
Ōtsutsuki Princess

Growing up Soraki Otsutsuki didn't know where she came from. She thought she was a freak and didn't want to be around anyone. But when a certain yellow haired boy become her friends she'll stop at nothing to help him become hokage. As well as striving to her goals as well. *Slow Updates*

Random_Weeb10 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Soraki was sleeping soundly holding her teddy bear. Himeze was sitting next to her laying on the wall trying to figure out what she should do. Of course she knew Soraki's seal would active eventually but she didn't think it would happen so soon.

She wasn't really fit to train her. The only thing she could teach her was Taijutsu, Bukijustu, and maybe a little Medical/Ninjutsu. She couldn't take her to anyone risking them telling anyone so that was out the question.

Himeze was about to get up but Soraki started to wake. She opened her eyes and looked up at her mother. Before she could say anything the little girl started crying.

"What wrong Soraki", the women asked concerningly.

"They made fun of me mama", she sniffled. Himeze cradled the girl in her arms and started to stroke her hair. "Do you think I'm a freak mama", Soraki asked.

"Oh course not Soraki, you are not a freak and you never will be". She then cupped the little girls face. "Do not listen to those people they are just jealous of you because you look so cool".

Himeze knew that she couldn't make Soraki wear a disguise forever it would only ruin her self esteem. But she couldn't risk anyone seeing her then telling the hokage. I mean theirs's already a chance those boys she meet could have told someone.

"I'm going start training you", She blurted out. Soraki looked at her confusingly. "Their are bad people in the world who would want to hurt you you'd need to protect yourself". The girl smiled and rapped her small arms around the women.

"Thank you mama your the best". Himeze laughed then hugged her back.

Sorry this is a little short

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