
Spiraling Into A Big Fight.

After analyzing the situation ,I found that I might be able to win. Although defeating her here would be a change to the scenario ,I'm not guaranteed to get away alive like the show. This is a real fight. I can't take the chance of losing my life upon failing. After taking a bit too long ,the fight had started already. It seemed like Koneko was mowing through the small fry. Kiba was struggling a little ,but it's not too hard for him with his swords. Seeing some small fry come at me ,with my body strengthening ,I could deal with them easily. The one I'm mostly worried about is Raynare. She could aim for a blind spot while I'm fighting them. If I don't watch her movements ,I could be speared without even realizing it.

After taking down a ton of small fry with Kiba and Koneko ,we were left with just one person. Raynare. After taking down all those guys ,my Fist Arts levelled up. Since I hadn't used my spiraling punch ,my DP regenerated. I turned to Raynare ,just to see a few light spears coming our way. Sneaky Bitch.

"Kiba ,Koneko! Dodge!!"

I shouted quickly to get them out the way. They're basically Low-Class Demons. Almost Mid-Class. If they get hit by the light spears ,they'll probably be down and out right away. I can't fight her by myself. Unfortunately ,I didn't have enough time to fully dodge. I dodged enough to avoid fatal damage. I may have a game-like power ,but I don't have a game-like body. If I get hit in the heart ,it's game over for me. Permanently.


I started to feel a very hot burning sensation near the wound. I had to bite my tongue in order to not lose consciousness. The spear disappeared ,but the pain grew worse. Like the Light was seeping into my body ,just to cause extra damage.

[Gained Skill - Light Resistance(Lv.1)]

After a minute of that excruciating pain and Raynare laughing at me.

"Gahahahahaaa!! You foolish human! Daring to intervene with my plans! Why don't you try harder!!"

I had gained a light resist skill. The pain slowly lowered. It was a little faint ,but still there. After getting sick of hearing the mocking. I activated my spiraling punch. Unfortunately ,I don't have wings. Because Raynare flew and dodged my punch. As she flew by ,she flung another two light spears at me. I dodged one ,but the other one stabbed into my leg. As she flew away laughing at me ,Kiba threw a sword her way ,as she dodged it ,Koneko used the dodged sword to jump up to Raynare and hit her. Since I can resist the pain from the spear ,I started to run towards a falling Raynare. I saw her recovering herself mid-fall. Bitch! I have to do something.

Manipulating my DP ,remembering the feeling and moving it from my core to my legs! Slowly ,DP started gathering in my legs. The spiraling feeling of energy swirling through my legs ,with that ,I kicked and jumped. At the same time ,I activated the Spiraling Punch skill.

[Gained Skill - Spiraling Kick(Lv.2)]

[Gained Skill - Leg Arts(Lv.1)]

After hitting her wings to make sure she couldn't fly anytime soon. I used my Spiraling Kick skill along with Leg Arts to pull a Flying Axe Kick. Literally. With that kick ,she was smashed into the ground.


Code Name: Entropy

Code User: Kurai Aoi

Code Level: 2

Data Power: 158/208

Attack Power: 11(+2)

Code Skills: Entropy(Lv.Max) | Entropy Infection(Lv.Max) | Spiraling Punch(Lv.4) | Body Strengthening(Lv.2) | Fist Arts(Lv.5) | Spiraling Kick(Lv.2) | Leg Arts(Lv.1) |


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