

Major reworks..

Kohaan · Fantasy
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3 Chs


January 2nd, 1802.

Kaiser Manor

Alice and Luther are welcomed back to the manor, and they prepare to eat dinner when a small toddler comes waddling down the hall "Mama!! Papa!!"

"Hello, sweetheart!" Says Alice heartily as she picks her up. "How's my Alyssia?" As Alice is forgetting what happened at the train station, Luther bumps in. "Hey, cutie! How are you?" "It's been so boring without you mama!" Completely ignoring him, Alyssia and her mom walk down the hall to the toy room.

Luther sighs to himself. "I don't even know what I did wrong, Allen! Why is she still ignoring me?"

A figure dressed in a black suit walks out from the shadows just barely able to hold his laughter in. "I don't know sire. Why don't you ask the young lady herself?"

Luther replies in a harsh tone, "That's exactly the problem Allen! She won't even tell me what her favorite food is! Arghh!"

Back inside the toy room, "Madam Kaiser, dinner is almost ready."

"Alright, thank you. I'll be out there in a few minutes." The maid closes the door. "Alright Alyssia, it's time for dinner. Go to the dining room." Says Alice, while taking Alyssia off her lap.

"Ok..." Alyssia takes her favorite doll and leaves the toy room.

A few minutes later, almost everyone is assembled at the dining table. A/N: (The round table! Just kidding, it's more like a rounded-off rectangle. pfft) "Is Alice busy with Mikhael?" Asks Luther, while cutting up a steak.

"Yes, milord. She will have food delivered to her shortly." Says a butler behind Luther.

"Very well." Replies Luther, continuing to hound down on this meal.



December 2nd, 1810.

Inside the waiting room of a cathedral.

A nun, dressed in church robes, wore a veil to hide her beauty. It was to no avail though, as it could still be easily seen that she was a very pretty lady. She announces on a stage inside of a waiting room, "Lord Kaiser, please bring Mikhael and follow me."

Nodding, Luther says while handing a pouch full of jingling coins. "Noble class, please."

The nun hurriedly picks it up with a bit of fluster in her actions, "Uh.. Yes, this way please." They walk into a large sanctuary, with three statues of people in a semi-circle and a pedestal in front of them. "Then please have him sit right here, Lord Kaiser."

Luther walks up to the pedestal with Mikhael, and Mikhael sits right in the middle. The three pairs of eyes begin to glow, before shooting rays of different colors into Mikhael.

The statue on the left is named Jophiel, she is the archangel of mana. The statue in the middle is named Camael, he is the archangel of war. The last statue was named Raguel, he is the archangel of emotions.

Usually, no one gets a blessing, and if they do it's a lower one. There are a few cases when rays have shot out of the three angels' eyes, and they were all high-quality blessings. It is already incredibly lucky to have rays shoot out of one pair of eyes, but to have all three is unheard of.

After what seemed like hours to Mikhael, he heard a robot voice in his head. [Activating Starmus System... Please wait - 1% | ERROR - compatibility problem detected! Connecting host to &13*^39...] Almost immediately after the beams stop, Mikhael falls over onto the bed looking almost lifeless.

"Mikhael!" Yells Luther, rushing towards him as he swoops him into his arms. Feeding him high-quality healing potions and buffs, color returns to Mikhael's face as his condition stabilizes. "Thank you, but we must take our leave. I have to call our family physician." The nun nods at him, and Luther rushes out of the cathedral. He takes him to his room in the manor, and he calls the family physician from the Kaiser region, who will arrive in three days.

"Dear, will he be ok? I just hope he will be alright." Alice hugs Luther with a depressed face.

"Dammit, Alice you should've seen what happened. All three gods gave him a high-quality blessing. I just hope it wasn't too burdensome on his body.."

"What!? All three? Are you sure?"

"Yes! Do you think I would joke about that?"

"No, it's just hard to believe right? The last time that happened was the first emperor of Astarie. The way they kept him alive was with Angel's Tear potions, and I already gave him one."

"I believe in those potions, Alice. Those were ultra grade. There is no way they couldn't at least stabilize him until the doctor gets here."

"You're right Luther. I'm just worried as a mother, that's all. Let's go get some rest, it's almost midnight."

In Mikhaels head, he is sitting at a round table, while three other individuals who radiate noble and powerful auras look at him. The one on the left speaks with a tone that almost doesn't let you take your ears away from it, "That was fast, wasn't it Camael? Looks like I win the bet. hehe"

"Yeah right, in your dreams woman. I never agreed to the bet!" Scoffs the angel in the middle, Camael.

"Sorry Mikhael, these two don't even know how to greet. My name is Raguel. I am the Archangel of Emotions. Say hello dimwits!" Says the angel sitting on the right, Raguel. He hits the angel on the head.

"Ouch! Why didn't you hit Camael, too! Sorry, Mikhael. Welcome to our domain, Heaven. My name is Jophiel, and I am the Archangel of Mana."

"She's a handful Mikhael, you better stay careful around her. Anyways, the names Camael, if you couldn't tell already, I'm the Archangel of War."

"I will hit you too."

"EEEE! Sorry! I'm sorry! Stop! No! Don't! Please! Ouch!" Screeches Camael, as Raguel slaps the back of his head twice.

"Where am I?" Says a dazed Mikhael, observing his environments.

"You are in heaven, but don't worry. You are not dead. We just summoned you here so the system will reform your body internally and externally without you feeling the reformations yourself, as sometimes they can be painful." Replies Jophiel, looking Mikhael right in the eyes.

"What? Where are my parents?"

"Well, we couldn't bring them here because they did not have the Starmus system as you do. But do not fret, they are well. You should see the look on their faces though, they look terrified for some reason!" Switching the conversation to lighten the mood, Raguel fixes his hairband.

Camael whispers into Raguel's ear, "Raguel, it's almost time."

"Mikhael, I know it was brief, and I know you have many more questions, but since time is limited let me tell you something now, you have just received all of our highest quality blessings. You are a special child, Mikhael. I hope you use this power so we can have a new companion up here because things are getting pretty boring. Of course, you can still live your life to the fullest. You'll only live here when you die, so have fun down there." Says Raguel, as he waves at Mikhael getting sucked back into his consciousness.

[ Synchronization Process - 100% ]

[ Reformation Process - 100% ]

[Summoning host back... Success! ]

Seeing the midday sun shining through the crack in his curtains, Mikhael twists and turns in bed before noticing something. His bed is too small for him now!


"Oh my god, Luther! He's awake! Mikhael are you alright?"


"What in gods name are those!? Are those elf ears? You inherited the elf bloodline?! And those scales! You inherited both! Impossible! Luther get in here now!"

"Elf bloodline? " Asks Mikhael, half asleep.

"What are you yelling about Alice? For gods sake you scare- Holy shit. Alice he inherited both bloodlines. He actually inherited both bloodlines!"

"Call your father! We're going to meet him as soon as possible. His bloodlines may fight for control of his body!"

"I'll send a request for our presence immediately. I'm getting our airship ready." Luther hugs Mikhael, and walks out to the hall and speaks to the head servant.

"It will be ready in an hour, sire."

"It would do well for it to be able to fly at top speed to Kaiser Estate as well."

The servant nods and heads for their room to inform everyone of the high priority order they have received.

"Mikhael. You must rest more, we can't let anything agitate those bloodlines or things could get dicey." Luther hands Mikhael a potion, "Drink this."

Mikhael drinks it all in one gulp, before falling on the bed out cold.

"Alice, this could be very dangerous. Ask your father for some guidance on how to control the bloodline, otherwise his life will be in danger. It's a good thing I chose the family physician and not one of the cities physicians, cause they would definitely sell that info for money."

"I know. I'll contact him immediately.. Just let me hug him. He's finally awake Luth! He's been asleep for 3 months." Says Alice, shedding tears of joy.

The pair sit next to Mikhael, crying and embracing each other, before resuming their responsibilities.

I hope you enjoyed it~ How was you're day today? I hope it was great! Mine was, I just took a math test, I think I did pretty well! Anyway, have a great day. If you want to support me and my story, just add the novel to your library!

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