
Ōtsutsuki Princess

Growing up Soraki Otsutsuki didn't know where she came from. She thought she was a freak and didn't want to be around anyone. But when a certain yellow haired boy become her friends she'll stop at nothing to help him become hokage. As well as striving to her goals as well. *Slow Updates*

Random_Weeb10 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

It was a quite night in Konohagakure and Himeze was going strolling through the forest. After a long day of practicing her Taijutsu she has decided to take a break to calm herself. She was walking for a while until she heard crying.

But not just any crying, it sounded like baby crying. She rushed over to where the noise was coming from. When she arrived there was a naked little female baby laying on a yellow flower crying her little heart out.

Himeze looked around frantically trying to see if there was anyone around who could have left this baby.When she realized there was no one she ripped off a piece of her shirt, bent down and wrapped it over the little child.

"Oh you poor thing left out in the cold all alone".

Himeze wondered what kind of person would leave a baby all alone in the middle of the night. As she picked up the baby she carefully put her against her chest patting her head softly as she shushed. This caused the little baby to slowly fall asleep against her warm chest.

Himeze walked back to her house. She made a little makeshift bed for the baby to sleep on. Then she started to make dinner. While making dinner she was thinking about what she'd do with the baby. Of course the right thing to do would be to take her to lord hokage. But that was out the question.

For one the person who was watching the baby doesn't deserve her back. Secondly lord hokage would probably want the kid to go to a orphanage. Himeze had started thinking more. Maybe this was the gods answering her prayers.

Ever since Her sister died she become extremely sad. But when her husband died that is what really sent her into a spiral. She had prayed everyday hoping that something could make her happy and in the short while she has had with the child she grown attached to the girl.

I mean out of everyone in Konoha she was the one to stumble upon the baby. I mean if that's not faith then what else could be it Himeze thought. She turned off the stove, put her food on the table and walked back upstairs.

She bent down toward the baby who opened her big doughy eyes. At that moment Himeze new she had to keep this little baby. She picked up the baby and held her up.

"I'll call you Soraki, do you like that name"?

The baby laughed and held out her hands toward Himeze. She smiled and cradled Soraki. As she was she noticed a symbol seal on Soraki's forehead. Himeze's eyes widened a little. It was Clan symbol of the Otsutsuki clan.

Know she new she could definitely not tell anyone about this baby. People might try to kill thinking she might be like her accentors or kidnap her to use her abilities. I mean who even knows what she could do. Is that why she was left in the forest?

Did the person who had her knew where she was from? Where they afraid of her? Even still that's no reason to abandon a baby. All these questions went through Himeze's mind. She shook her head and pressed Soraki's cheek against hers.

"Don't worry Soraki I will never abandon you".