste gang of him to be familiar in the inn all at once cannot the familiar smell spookiness

Had a spookiness to flutter from the deep place of spirit territory inn in a moment ago that flash

In the spirit territory inn really has monster this to make Feng Feiyun excited and vigilant, therefore then plans directing this monster therefore has readily agreed with a Bu Tian life and death war

Jin Dynasty is the state of humanity, already Monster Clan pursuing this stretch of earth, before especially the 6000 war of that only monster, Jin Dynasty first-generation Emperor Jin, united four big powerful families, Monster Clan thorough routing that myriad Immortal Sect, will drift away, cleaned up Jin Dynasty completely,

Naturally, Feng Feiyun knows, they rout is only Monster Clan some blood impure small monsters, at is not Monster Clan domain the big monsters of these inheritance ancient bloodlines,

The Monster Clan race wants many several hundred times compared with humanity, the area must too be greatly more than humanity, true formidable Monster Clan, at all was not Dynasty can resist,

However here after is the state of humanity, unexpectedly presented the spookiness, this is really the earthshaking important matter, once passes on, will start big mighty waves in entire Jin Dynasty,

Naturally the average person is impossible to hear that obtains the spookiness, only then cultivates the profound [say / way] and Buddha two Daoist Spiritual Master, possible nearby spookiness hearing, if cultivation of that monster for formidable, cultivated has sealed the spookiness the magical powers, even if were the [say / way] and Buddha two Daoist Spiritual Master, was not necessarily able to give to see through it,

The spirit territory inn is hiding a monster unexpectedly,

„Feng Feiyun, the opposite party repairs is absolute high, you..." Bai Ruxue, although the heart deep place is hiding to the Feng Feiyun hatred, but is in the spirit territory inn now, the ferocious person finds at everywhere, if Feng Feiyun died in battle, then by her outstandingly beautiful appearance, surely will become the game that these people will rob,

She now looks like by a Little Bai sheep of Feng Feiyun this wicked wolf captivity, but the surroundings are the beast of prey observe the situation, once Feng Feiyun this wicked wolf died, then this Little Bai sheep, will become the good food that these rogue beast of prey will fight, everyone will nip possibly one to her on,

Although treats in the side of Feng Feiyun this wicked wolf, is not the happy matter, but at least this wicked wolf now also not hungry, has not returned to her end opening, but has a look at these beast of prey again, eyes brave the green light, wishes one could to give her to stutter,

Especially that height five meters, put on the Ancient Border man of animal skin, his vision will fall once for a while above her beautiful fascinating'winsome jade body, as if must give to see through the clothes that she wears, is having the smiling face of teasing, he spoke to prod Feng Feiyun a moment ago, reason that has the larger part is also to want Feng Feiyun loses one's life in the hand of Bu Tian, then picks this honey peach,

But in the final analysis, the key is she to the Feng Feiyun not big confidence,

Bu Tian is half thumb later, a corpse king, powerhouse who in addition his unusual natural talent, the strength pursues the thumb initial stage rank, but Feng Feiyun Heaven's Mandate 4th-layer, could call the king in the younger generation, in this type in front of person who has practiced several This, insufficiently looks as before,

In Feng Feiyun heart tranquil, the eye is firm, calm smiling,

Bu Tian sits there, said: „Your woman, does not have the confidence to you, if you are willing to kneel, sought my two, then gave me your woman, accompanied me to rest for night, I could forgive your life."

Bu Tian naturally knows that Feng Feiyun is absolutely impossible to kneel down, said that this saying wants to press a Feng Feiyun head in the imposing manner, compelling Feng Feiyun to go all out with him,

Sits said in nearby that grey clothes old man: „Young people, your natural talent is good, endures the temporary air/Qi, has saved the life, in the future will have to revenge the opportunity, the sage had received the shame of crotch, let alone is our these ordinary people, kneels down to beg for mercy, not necessarily is the coward, so long as can understand that this shame, goes all out, in the future will defeat the enemy, might as well be a real man."

Can enter the member in spirit territory inn, does not have one is the average person, this grey clothes old man is also one repairs for the good person of high skill, saw Feng Feiyun natural talent absolute high, does not think that he loses the life in vain,

Bu Tian nodded, says with a smile: „Senior said is very correct, is not two leg one, if kneels down to preserve a life, this indeed is the world most cost-effective transaction, naturally, that attractive beautiful woman, accompanies me to rest an evening merely, tomorrow morning you but may she hug to my bed general."

Their sounds cannot the suppression, many member outside spirit territory inn raise up the ear to listen secretly, wants to know that finally Feng Feiyun will admit defeat, will resist hardly,

The hand of Feng Feiyun traces above the Bai Ruxue beautiful cheeks, corners of the mouth slightly selects, says with a smile: „You name."

This saying naturally did not ask Bai Ruxue,

„Bu Tian." Bu Tian is also smiling,

„Then on war." The Feng Feiyun sound is very tranquil,


stone door of spirit territory inn was shoved open suddenly, the sound that a thin-bladed knife soldier intersects resounds, this is the iron armor and sound of sword collision, is very grating, wore the black to fight the overwhelming power man of armor to walk from outside chain,

This male body tall and strong, the valuables carried on the person purple belt, hangs in a handle shutter that wide sword, sincere metal shoe has a bang in the ground, the entire great hall shakes, just likes the giant beast stands up from failure,

„Who was said a moment ago must fight." Guo Shenjiang touches on the chin thick beard, the sound sudden and violent thunder, entered the spirit territory inn, is observing the situation everyone on the scene, said: „Does not know that resorts to violence in the spirit territory inn, is my Guo Dahai cannot pass, knows where here is, here is my Guo Dahai gathering place, if whose his mother dares to disturb here, is I and Guo Dahai cannot pass, cannot pass with our supernatural might armed forces, cannot pass with entire Jin Dynasty."


Guo Dahai has taken down the sword on waist, inserting suddenly in the center of great hall, fell, the knife point woods are cold, above the hilt has a fist that big noble appearance, fierce scary,

Is growing caret-shaped beard, wears the middle-aged scholar of high black hat to follow in his behind, the body quite obviously thin and weak, obviously is a military strategist and so on person, strains the voice saying: „Was the person who which did not enlarge ones vision said a moment ago must fight, has not given Sir Guo Shenjiang to leave, wants the god the Sir to adjust 3 million supernatural might armed forces, trampled flat the spirit territory inn, you were willingly."

Outside walks six to wear fights the armor, the aura cold supernatural might armed forces combat general, each mail-armor and helmet pitch-black, long spear is bright, in both eyes is having the look of despising,

Feng Feiyun shot a look at one slightly, then the armor that puts from them judges, they hold the post in the supernatural might armed forces the character of military order, under each place commands over 100,000 soldiers and horses,

Their six people defend in Guo Dahai, obviously is the Guo Dahai subordinate, repairs not to be low,

Guo Dahai drew a big stool, sat, sat with the Bu Tian opposite, said: „It seems like you had not planned that really to this god face, good, this is you forces my, Lu Tao, sends the cloud penetration ball, gives me to dispatch at the same night all supernatural might armed forces, today the father must kill here bloodbath."

„No, Old Gentleman Guo, the supernatural might armed forces one, has not made to be in chaotic situation, how when the time comes our inn also opens." Small two carry pot good wine, on the face is hanging in the charming smiling face, full poured out one cup to Guo Dahai,

Guo Dahai received the wine class, drinks, smiled, said: „Small two, my this is not also maintaining the public security in spirit territory inn, which likely friendly kinds you look at this crowd of person, if their battle gets up, injured Yaoyao, my this heart this pain."

Small two heart speechless, but on the face actually as before smiles, said: „Old Gentleman Guo, you did not come, who also dares not to enlarge ones vision, you could not pass with Old Gentleman Guo."

The Guo Dahai heart is delicious, says with a smile: „Small two, you most will speak, go, opens a superior Tianzihao room to Old Gentleman Guo, tonight I must sing loudly one for Yaoyao, to show my day to think of the pain of yearning that the night thought."

„Oh, Old Gentleman Guo, sorry, came a master today, the vacant room in entire spirit territory inn will give to wrap." The apology of small two whole face,


Guo Dahai was not happy immediately, a fist arranges on the table, gave to shake in all directions the above dishes flutters, said: „Who is so rich, asking him to leave to me, this god is going to question his Spirit Stone background well."

Stands in that military strategist of his side, said: „Some time ago, a Silver Hook Faction caravan was robbed, there are massive Spirit Stone to lose, we were tracing this matter, asking everybody to coordinate our supernatural might armed forces to handle matters."

Small two binocular pupils shot a look at Feng Feiyun one slightly, the lip move, finally has not said the words to come, her heart was thinking, this youth was also too bad luck, was just pursued by the powerful enemy, forced to have too many problems to tackle, today, has caught up this special day character, was given to block by Guo Dahai, it seems like tonight the spirit territory inn must have a tangled warfare unavoidably,

Guo Dahai is not an affable character, although the surface seems tall, hundred do not have uses, but can become the boundary gate pass defending pass commands, how can also be the mediocre person,

But Guo Dahai genuine goods at reasonable prices the powerhouse of thumb rank, is under the Hu Tianhou place the most formidable several gods one, brave, during is crude sees the wisdom, once routed the Ancient Border indigenous attack boundary gate pass repeatedly,

These for several hundred years, boundary gate closes has not broken one time, thus it can be seen fierce of Guo Dahai this person,

Feng Feiyun closes right up against the pillar to stand, says with a smile: „The Silver Hook Faction caravan is robbed, naturally has the Silver Hook Faction powerhouse to recover, even if the royal government must manage this matter, main is managed by the Ancient Border Palace palace, your god, will not guard your border pass well, actually helps the finance that others seek to lose, you collected Silver Hook Faction how much money."


Such remarks, gives to shake many people,

Outside especially spirit territory inn these member, frighten the complexion big change, this youth in courting death inadequately, dares to accuse Guo Dahai this expert unexpectedly, must know that area Ancient Border Palace and this of day uneven mountain range border, Guo Dahai is side nobilities general existences , the several million supernatural might armed forces under place, may be the master of oppressor, eats the person not to spit the bone,

Passed by here Immortal Sect palm to teach, the evil way ominous person, is not willing to offend him,

Really, the eyebrow of Guo Dahai set upright, inserted that handle sword contention in ground makes noise, drank one coldly: „Big of world, is it possible that Wang earth, your this boy, dares to despise the dignity of supernatural might armed forces unexpectedly, this simply in despising entire Jin Dynasty, funny, now the worldwide chaos, the group dragon bites the day, the bandit runs amuck, the empress already under the purport severe punishment rebelled against the Dynasty evildoer, I think you am an evildoer of usurping state power, gives me to take him."

Guo Dahai behind goes out of an armor ice cold man, named Lu Tao, is supernatural might armed forces the military order, is ready to fight, on the face is bringing sneering, offers a sacrifice to a god lock, walked toward Feng Feiyun,

These powerhouses in spirit territory inn, are outside these business guests and member, has shown the look of taking pleasure in others'misfortunes,

The Feng Feiyun eye is bringing several points of cold, said: „Guo Dahai, you are really the big courage, your immediate superior Hu Tianhou sees me, does not have you such big manner, you also dare to catch me unexpectedly."

The Feng Feiyun look ice is cold, in vision killed intent to be really thick, looks at the Guo Dahai heart to tremble slightly, resembles by spicules gripping,

Guo Dahai experienced the god of sanguinary rule, how is given to daunt by a look, said: „Boy, you have in a type of report, person also really few that my Guo Dahai does not dare to stress."

Feng Feiyun stands there, has not said the meaning of oneself name,

The Don't military strategists trace near the corners of the mouth caret-shaped beard, has sized up Feng Feiyun, unexpectedly, the complexion slightly changes, put one's mouth close to another's ear said anything in the Guo Dahai ear,

Beginning Guo Dahai on the face is also having several points of happy expression, suddenly, the complexion then changes, first is becomes turns purple, then becomes dark, finally looked up carefully Feng Feiyun suddenly, on the face at once became the pale piece,

His face becomes somewhat is really strange, the expression is complex makes many people unable to understand,

Stands „slightly two" somewhat is also surprised in nearby accountant miss, does not know how this god the Sir will be, how to fail to explode suddenly,

Lu Tao raises the god to lock cannot obtain the instruction of Guo Dahai, suddenly also stiff there, asked: „Sir, grasps."

„Lu Tao, you draw back first." The Don't military strategists have coughed two, [say / way] in a low voice,

This, the people are shocked once more, the world has the person who the supernatural might armed forces do not dare to move, perhaps has, but actually absolutely is not a youth, the supernatural might armed forces military officers who can having fought many battles give to daunt,

After long time, Guo Dahai has restrained haughty air/Qi, on the rough face squeezes a smiling face, asking cautiously: „May I ask this young master to hit the gods to come."

Feng Feiyun has put in order the adjusting one's clothing corner/horn, said: „Treats in the gods actually after a period of time."

„The young master and our Hu Tianhou..." Guo Dahai said that

Guo Dahai has guessed correctly the Feng Feiyun status obviously very much, but he was unable to determine, moreover does not dare saying that feared that current dynasty God King gives to offend, therefore making a veiled attack such,

Feng Feiyun said: „Had some friendship, is it possible that Sir Hu Tianhou also to arrive at the border pass now."

Guo Dahai was more definite in own heart to think that does not dare to be insolent, said: „Recently three most parts relations of Ancient Border Palace were getting more and more intense, these small tribes are also flustered, after northern ocean died, the North Ocean Faction remnants of faction also in Dynasty rebelling in all directions, assumed god several marquises to be dispatched, the tiger master then assumes the south now, is responsible for stabilizing Southern Grand Palace and Ancient Border Palace one generation of situations."

The officers under every Hu Tianhou place, said generally Hu Tianhou is „tiger master",

Member on the scene, expressions astonished, a moment ago also ominous prestige illustrious Guo Dahai, now unexpectedly then „docile", probably is ordinary in report,

This youth anything background, is it possible that is some great person of royal government,

Feng Feiyun nodded, said: „Under your hand has many supernatural might armies."

„Altogether 6.2 million." Hu Tianhou does not dare to conceal, naturally this is not any military strategist is also secret, because the quantity of army are too really many, did not conceal,

Naturally this digit, indeed on the scene gives to have a scare many powerhouses, facing so huge army quantity, even if the characters of thumb rank must evade to draw back,

The Feng Feiyun knitting the brows head, „quantity these many, a god the army quantity that the sign matches is not 1 million."

Hu Tianhou said: „After empress succeeds to the throne, then ordered to want the expansion of armaments to prepare, massive recruiting armies, short one year, the quantity of supernatural might armed forces one year ago were more than over five times, the light is the tiger master presently below supernatural might armed forces present then approached four hundred million, but in these 400 million supernatural might armed forces, overwhelming majorities were the recruit spherical objects, has not wheted above the battlefield, was very difficult will choose the new god, therefore these armies will then make the beforehand god command in the future, therefore under each god's were then many place army several fold."

Very special period, then must have the unusual countermeasure, now the total of supernatural might armed forces feared that soon approaches 6 billion, has achieved 20 : 1 with Jin Dynasty population the proportion of total,

This was also not the most critical time, Jin Dynasty encountered over a disaster, eight government offices fell to the enemy seven government offices, at that time then entered the condition of people's all soldier, the army and proportion of total population has been 3 : 1, the 14-year-old youth and 60-year- old people killed the battlefield, ten people went to battle with one person, but finally under the leadership of Empress Long Jiangling, lasted for 20 years, finally won that campaign,

Although present Jin Dynasty the beacon rises from all directions, country divided into rival baronies, but has not been all soldier time of all the people,

By a Jin Dynasty several thousand years of accumulation, must support 6 billion supernatural might armed forces, is not a difficult matter,

Feng Feiyun nodded, the royal government can in short one year, expansion of armaments five times, this is also not the difficult matter, beforehand Spirit State City, many military people want to study the practice method not to, gives all out to enter the supernatural might armed forces, now has given their this opportunities, moreover can practice the practice merit law in army, naturally many people enlisted in the military,

Royal government besides preparing for war, but also massive buys in the small Immortal Sect disciple to enter the army, for example side Guo Dahai that not military strategist, is a small Immortal Sect gate lord,

„Does you training not well, rush to here to do?" Feng Feiyun said that

The Guo Dahai complexion becomes the somewhat strange, [say / way] in a low voice: „Each month last day, supernatural might armed forces collective leave."

Many person hearts at this moment in secret were guessing god who the Feng Feiyun status, can actually let supernatural might armed forces obedient being obedient, asked one, answered one, probably ran into the immediate superior to be ordinary, not to be what surprising,

These formerly also think Feng Feiyun because of the avoidance personal enemy, runs away to the person who the spirit territory inn comes, at this moment denied this idea, thought that this youth definitely is the great person in royal government, likely has the duty of secret in the body,

In the spirit territory inn several old people, the divine light twinkle in eye, as if had guessed but actually correctly who Feng Feiyun is, is whispering, but they talked by Divine Sense, the bystander is unable to hear them to say anything,

Bu Tian as before tranquil sitting there, iron Qilin corpse king also static sitting in his side, but he has not spoken to kill Feng Feiyun at this moment again, after all he knows that Feng Feiyun status, now are many Guo Dahai to come, making him be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt,

Feng Feiyun has not actually planned to let off him, said: „Our war, may also probably continue."

Bu Tian said: „Momentarily accompanies."

Although Guo Dahai does not know that Feng Feiyun and Bu Tian have any gratitude and grudges, but may climb the friendship with Sir God King at this time time, where can make Sir God King get rid personally, therefore a palm move, that handle shutter wide sword then fell in his hand, the knife point toward Bu Tian one finger, said: „Kills people this matter, where can make the young master you do, my Guo Dahai is willing to chop this him for the young master."

Don't military strategists and six military order, eyes covetously, the body fights the air/Qi to surge, the spirit glow ran out of the skin, ominous light are imposing, kill intent to be strong,

Feng Feiyun said: „This is my matter, you multibarreled."

„But..." on the Guo Dahai face has the embarrassment,

Feng Feiyun said: „You think that I cannot kill people."

Guo Dahai received the sword hastily, told that other people received to fight the blade edge, since Sir God King said that that definitely had the absolute assurance, dealt with this to catch up with the corpse person,

„I outside you." Bu Tian looked at Feng Feiyun two slightly high, linked him to think that Feng Feiyun will reply on the Guo Dahai strength to cope with him, but Feng Feiyun such has not actually done, it seems like before , looked down on him actually,

Bu Tian starts to face up to Feng Feiyun this match,

The spirit territory inn, beyond ten li (0.5km), the cliff, the cliff opposite shore is a piece of dense mountain range, inside is wooden, the malaria tumbles, in the curtain of night, can the shadow of indistinct seeing body huge biology fly in the midair, the eye like two lanterns,

These living thing actually do not dare to near the spirit territory inn, in probably spirit territory inn has any fearful existence, making them only dare to move in the surrounding, sends out dense fearful sounding,

Bu Tian stands a crown at this moment in Montenegro, the clothes robe sways, the body cold air is fearful, lets biology of these life in darkness, in abundance withdraws,

Chain bridge of Feng Feiyun above along cliff walks certainly, the body sways above the midair, turns toward the opposite that primitive wild forest to walk step by step, appears especially calm,

„Must fight."

„Has not thought that youth, dares to accept a challenge unexpectedly."

„Including Guo Shenjiang to this youth respectfully, it seems like that this youth absolutely is not simple, perhaps the body carried some town world to kill the soldier, can go against heaven's will cuts down the immortal, the decision universe."

Guo Dahai and Mo Junshi, six supernatural might armed forces military order, stands in certainly the head of cliff, everyone complexion is solemn, they know that the Feng Feiyun status, knows Feng Feiyun to be fearful, butchered dies in his hand, if he went crazy , was quite absolutely scary,

„Old Gentleman Guo, our family proprietresses want to see you." Small two have arrived at Guo Dahai saying of gentle voice, beautiful pupil flow of tears, graceful bearing like picture,

After Guo Dahai hears this saying, the thoughts of continually observing did not have, the heart is happy, Yaoyao is willing to see me unexpectedly, the day, she is willing to see me finally,


Explained the refresh time again, two chapters of words: On 7 : 00 am, 7 : 00 pm, three words: 7 : 00 am, 7 : 00 pm, 12 : 00 am, if four chapters: On in addition at 12 : 00 pm,

The spirit territory inn, builds like a slabstone forest, inside smog clears away, vast does not know infinitely profound, therefore there is „a spirit territory" name,

One full is the palace in Huahai, situated in a pinnacle above, float in more than ten meters high void,

Guo Dahai treads the steps that the smog stack is becoming, then entered in this palace,

This is his first time arrived here, the spiritual energy in spirit territory inn is thick, before surpassing him, has seen any place,

„Here should be the deep place of spirit territory inn, even if cannot come in richly." The Guo Dahai heart was very disturbed, has filled excitedly, in the mind reappeared that enchanting and non- current fad, gorgeous and has filled the female of immortal rhyme,

More than 100 years ago, Guo Dahai once intruded the Ancient Border territory, has stepped into 100,000 landscapes, before searching 6000 in legend, leaves behind „Wan Yaogu", whether there is hearsay there once compared formidable Monster Clan to occupy, it is said that has god conceal that Monster Clan keeps in Wan Yaogu, afterward after Monster Clan was exterminated, the god who Wan Yaogu and Monster Clan keep hid sank to the bottom,

It is said that has the unparalleled powerhouse to see one in Copper Furnance Mountain fully has been the mountain valley of monster corpse, the inside radiant ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the unusual brightness was graceful, has Spirit Artifact of without owner to fly in the sky, has the eyeball of formidable incomparable Monster Clan to change into a round moon and a Sun, float in mountain valley,

Guo Dahai at that time also by these fables stirring up heart movement, therefore has then led one team of powerhouses, goes to 100,000 landscape deep places „Copper Furnance Mountain", searches the Monster Clan god conceal, finally they have not arrived 50% journeys, in Spirit Beast and ominous birds and beasts by headstrong uncultivated land almost kill are annihilated,

Original Guo Dahai is unable to run away from inside, is in an extremely difficult situation in him, already soon desperate time, saw the proprietress in spirit territory inn, she walks from 100,000 landscapes, is throwing over the furry pure white non- flaw fox fur coat, the black hair is floating, the body is spotless, falls from the day just like the surging waves fairy maiden,

Strange saying that these rogue beast of prey Gu Qin, saw her, actually in abundance withdraws, probably is the pet that she raises is ordinary,

Guo Dahai then distant following in her, can maintain a livelihood, ran away from inside,

Afterward, arrived at the spirit territory inn with this female fairy maiden, inquired to waiter Sir that knows she is the proprietress in spirit territory inn, named „Yaoyao",

From then on, each month last day, he will then come to the spirit territory inn previous one in the evening, but also sends the supernatural might armed forces to protect the spirit territory inn specially, trouble that any some people dare to look for the spirit territory inn, his first will be troublesome blocking,

„Tearful." A pure white pug-dog, lies above the red flower petal above, was calling two to Guo Dahai,

„God Sir, but also is really a dedicated person, more than 120 years passed by, will consider the business of spirit territory inn as before on time, every month are 100 Spirit Stone disbursements, the god Sir's life savings will fear that compensated on this." In the mist, a voice of young moving female conveys,

The Guo Dahai complexion is awkward, said: „The graciousness of life-saving not thinks report, let alone compensates the lifetime savings, even if compensates my this life, I was also willing."

„Was only I have the incident puzzled..." in the voice of that female to fill puzzled,

Guo Dahai [say / way] in reverential awe: „The thing that if I know, the absolute knowledge said all, expresses oneself fully."

„He He." The laughter of female, has been full of the attraction, said: „Sir the hero character like the god, why actually must lower the head in a front of youth, who the youth is."

This is the proprietress seeks his real cause,

Guo Dahai knows what she refers to is Feng Feiyun, he also knows that cultivation of this proprietress not to be absolutely ordinary, definitely knows matter that outside has, will therefore feel that inquired him curiously,

The Feng Feiyun status is also a secret, making him very awkward,

„This... I can certainly tell Yaoyao, but also asked Yaoyao do not tell others." Guo Dahai said that

„That is natural."

Guo Dahai relaxed, said: „Actually he is Demon's Child, Feng Feiyun, is now God King."

„Originally is he." In the voice of inside that female had several points to feel relaxed, has pondered the moment, said: „Small two, delivers the god the Sir to exit, remembers delivering the god Sir pot nice wine, free."


Above that piece of dense mountain range, corpse Wang Li there, the body full is the scale, the position of mouth has the rotten place, a long and loud cry, the mouth runs out of the stench Corpse Qi, the surrounding old tree and bush withered at the naked eye obvious speed, changed into old and Lao Ye,

Feng Feiyun happen to from the mountain, the ground thick fallen leaf, flying has curled, inside is bringing ** the lignin flavor, the volume his long hair flies upwards, his solemn and five senses distinct face, exposed in the cold wind,

, Feng Feiyun stopped footsteps suddenly, looks at the everywhere stars of top of the head, the body moves slightly, then fell above a bulge canine giant stone, under the star light, the giant stone presented the bluish gray color,


In the Feng Feiyun body ten thousand beast Qi Yong, send out ten thousand beasts to gather eats delicacies, howl such as dragon, such as phoenix, such as lion, such as leopard, such as cow, such as python... Vibrates the continuous several hundred li (0.5km) mountain, sound of straight orphaned wolf long and loud cry fearful,

The sound direct impact expansive sky, shakes cloud layer shoving open above backdrop in abundance, the general light bright nighttime sky, becomes limpid, everywhere stars like gems, mount above black cloth, the star light sprinkles, the surrounding earth has covered a fluorescence,

The howl falls, in these landform primitive jungles, transmits one „xi xi su su" the sound, does not know that many ominous beasts toward here Ben Lai, exude cry continuously, making this piece cannot be peaceful greatly,


The sound is getting more and more crowded, is getting more and more fierce, resembled the mighty force to catch up toward here,

A wolf eats delicacies the vibration earth, an appearance is fierce, great wolf that the whole body black grows hair, is ordinary like a hill, gallops toward here,

Is growing the body of elephant, is living the biology of dozens meters wing, flies from the sky of distant place, inside and outside more than ten, can see its huge body,

Feng Feiyun stands above that giant blue stone, above Bu Tian with distant place piedmont looks at each other,

The innumerable ominous beasts, gathered Feng Feiyun, the dense and numerous green and glossy eyes, flooded in the curtain of night, very infiltrated the person,

„You have the corpse king to assist, my also ten thousand beasts support, the winner is the king, the defeated binds the corpse, hopes and your purple ocean Corpse Cave gratitude and grudges, settles today." The Feng Feiyun sound was extremely light, calls Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, changed into a plain war spear, white light Yingying, slaughtered the death scepter of common people like one,

„Only if you die, otherwise this gratitude and grudges are not then able to settle." On the Bu Tian catching up corpse robe flies upwards, grasps the purple to catch up with corpse Ling, the surrounding cold wind of body flap flap, in the ground has corpse to break ground to come, like the corpse ghost who crawls from the hell,

That flash in the ground splitting, the bottom has transmitted a strange fluctuation,

Feng Feiyun both eyes shut, Spiritual Awareness shivers, sensation to the pulsation of earth, bottom unexpectedly purple light spirit [lineage/vein], because hides in the place bottom side deep place, by extremely powerhouse covering spirit [lineage/vein] aura, therefore Feng Feiyun formerly arrived here not to have the sensation to the fluctuation of spirit [lineage/vein],

However Bu Tian must to catch up with corpse secret technique, will bury in the place bottom old corpse calling, had a purple light spiritual energy, this made Feng Feiyun realize the purple light spirit [lineage/vein] aura,

„Good, then uses your hand today, breaks through Heaven's Mandate 5th-layer."

After Feng Feiyun the Tan Qingsu Buddha strength building up, then has reached the Heaven's Mandate 4th-layer peak, has suffered from not being able to find the breakthrough the turning point, now was good, bottom unexpectedly heterogeneous spirit [lineage/vein] „purple light spirit [lineage/vein]", with the aid of purple light spirit [lineage/vein], again auxiliary by day marrow Spirit Pill, should be able to achieve Heaven's Mandate 5th-layer,


Feng Feiyun war intent is thicker, in the body 10,000 unusual animals battle soul flushed, like changing into ten thousand beast spaces, has flooded the entire backdrop, then mentioned fights the spear, killed,

That innumerable ominous beasts, exudes the long sound to get angry howlingly, wields the giant hoof, the foot pedal mountain, follows in Feng Feiyun, piece of trees stepping on broken, destroys all mighty currents like one,

This is too astonishing, these merchants and member in escarpment opposite shore, stare dumbfounded, only sees ten thousand beast Qi Wu, shakes rocking that the earth keeps, like must crack general the ground,

„A that youth long and loud cry, can bring in the ten thousand beasts in mountain to support unexpectedly, he is formidable incomparable Beast Tamer."

„Is unlikely, is only a howl can gives to bring in merely the black corrupt wolf and night calandragranaria, this skill, feared that is only then that ten Buddha of controlling beast room Venerable personally, can achieve, moreover you see not to have, is not only only the unusual animals, these do not have the practice not to pass the spiritual intelligence beast of prey, was transferred by him, the skill of this controlling beast, entire Jin Dynasty cannot discover five people to come."

„Perhaps some people can control the unusual animals and ominous beast easily, but actually absolutely cannot achieve such with ease, is more impossible to transfer the so huge quantity, gives my feeling, he is one... Fights the king of beast."

Naturally this merely is only the thing that the general business guest and in the ordinary military eyes sees, but repairs for the formidable person, actually saw ran out of that innumerable unusual animals battle soul from the Feng Feiyun body, in that flash, they then simultaneously knows that who that youth was,

„Was this Demon came out, no wonder Guo Dahai to him that respectful." An profound robe old man traces the beard on chin, in the heart in thinking deeply about Feng Feiyun arrives at this barren mountains and untamed rivers the reason, he is Demon's Child, within the body has the monster blood, is it possible that he also hides for the Monster Clan god in Copper Furnance Mountain,


Many people possibly think «Spirit-Vessel» some plots, really extremely, some too alternative, some readers will taunt the stinking ninth category saying that you looked others such and such Great God will not write strongly, violent and so on plot, you looked others such and such Great God leads will always not defeat, the luck also surpasses, you looked how others such and such Great God will not be what kind,

Actually most starts me to plan that «Spirit-Vessel» writes „black undercurrent" novel, takes evil and darkness as the melody, takes an exaggerating real world dark side is set at the background, the lead very likely is we in reality, has the high-spirited time, there is a dai Chinese zither time, there is a bad luck time, there is successful, there is a failure, similarly can vainly hope to spell, to win, but fights, to like the person, can the entire world for the enemy,

In these females as for so-called... This can explain with these words: „You think you to go to college, was actually on the university you, the simple and crude, has not worn the wrap."

Everybody looked that the first chapter of content and to lead's special status the setting of can look, the stinking ninth category wants to write a black undercurrent really the novel, although is dark, but actually constrains, has **, but... Because the stinking ninth category receives the influence of reader book review, does not have not written the true black undercurrent the novel, instead wrote more and more deviated the initial idea, I had decided the present will walk according to own mentality, wrote itself to be satisfied as far as possible, story that the reader can also satisfy,

Naturally, the main key of this book will not go bad is too big, after all has written these many, even to write the black undercurrent, it is estimated that also only then under this book,

„Is he!"

Certainly cliff opposite shore, in one group of people, there is a North Ocean Faction member, they had seen Feng Feiyun in the gods, they were dispatched the Ancient Border territory to discuss with a formidable tribe leader form an alliance, because the people of royal government in chasing down them, therefore they played the role of the appearance of merchant, declared to the outside is „north water company" caravan, purchased Qi Ox to fight the beast to the Ancient Border territory, the lion tiger beast of prey.

They formerly did not have too to pay attention to Feng Feiyun, has launched the fight until Feng Feiyun and Bu Tian in that Montenegro, some people the Feng Feiyun status seeing through.

North Ocean Faction and Feng Feiyun have the big enmity, the North Ocean Faction valve hosts are given to kill by Feng Feiyun, latter encountered the thunder attack of royal government, the vitality has damaged severely.

In this political battle, North Ocean Faction lost, became object who the royal government chases down to slaughter, before the scenery was infinite, now actually must covertly handle affairs, all these were do obeisance Feng Feiyun to bestow.

Two who the northern water company leads, one is the 70-year- old man, the hair is gray, the crane sends the young face, carries on the back at the back of a handle Dragon Xingling sword, has one type the immortal rhyme of dust. His named Beiming Gong, is a North Ocean Faction direct line powerhouse, taught to practice in an immortal, but heard North Ocean Faction to encounter the great misfortune, therefore then hurried back.

Another, the body is binding the thick black long gown, and face will wrap in inside, obviously her status no small matter, cannot expose. This black spacious Chinese-style gown, cannot cover that to be possible the homing curve, the wind to blow as before indistinctly, the Chinese-style gown raises, that moving curve then outlined incisively, tall and pleasing to the eye.

The mysterious person manner of Beiming Gong to this wear black Chinese-style gown is respectful, said: „Madame, our trip of points of go to and matter of Sky Witch Tribe discussion forming an alliance, do not cause complications, must kill the Feng Feiyun opportunity is very many."

„No! Feng Feiyun must result in dies." In that package in black Chinese-style gown the voice of female has been full of the hatred, murderous aura is cold, lets the fear that the surrounding many member is from the heart, gingerly.

Beiming Gong also keeps silent does not dare to talk too much again.

The opposite shore, the hills vibrate, ten thousand beasts cried loud and long, grew several hundred years of Gu Mu, in the flash, was knocked down by a strength greatly infinite ominous beast, more ominous beasts broke through, the entire mountain top changed into the open area.

Feng Feiyun raises the lance, the foot is stepping on the samsara speedily, the body like together the meteor, will crawl the bone of old corpse to step on broken from the ground, a spear thorn to the shoulder of Bu Tian.


The Bu Tian eye narrows the eyes, the purple in hand caught up with corpse Ling to change into a clock to be so big, with Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall the lance had the collision, Mars four has shot, the sound resounded like the day clock.

The lance will catch up with the corpse bell to puncture, a scrap purple profound crystal cloudy copper fell.

„Quite sharp." Bu Tian took back hastily has caught up with corpse bell, the body explodes draws back, driving that corpse king to meet head-on Feng Feiyun.


On the corpse king is throwing over iron Qilin, above each sheet iron Qilin records is dazzling the mark, the ray twinkle, like throwing over war armor of perfection, a palm is making, seven dragon tigers flew, strength maneatingly.

The strengths of seven dragon tigers, are the strengths of thumb rank.

The Feng Feiyun body tramples more than 100 meters high fiercely, has evaded the ominous prestige of seven dragon tigers, from top to bottom, pounds to fall like a meteor, a mountain top of hill has given to level off corpse king, sends out the rock the earth explosive.

The gunsmoke is billowing, ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) tumultuous times tumble the cliff, these beast of prey and old corpses while still alive were killed by shock by that strength, the body threw to fly.

In the mind of corpse king has produced keenly intelligent, had not been attacked, stands beyond more than 100 meters, under the star light, the superficial cloudy optical scintillation of corpse body, suddenly, side will reach as high as more than 30 meters giant stones from the place bottom to uncovering, both hands will hold up, long will roar above, suddenly is over a million jin (0.5 kg) giant stone pounding.

It also knows Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall in Feng Feiyun hand not to move, that is one can cut the broken Spirit Artifact god blade edge, even if on it the dazzling mark scale cannot block, therefore stands in the distant place attacks Feng Feiyun.


The Feng Feiyun sole fierce step on place, treads out an endocrater the under foot, the body explodes to shoot, above the arm of both hands burnt the flame, the unusual animals battle soul strength has flooded above the arm, erupted a fierce incomparable strength.

The lance gives to pierce the giant stone, the body of Feng Feiyun has passed through the giant stone, double is carrying with the hand the lance, like grasping a handle is operating the huge axe, drops from the clouds, toward corpse king detachment.

The lance, changed into the great axe, was thickly fierce and heavy, has carried everywhere flame, the strength was strong frightens the will of the people.


Naturally this great axe, actually by corpse king catching.

A pair of iron Qilin arm, is holding the both sides of great axe, to empty-handed meet the posture of naked sword, the strength of great axe meeting, all strengths spread to the under foot, immediately made a surrounding area dozens meters ground sink close three meters, many in split the palm of the hand that big trace.

This is the strength of corpse king.

„Worthily is the corpse king, but responded that is too stiff, should just promote for the corpse king, has not experienced the baptism of fight." The great axe in Feng Feiyun hand changed into the sword of seven meters field, fell from corpse king both hands, chops in the top of the head of corpse king, the sword drove, spark braved outward.


The iron Qilin of corpse king top of the head was cut to put on, jet black Corpse Qi has welled up, in the skull opening, departs a handle blood sword, the heart of straight thrust Feng Feiyun.

Feng Feiyun receives the blade hastily, changed into the white aegis by Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, by a that blood sword fiercely hit, body of Feng Feiyun violent shakes, the bone of both hands resembles to be shaken, exploded to draw back, pulled out a piece of deep scoop channel in the ground.

„Feng Feiyun this is the disparity on strength, your cultivation to be too low, even if grasping Divine Weapon, is impossible to defeat the corpse king." Bu Tian fell side of corpse king, palm bloody corpse Fu An in the top of the head of corpse king, had been cut the broken opening to repair in the flash by Feng Feiyun.

The corpse king aura of fearful, was enraged by Feng Feiyun, Corpse Qi fills the air, like black corpse fog, in an instant then fell the Feng Feiyun front, a claw ripped to the head of Feng Feiyun.


A black giant ominous wolf flushed, reaches as high as eight meters, the tooth is sharp, in the corpse king has not grasped before the Feng Feiyun body, then gives to bite the corpse king, then swallowed into the abdomen.

This is a black corrupt wolf, has practiced for 900 years, soon will step into Spirit Beast, is one above of this wilderness beast of prey King.

This colossus is very fierce, many people personally see it to give to eat the corpse king, are startled the chin to fall on the ground, the fight of this rank, looked simply is popular contraction that keeps dirty, if this black corrupt wolf to the cliff opposite shore, does not know certainly many people will become its abdomen Chinese meal.

Unexpectedly, the black corrupt wolf huge body became manic, exuded the extremely painful roar, above its skin started to bleed, the black wolf wool became bloody.


Huge wolf body was torn, the body of corpse king is fierce, in the mouth is also holding in the mouth a brain bone of black corrupt wolf, is eating the food, scale set upright, in the trundle blood bead, exuded „quack" the syllables ending in vowels, a claw Feng Feiyun behind that diameter three meters iron willow grasping broken, Feng Feiyun corner/horn clothes ripping.

But above Feng Feiyun first one step, flew to fall the tree to jolt, looked to break corner/horn clothes, knitting the brows head of slightly.

„Day! The black corrupt wolf was given to tear into shreds by that corpse king unexpectedly, this also merely is only the corpse king who initially becomes, the strength so is fearful, if genuine corpse king, that terrifying how?"

„Purple ocean Corpse Cave is ancient inheritance Corpse Cave, the inside story is immeasurably deep, the quantity of corpse king are absolutely many, even possibly also has the king of corpse king endures to compare the Daoist Spiritual Master strength."

„Purple ocean Corpse Cave so is no wonder rampant, the powerful is born, has to compete for the potential of world."

„Hears purple ocean Corpse Cave to have the extremely terrifying character in secret the layout, must borrow the antiquity the corpse palace ocean treasure, subdues Demoness, builds up to change into the unsurpassed war corpse."

„Demoness is the most formidable corpse that in the recent several thousand years present is evil, many Corpse Cave want subduing to build up her, has arranged to be very long in secret."

„The purple ocean Corpse Cave ambition was also too big, but Corpse Cave of inheritance of these cannot estimate by the common sense that sets out a corpse king merely, can... That is any thing, how I felt that woods of the heart were cold, resembled the nether world."

Many people felt this perfect gloom, creepy feeling, like sudden one has fallen into the ice hole.

The air/Qi of that cold, is sends out from the body of Feng Feiyun, fills the entire world.

When does not know, in the hand of Feng Feiyun are many a yellow stone coffin, both hands were holding, float before the body.

This yellow stone coffin does not know that long ago to what kind degree, the above plain air/Qi hidden bitterness is cold, the pyrrosia lingua started to fall, some seal carve the article in the above totem also become the incomparable gloom and fuzziness.

Sees this sarcophagus, that fierce corpse king also felt that has feared intent, retroceded slightly one step.

This sarcophagus, is Feng Mo with the pin bone of yama, comes with the havoc of war Corpse Cave exchange, is the faith token that Feng Family and havoc of war Corpse Cave forms an alliance, has placed the body of Feng Feiyun, has not returned to Feng Family.

The value of this sarcophagus, can compare with the pin bone of yama absolutely.

Wolong Sheng once had told Feng Feiyun, this sarcophagus was ancient times Stone Age the burying coffin of tribe leader, inside had installed Daoist Spiritual Master, but the distant time passed by, Daoist Spiritual Master your corpse also changed into the nihility.

However in the sarcophagus is containing the incomparably mysterious strength, moreover remains [say / way] vigor and god who Daoist Spiritual Master is leaving behind.

Feng Feiyun once guessed that Feng Mo is to borrow this sarcophagus to suppress Demoness, unifies Southern Grand Palace.

If this guess establishment, then also explained that this yellow stone coffin indeed evilly has the absolute suppressed strength to the corpse, may be suppressed including Demoness, let alone was only one just promoted the corpse of corpse king to be evil?

This was one has filled the evil inner and outer coffin, that gloomy aura, to person a feeling of infinite close death,

„This is... This is that havoc of war Corpse Cave ancestor the yellow stone coffin that digs out from the Ascension graveyard, how can in your hands." Bu Tian is a calm person, but actually slightly cannot be calm at this moment, the fuzzy chart article above yellow stone coffin, making him feel to frighten,

Purple ocean Corpse Cave and havoc of war Corpse Cave are one of the northern border palace most ancient Corpse Cave, during the purple ocean Corpse Cave ancestor also once participated that to compete, this yellow stone coffin has the special suppressed strength to the corpse evilly, major Corpse Cave look like it obtains, but was given to take away by havoc of war Corpse Cave finally,

In the green and glossy eyes of that corpse king has been full of the scared look, unceasing exudes the manic roar, the ta of foot in the ground moves, steps on the crack to cuns (2.5cm) the ground,

Above the palm of Feng Feiyun is condensing purple fog, is holding the yellow stone inner and outer coffin, said: „Today I come to see, can this yellow stone inner and outer coffin suppress a corpse king."


Above Feng Feiyun jolts from the tree to flying, the body such as the flying in circles bird, both hands is holding the yellow stone inner and outer coffin, then has hit, the inner and outer coffin revolves in the air flies horizontally, suppresses the corpse king,

Corpse Wang Jiao must be more ominous, in the mouth puts out black corpse fog, these corpses atomize for over a thousand tentacles, the corpse that crawled from the place bottom gives to grasp these, piled up a frightening terrifying the corpse mountain,

The corpse Yamanoue bone fire combustion, the innumerable old corpses were calling out pitifully, but actually could not block the yellow stone coffin, the corpse mountain was shaken is split up, the yellow stone inner and outer coffin direct bombardment in the top of the head of corpse king, like yellow color sky, has given the pressure to sink the pair of knee of corpse king to the place bottom,


Corpse king both hands cradling yellow stone inner and outer coffin, strenuous incomparable, as if lifts a mountain, the body downward is sinking unceasingly, in the mouth sends out rending miserable to shout,

Feng Feiyun flew to fall the crown of yellow stone inner and outer coffin, stepped on above, in the hand raises white to fight the spear, the body was straight like a spear|gun, the sole steps on toward the yellow stone coffin fiercely, a huge strength passed around, shook on the corpse king seven and eight pieces of scales flew, above corpse the blue smoke interwove,

It looks like the yellow stone coffin of normal temperature in Feng Feiyun, by the corpse king moving, just like holding a stove, must its corpse body building up,

Under everywhere star light, raises is fighting the man of spear, steps on above a yellow stone coffin, a corpse king suppressing stubbornly, the mouth of corpse king sends out the rock the earth pitiful yell, as if the body was being built up,

Very frightened, some business guests were frightened fearful and apprehensive, although they have seen the world are many, the gloom of but actually as before by that yellow stone coffin above being sent out, frightening to be hard to move, that stands evil the man above yellow stone coffin,

„This is peerless unparalleled Gu Guan, the year is hard to be elegant, but I felt, if gives to turn on this coffin, can perhaps die the Daoist Spiritual Master town in inside." In the spirit territory inn has the old men of three wear long silver robes, they have not arrived at the cliff to observe, sits in a superior room of Tianzihao, the tactical situation of but actually to this fighting understands clearly Yu Xiong,

These three old men are the Spirit God Temple people, lived for one month in the spirit territory inn,

Another old man said: „This is a natural talent person is extremely outstanding, looks at the magical powers merit law that he uses, should be Jin Dynasty that Demon's Child, really with legend in same startled certainly colorful, the talent endures to compare the Spirit God Temple five Great God people."

„If can buy in Spirit God Temple to be good him, by his talent, achieves the probability of Daoist Spiritual Master boundary to be very high."

„According to the news, Yama's Palace also intends to win over him, it seems like Feng emperor runs away after Copper Furnance Mountain, feared that knew are many thing that our Spirit God Temple does not know, wins over Feng Feiyun, likely in the Monster Clan god with Copper Furnance Mountain hides related."

„This matter waits for elegantly, after all the possibility is not big, moreover Feng emperor was stranded in Copper Furnance Mountain close in 2000, runs away, he is clearer than anyone Copper Furnance Mountain the terrifying, should not again close Copper Furnance Mountain."

„Said very right, our trip of goals of must search Qing Feng emperor present cultivation to be the what kind degree, if formidable threatens our Spirit God Temple to the high status, then as soon as possible writes off him."

Outside the spirit territory inn, these people are shocking,

North Ocean Faction that group of people have the larger part to be startled at this moment dumbfoundedly, above the brow of Beiming Gong has also had several wrinkles, said: „This sub- war treasure is really fierce, each treasure sufficiently compares large-scale family the treasure of town clan."

Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall in Feng Feiyun hand and offered a sacrifice to the yellow stone inner and outer coffin, was the unsurpassed war treasures, so long as were eyesight enough person, can see the values of these two things, even if the thumb greedyly,

That whole body is binding the female of black Chinese-style gown, chill in the air is extremely thick, in the slit of Chinese-style gown, reveals a pair of wonderful peerless eye pupil, the eye is in sharp contrast, the eyelash is extremely long, is curving and slender, eye winking gently, then gives people an intense constriction,

This absolutely is a status noble female, that noble gas, the common imperial princesses are too difficult to learn,

Beiming Gong said: „Madame, we in addition look for an opportunity to get rid again."

„I and others was so long." In the black Chinese-style gown has broadcast a voice of very interesting to listen to female, but at this moment actually ice-cold, the black Chinese-style gown flutters, the jade body of beautiful fascinating'winsome then rides the wind to go,

The caper of slender graceful physique above the iron lock bridge of cliff, then changed into a beautiful shade certainly immediately, delimits an exquisite curve, falls to the summit of that dense mountain, place visited these ominous beast birds of prey is hit to fly completely,

Her aura is formidable, caused that the air shivers, this absolutely is not cultivation that the common thumb can have is,

„Day, there is a super powerhouse to get rid, this was must cope with that youth, must fight vigorously purple ocean Corpse Cave that powerhouse."

Feng Feiyun full suppression corpse king, while and Bu Tian fights, spiritual energy was transferred completely, the nerve tightened the acme, felt terrifying aura that behind transmitted, this absolutely was the aura that a genuine thumb had,

A thumb killed,

Repairing of Bu Tian for is the later period of half thumb, but he catches up with the corpse person, he does not excel at own strength skill, what he excels controls the corpse evil fight,

Therefore even if Bu Tian is half thumb late cultivation is , can only display half thumb middle stage battle efficiency, Feng Feiyun with the aid of unusual sharpness of speed and Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, but can also encounter with him temporarily, but does not drop the wind,

Although that corpse king is formidable, but was only one just entered the corpse Wang Jing corpse to be evil after all, the body was very stiff, the thought of fight was extremely also weak, the strength that can display truly also had about the later period of half step thumb,

Has the yellow stone inner and outer coffin to restrain it, even if threatening, but threatens is actually not too big,

Feng Feiyun is wanted to use and Bu Tian and the war of corpse king, attacks the Heaven's Mandate 5th-layer boundary, therefore dares to take risk a border crossing war, but has not actually thought that had the accident, unexpectedly are also many a genuine thumb rank the powerhouse,

This is genuine goods at reasonable prices the aura of thumb rank,

Can achieve the boundary of thumb, then has stepped into the character of Jin Dynasty Immortal Cultivation big shot rank, resembles to think, a god like Guo Dahai this guarding palace border pass, merely will be only the boundary of thumb, will then know thumb rank master the scarcity of quantity,

„Feng Feiyun, comes with the life." A voice of female resounds, kills intent to be imposing, above both hands has launched one type unparalleled quick, gives to offer a sacrifice to more than a 100 meters high hill, turned toward the Feng Feiyun bang to press directly,

Feng Feiyun when the sensation to the female huge aura of this wear black robe, then immediately received the yellow stone inner and outer coffin, raised is fighting the spear, escaped to go,

Black robe female hill fell on the top of the head of corpse king, corpse king pressing in bottom,


The hill rocks, the lift-off flew, is pressed in the following corpse king, gives to mention it, rumbled toward the black robe female in the past,

„Agitated." The black robe female sleeves wield, cold glow threw to curl, gave to destroy that hill directly, the cold air gave the package the body of corpse king, the cold ice froze the body of corpse king completely, changed into an iceberg,

Feng Feiyun is raising Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, stands in the distant place, fell winged carrying on the back of elephant, flew under the starry sky, the distant avoidance, in the pupil had the flame to beat, takes the form of two phoenixes, vision brilliant staring on the body of that physique slender black robe female, resembled to her black robe give to see through,

Who is, why must kill me,

Her murderous aura was too strong, murderous aura changed into the sword, twists the vegetation above that mountain top broken becomes the powder,

Her shouted that my name, obviously had seen me, moreover she wears the black robe, not only wraps the whole body, has covered all vitalities, but can also seal up the Divine Sense investigation of person, obviously her status is very special, does not allow anybody to know,

Who she is, has any extraordinary enmity with me,

In the Feng Feiyun mind passed over gently and swiftly like lightning these thoughts, is very as before difficult to be fully correct her status, according to she repairs for the height, Feng Feiyun guessed several candidates, for example the Wu Qinghua suspicion of controlling beast room is biggest, but quick was given the denial by Feng Feiyun, because cultivation of this female, although formidable, actually and Wu Qinghua as before also disparity, moreover Wu Qinghua, although hates Feng Feiyun very much, will not actually chase down 100,000 li (0.5km), began to the spirit territory inn,


The iceberg is unable to freeze the corpse king, was given to break by it, flushed, it must launch the attack to that black robe female once more, Bu Tian trigged it hastily, said: „Feng Feiyun is the goal, tonight, I must kill him to become famous."

In any case Feng Feiyun name, by that black robe female calling broken, Bu Tian is not concealing,

Reason that he formerly did not call the Feng Feiyun name, that was because the body of Feng Feiyun had hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stone multimillionaires, endured a ratio ancient inheritance Immortal Sect Confucianism the sum totals of all wealth, he does not think that others and he robbed, therefore concealed, now actually does not exist, the Feng Feiyun status completely has exposed in any case,

After status exposition of Feng Feiyun, has started big mighty waves, many person painstaking care have seethed with excitement,