
Τeras: the deadly game of cards

In a world where the essence of life itself lies within the power of cards and mana, survival becomes a perilous game. Amidst adventurers, knights and kings who dictate the rules, a young boy awakens with a shattered memory, devoid of weapons, allies, and even the ability to use the power of cards Lost and vulnerable, he questions the purpose of his existence in a desolate reality where hope seems fake. Stripped of everything he once held dear, he faces the daunting task of uncovering his past, piecing together the fragments of his identity, and finding a reason to carry on. For any type of support go to my insta @illo16 and my twitter @illoo_chillo You can also find the story on Royal Road on https://www.royalroad.com/profile/343854

Illo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs


The sun slowly raised and the birds woke up and singed, and since the house was surrounded by trees the sound of the song was coming from every way, so naturally, Enyo woke up, she slowly walked to the living room so she could make food and surprisingly she found Teras eating breakfast, his breakfast was a slime soup

"When did you manage to cook this?"

"Earlier this morning."

Teras said as he quietly sipped on his soup, Enyo filled a bowl and sat beside him

"I didn't know you could cook this good"

Enyo said with an impressed tone when she tried the soup, it was her first time eating a slime soup this good

"This is the only food I know how to cook, my party was the one that taught me to cook like that"

Teras said as he continued to eat, Enyo quickly finished her plate and then started writing a paper on the same table, Teras was still eating and was surprised by Enyo's eating speed

"I warrior shouldn't waste time on eating" She claimed as she wrote on the paper

"What are you writing?" Teras asked

"A letter to the capital, you see seeing the Joker is not a thing everyone gets to do on a daily, plus we know that he is down in this edge you threw him in, but don't get your hopes up, even if he fell down he probably already found the way out, I doubt the Joker can be held down from a simple pit"

Enyo explained to Teras

"Isn't it weird? You said you were a part of the strongest party in the world, but I don't see anyone around you, are you banished from this party or something?" Teras asked confused

"Because I'm not with my party it doesn't mean that I'm banished, it's the opposite, to be honest, I chose to not see them but we have a good relationship with each other, well that's how I feel about them, I don't have any idea how they feel about me but I assume they think the same too, but our chemistry ended long ago so slowly we fade away from each other, sounds scary right?" Enyo said with a smile as she continued to write her letter

'I guess Enyo's life isn't the best either...' Teras thought after hearing what she said

Teras finished his food so he washed the plate and then go ahold of the dagger he stole from the Joker and looked at it

'What should I do with this? This belonged to the Joker, the bastard that killed my friends but now I have it all for myself, do I keep it or throw it?' Teras wondered

Enyo then delivered an answer to Teras, it was like she knew what he was thinking

"This is Joker's dagger, right? You should keep this dagger to remember the moment you couldn't do anything against your opponent and drive yourself to try harder to become stronger, it would be a waste if you threw it..."

Enyo wisely told him

"... Then again if you don't need it I can happily take it!" Enyo continued with a funny smirk


Someone was at the door, Teras and Enyo were a little surprised about that, but after feeling the mana in the air Teras hastily understood who was standing behind the door, so he left the dagger on the table and opened the door, and to Enyo's surprise it was Tokkou


Tokkou mumbled surprised as he saw Teras at the door, Teras tried to welcome him but before he could say a word he was tightly hugged by Tokkou

"I'm so glad you are okay Teras! I thought you died... don't worry me like that ever again you idiot!" Tokkou said as memories of his past were flashed in his mind

"Tokkou! Why are you here? And why do you know each other? What is happening?" Enyo asked, she was very confused

"I know you have many questions but let's start from the start, what happened here?" Tokkou asked as he sat on a chair

Teras and Enyo then explained pretty much everything that happened to Teras and how Teras ended up in the position he is now, and in exchange, Tokkou explained what was happening in the Royal Capital and what happened to the village and the villagers, both of their stories weren't pleasant but that was the reality they had to live in

"I see then I assume you are aware that we have to function as a party again, right Enyo?" Tokkou asked her

'I never suspected Enyo and Tokkou to be in the same party'

Teras thought as he watched the two of them speak

"I know that but is there any reason to? This kid was able to fight the Joker and was able to survive, and before he was able to fall to his death he made sure to take the Joker down with him too!" Enyo said as she pointed at Teras

"Don't be ridiculous! The Joker probably toyed with him, I fought Teras before and he wasn't on the level of a golden adventurer so how can he exactly be stronger than the Joker?" Tokkou asked aggressively

"I'm not saying that but I'm saying he may not be as threatening as before, I know you are feeling the same, both you and I weren't able to face Joker on his debut so we are both eager to fight him now but we may have exceeded his power long ago..." Enyo said as she got up

"...Firstly we have you, you are literally untouchable unless you run out of mana and then we have me, the teleportation 'legend' I have the ability to instantaneously teleport and also have a very impressive mana control, I may not sound as threatening as you but in the grand scheme of things I'm pretty dang useful, so what does exactly make Joker this great?"

Enyo continued as she touched Tokkou's face, she, of course, wasn't able since he used his skill to prevent Enyo from doing so

"Should I remind you that this man destroyed the Royal capital, killed many royals, and also harmed the Game Master, not even the king can win against the Joker, Enyo!" Tokkou said as he lighted a cigarette, suddenly the cigarette was swapped with a piece of paper

"Enyo stop using your annoying power already!" Tokkou said as he fumbled the piece of paper

"And I told you to stop smoking but you are not" Enyo said as she crashed the cigarette

"Surprised huh?" Enyo asked Teras, he nodded

"My power allows me to swap two objects' positions or swap my position with the object, it can be very helpful for these kinds of situations" Enyo said as she threw the expensive cigarette out of the window

"Anyway never mind that, how was the adventuring kid? Asides from what happened did you find what you searched for?" Tokkou asked as he approached Teras, he had a weirdly enthusiastic face

"I did a lot but I didn't find what I wanted, my past is cursed so I rather let it be!" Teras said without raising his head

"I see, things may be hard Teras but at these moments we must push forwards and find new ways to motivate ourselves, after losing my family I was the same as you, sad, lost, suicidal, I know that you don't feel the need to grow but trust me, all you can do now is grow, so what do you say? Can you do it?"

Tokkou asked Teras as he patted his head, Teras didn't answer, he thought about what Tokkou said, Enyo and Tokkou then exited the house to discuss their next move as a squad, meanwhile, Teras relax inside the house

'What can I do now? I don't really have a reason to move forwards as Tokkou said but I can't really stay here too, without my past I don't have a reason to adventure, seeing the rest of the world could be good but it's not something I can do right now, I'm still far too weak'

Teras thought as he examined his damaged fingers, they had scars that were caused in battle, scratches, and many visible damages, they weren't the hands of a kid anymore, and Teras realized when he watched the scar the lone wolf caused him at the beginning of his adventure

Teras then wore a coat and went outside to meet Tokkou and Enyo

"Tokkou can I ask you something?"

Tokkou was confused but he agreed to answer

"How many years did it take you to get to this level?"

"About 10 years of practice and hard work but of course, I wouldn't have made it this far without that!" Tokkou said as he revealed his Jack of Hearts card

"How many years do I have to train to get to a level close to yours?"

This question was tricky but Tokkou didn't hesitate to answer

"10 or maybe 9 years you will probably surpass me"

Enyo and Teras were surprised by his straightforward answer

"And what makes you say that?" Enyo asked confused

"Look in his eyes, no matter how murdered they seem now, you can see it can't you? The fire burning inside his pupil, a fire wilder than that of the king"

Tokkou continued as he stared into Teras's eyes, Teras was confused

"Don't lie Tokkou, I'm asking you seriously!" Teras said in an annoyed tone

"Do I sound like I'm joking?" Tokkou asked

Teras became silent once again so did Enyo

"At the end of the day, we all know what to do about Joker, I will now go to deliver this letter to the king"

Tokkou said as he flew slightly above the ground

"It was nice talking to both of you again, I hope to see you in the future so make sure you don't die!"

Tokkou said as he flew away on the cloudy winter day

Enyo was about to go back into her house but was frozen in place when he saw Teras's face, he was smiling weirdly while holding both of his weapons

"We can spend some time training can't we?"

Teras asked, it was still very early so they could easily train...