
Τeras: the deadly game of cards

In a world where the essence of life itself lies within the power of cards and mana, survival becomes a perilous game. Amidst adventurers, knights and kings who dictate the rules, a young boy awakens with a shattered memory, devoid of weapons, allies, and even the ability to use the power of cards Lost and vulnerable, he questions the purpose of his existence in a desolate reality where hope seems fake. Stripped of everything he once held dear, he faces the daunting task of uncovering his past, piecing together the fragments of his identity, and finding a reason to carry on. For any type of support go to my insta @illo16 and my twitter @illoo_chillo You can also find the story on Royal Road on https://www.royalroad.com/profile/343854

Illo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

Electrical breakdown

~In the other side of the forest where everyone was fighting~

Blades were clashing against each other, and sparks were launched left and right, it was a mess but in this mess, it looked like the villagers were having the upper hand, the main units of the bandits were focused on Lia and Cara since they were the only card users, but little did they know the villager was holding a bigger surprise for them

"So we meet again lighting lady! Seems like you didn't get enough beating before"

Sot said as he manically jumped around

"Not this time Sot, I will be handling her, with your powers fighting the water b*tch is the best option"

Tristan said as he grabbed the right shoulder of Sot

"Ahh come on! Don't ruin my fun like that"

Sot said with a sad expression

"Lia those idiots think that we are the same as before so act weak at first and when the times come let's beat their asses once and for all"

Cara whispered to Lia's eat as he pulled her sword from its case, and before they could notice her Cara had slashed a part of Tristan's ear

"Ah! You stupid bitch, I will kill you!"

Tristan said as he covered his ear with his hand, but before Tristan could attack Cara, Sot charged at her with his wind powers, and suddenly a lighting attack hit Tristan, the attack directed his look to his real enemy, Lia

"You call this a lighting power kid?"

Tristan asked as he launched himself at Lia, his super strength allowed him to approach Lia quickly, but thanks to Lia's mobility training she was able to dodge the upcoming attack

"You are too slow friend"

Lia said as he once again used her powers to shock Tristan but Tristan was unfazed by the attack

"Looks like this is going to be a battle of stamina because your little lighting powers aren't doing shit!"

Tristan said as he kicked a part of the ground at Lia, Lia was able to catch the attack with her hands but Tristan attacked again, with a powerful punch he penetrated the rock Lia was holding and stuck her at her stomach, launching her back, Lia stopped when her body hit a tree

'Damn he managed to hurt me this bad with a single punch?'

Lia wondered as she coughed up blood

Cara wasn't doing any better, she looked like she was losing since none of her attacks could reach Sot, and she herself couldn't get closer to him because every time she got closer to Sot he simply pushed her back with his power

"Hahaha! What's wrong? You can't touch me? And here I was thinking you got better"

Sot said, he sounded disappointed yet sarcastic, he pissed off Cara

"Oh yeah? And what about you? I don't have a scratch on me, so what's your use? Are you simply a weakling that pushes others around while you stay away?"

Cara insulted Sot with a smile, he didn't look insulted, he simply laughed

"Is that what you think? Then I may have overestimated your intelligence, turns out you are only good when this guy Teras is around"

Sot said as he laughed uncontrollably, Cara got very mad when she heard this, and she charged at Sot with all of her power, Sot tried to push her back with his power but Cara dodged his attack with her gliding water technique of hers and when she got closer to him she slashed him with a spin attack, if Sot hadn't used his air powers to launch himself away then he would have been beheaded, Cara didn't stop there though, she continued to chase after him while trying to slash him, this fight had slowly become hunting for Cara but as she foolishly followed Sot she felt right into his trap because Sot wasn't only cowardly running away from but also driving her close to Tristan and Lia, but before Cara could realize that she ended up bumping up to Lia

"What are you doing here? That wasn't the plan"

Lia said as she saw Cara, before Cara could respond Tristan charged at both of them with his super strength, thankfully they both used mana shields to block the attack, and Cara then used her water powers to push Tristan away

"I'm sorry Lia I fell into this f*ckers plan but now there is no time to argue, we have to think of a way to beat those guys"

Cara said as she placed up her guard, Lia then pulled her own dagger from its case, this dagger was kind of weird because its handle was iron too

"I have to use the trick I came up with but I'm not sure how well it will work"

Lia said, she looked quite scared about this fight

"Hey, I wonder how the others are doing..."

Lia told Cara as she was sweating, it was clear that Lia had lost hope

"Don't worry about the others, they are both beasts in their own way, right now we have to focus on how are we going to win, alright Lia"

Cara said with a calm voice

"Shut up and fight you idiots"

Tristan said as he once again charged at them, but this time his hand had a weird current of air surrounding it, both of the girls jumped away from the attack but after Tristan's attack stuck the ground it created a big explosion-like impact that launched around dirt and rocks around and also a powerful wind that disoriented them, Tristan then rushed at Cara and punched her to the ground, Cara couldn't do anything but defend herself with mana but that still wasn't enough to prevent major injuries, and before he could injure her more Lia slashed Tristan with her blade paralyzing him for some seconds, those little seconds gave time to Lia to pick up Cara and retreat to the villagers fighting

"Oh, now I see the use of the full-metal knife, using her electrical powers to paralyze someone with her blade is quite smart, I'm surprised"

Tristan said as he slowly got up

"Aren't we going to chase them?"

Sot asked confused

"Why bother running? The electrical girl is scared of using her full power and the water girl is focused on offense rather than supporting her teammate, honestly, their combination is deadly but those two idiots can't figure out how to use each other's elements to maximize their power"

Tristan said as he slowly started walking toward the others

When Lia and Cara finally reached the original place they fought they saw something horrible, most of the people looked like they were losing, and some had also fallen but were not killed, just seriously injured

"What the hell happened? We were supposed to be winning..."

Lia said as her legs slowly gave up on her, the slightest amount of hope that Lia had, had been lost, Lia then slowly placed Cara down and told her one thing

"I will go and find Har or Teras, maybe they can help..."

Lia said with expressionless eyes, when Cara saw her face she got up despite her injuries and slapped her

"Are you even hearing yourself? Teras and Har risked their life to take on the strongest opponents in one-on-one combat so there is no way they can help us, we can't always depend on them for help! We have to win our fights on our own!"

Cara told her as she gently grabbed her head placing it on hers

"But we can't... We simply can't..."

Lia said as she once again started to fall

"Don't say that, we both trained as hard as we could so please hear my plan, I swear this is going to work, I simply want you not to think and do as I say okay?"

Cara asked her as she helped her get up, Cara then whispered the plan to Lia's ear

"What? I can't do that you will...."

"Shh! They will come soon, just act like we are fighting the others"

Cara told Lia so that was what they did, they started picking losing fights the villagers fought, helping them, and also starting their plan

"Lia? Cara? Did you deal with them?"

Zak asked as he was fighting a bandit

"No, but we are very close! Just keep on fighting"

Lia said as she started helping him with his opponent

Eventually, Tristan and Har arrived at the destination where the brawl happened

"Hey look they are now helping the others, OI B*TCHES THAT'S UNFAIR!"

Sot said as he launched an air blast attack at them, they both dodged the attack, and by dodging it the attack ended up landing on one of the bandits

"Sot watch your stuff!"

Tristan yelled at him angrily, a quick wave of water then slashed Tristan's face

"Looks like you are not playing by the rules huh?"

Tristan said as he launched himself at Cara, but before he could reach her Cara used most of her mana to create a large-scale attack with her water powers


Cara said as she launched the attack but before the attack could hit any of them Sot also used most of his mana to create a tornado-like attack to destroy Cara's water attack and he succeeded, Cara's attack was obliterated to pieces, the only thing that remained from the attack was a big rain that wetted the whole area

"That was your best attack? It sure looked impressive but looks have nothing to do with it"

Tristan said as he stood still laughing

After fighting multiple fights against people that were stronger than me I didn't want to think that I was weak or useless so I didn't stop trying to get better, that doesn't only apply at fights but in real life too, I grew up with three younger sibling and somehow they were all better than me at many things, and I couldn't stand it, even thought my parents never told me I knew damn yell I was useless, but once I decided to become an adventurer I thought things would change but I was wrong, after meeting some amazing people I was convinced that I was still the useless person I love to hate, maybe that's the reason I choose to learn the 7th card (water powers), I knew that this card was a supportive one but I still used it, even now I don't know why, maybe it was a way to tell myself that I don't need to be strong or that there will always be someone to support me, and I hated this thought especially when Teras confirmed it every time, he always acted like the protector and always sacrificed himself for us and I hated him for that but I couldn't afford to tell him, I thought that he will simply see me as useless after I told him that, that's what I thought up until this point but now, when I'm faced with death I realize that all those thoughts were the reason I was getting held back, in reality everyone is depending on something to become stronger and raise up, I'm doing it too but I'm simply a late bloomer, and it sure took time for me to bloom but it was worth it, in the end I'm the support of this party so my job is to support and there is nothing wrong with doing that, it honestly the other way around, I'm proud to support others reach the goals I could never! And who knows? Maybe in the future, God will help me achieve my goal the way I help others

That's what Cara thought before the plan was complete


Cara screamed at the top of her lungs, and that was what everyone did, the bandits were confused and before they knew it Lia used all of her mana to electrocute everyone wet from the rain Cara's attack created, before Tristan got electrocuted he laughed

'Those stupid kids really did outsmart us huh?'

Tristan and the other bandits were then burned up by the violent electricity Lia released upon everyone, everyone fell even the villagers, the electrical power was way too intense for everyone to handle, and Lia was barely able to stand too since her mana was drained from this powerful attack

As Lia was trying to get up she felt her wounds getting healed, once she turned around she saw the bloody Cara healing her

"What are you doing you, idiot? You are hurt, heal yourself first"

Lia told Cara as she pushed Cara's hands away from her

"A supporter's job is to make sure everyone else is okay, I can worry for myself later"

Cara said with a sweet smile on her bloody face

Next up is Teras's fight! Make sure you don't miss it :)

Illocreators' thoughts