
Spiraling Into Skills.

After beating Raynare and being forced to meet another devil heir ,I had a lot of things on my mind. Like how this world is slightly different than what I remember. Sona Sitri was not that crazy in the original. Did I get put into some kind of alternate universe. Or did something change to make this happen. I have no clue. I just don't want to go near Sona Sitri ever again.

After reaching the safety of my own home ,I started to look at the panels in order to see the new function. After searching for a few seconds ,I found it. It was the [Skill Training Zone]. That's great! Now I don't have to go to the park and punch rocks. Pressing the function with my mind ,my consciousness went to a gym-like area. It had equipment and stuff fit to train my fist and leg arts ,as well as a sparring partner in order to train combat and passive skills! This will help me progress greatly!! Calming myself down ,I started to do some simple meditation. I was so busy with Issei and the church that I didn't get my training in today. After finishing meditation ,I got 3 points and then started to train my skills.


After training for the rest of the day ,I had levelled up 3 of my skills. Namely [Body Strengthening] ,[Spiraling Kick] ,and [Leg Arts]. I had also gained some experience with my other skills ,but they're too high level to level up right away. Since it was almost night time ,I waited a little bit by meditating to see if Rias would call for my help again ,since devils are usually active at night. I meditated for another half an hour and increased my reserve by 3. After hearing nothing from my phone ,I finally went to sleep.



After waking ,I did my daily training. I meditated ,I did the daily challenge ,and then I went to train my skills. But strangely ,after I had gotten my Leg Arts to Level 5 ,two panels appeared.

[Skill Levelled Up - Leg Arts(Lv.4 -> Lv.5)]

[You have gained (Great Mastery) with two compatible skills! Fusion Available!]

[Fuse Skills? Y / N]

Why not. It'll be better to have one great skill than two average ones. If I level it up ,It'll be stronger and faster than levelling up two skills.

[Fusing Skills: Fist Arts(Lv.5) & Leg Arts(Lv.5)]

[Gained Advanced Skill - Martial Arts(Lv.1)]

After getting a new skill ,I started to grind it like a mad-man. I ended up levelling it up to level 3 in one day. Exhausted and tired ,I returned to my bed and passed out.


Getting up for another day ,I complete my daily routine of meditation ,challenge ,and skill grinding. I was able to level up my [Body Strengthening] and [Spiraling Punch]. And I triggered another skill fusion.

[Fusing Skills: Spiraling Punch(Lv.5) & Spiraling Kick(Lv.5)]

[Gained Advanced Skill - Spiral Arts(Lv.1)]

With the new skills ,my active skills had become passive skills. Instead of visibly gather data power into spiraling currents ,my data power now flows along like an art through my body passively whenever I fight. It seems like my power is more concentrated and just fusing this skill increased my base Attack Power by 5. With my Total Attack power risen to 23.


Code Name: Entropy

Code User: Kurai Aoi

Code Level: 3

Data Power: 317/317

Attack Power: 17(+6)

???: 1

Code Skills: @&^#%*(Lv.Max) | Entropy(Lv.Max) | Entropy Infection(Lv.Max) | Body Strengthening(Lv.4) | Martial Arts(Lv.3) | Spiral Arts(Lv.1) |


I could upload a little flashback of the meeting with Sona ,I just didn't feel like writing it into this chapter. Also if your wondering about the Body Strengthening boost. I'm too lazy to go calculator it ,so I just used percentage dividing and added them together. At Level 4 ,with a 40% boost on 17. I just made it 1.7 and added it 4 times and rounded it down. I rounded it down because adding an extra point is just making him stronger for no reason.

InkyThingcreators' thoughts