
Ōetsu Nimaiya - The Crafter

The classic set-up. Death -> Wishes -> Reincarnation -> Lots of drip and cool crafts and the like. The plot follows Ōetsu Nimaiya who has the two Meta Essences: the Crafter, for obvious reasons and the Mad Doctor, to spice things up. He will craft and show the world what it truly means to be the Number One Zanpakuto Creator!!

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


(Oetsu POV)

Today was an amazing day. I not only got to show off the Asauchi to Ichibe, but I also got a test subject. 

So I went to show Ichibe the Asauchi. He was very interested and surprised that I managed to create it this fast. After looking at it he smiled and then said:

"It shall be known as ... Asauchi. Yes and then after a Shinigami successfully imprint the essence of their soul into their Asauchi and create their unique swords. These shall be called ... Zanpakuto."

"Good names. So what was this about you needing me to 'seal' something?"

"Ah yes. Soul Society has a bit of a Hollow situation. Take a look."

I focused and was able to see the entire Soul Society. There I saw the commotion that a Hollow was causing. 

"Hmm, an Adjucas-class Hollow. And a strong one as well. He might be as strong as a Vasto Lorde. Oh my, so many souls this Hollow has consumed. They won't stand a chance."

"I agree. That Hollow's name is Kuishinbō. I'm sure he'll come here when he's finished with the Seireitei.", Ichibe said. 

"Kuishinbō ... the gluttonous. Seems fitting. So you think he comes to the Royal Palace after he is done beating Yamamoto Shigekuni?"

"Yes, and I want you to seal him in an Asauchi. I'll give it another name then. And you can store it in the Hōōden."

"Yeah, we can do that. I'll begin making a container for it right away. You never know, it might not work with a normal one.", I told Ichibe and left. 

"You're right."


I left to begin working right away. I knew who this Hollow was. This was the Hollow that would appear in the story 'Can't Fear Your Own World'. And it had its name taken from him by Ichibe's Ichimonji. Who then named it Ikomikidomoe. 

This doesn't even truly mean anything. Ikomikidomoe is a combination of Ikomiki which means the same, and tomoe which is something of a coma shape. I'm sure all Naruto fans know about the Tomoe.

In the story we find out that after Ikomikidomoe or Kuishinbō, as he is known for now defeats Yamamoto, he sets his sights on the Soul King and wants to devour it. 

It gets defeated by Ichibei though and is then sealed by me. But do I want to seal a Hollow of such magnificence like that? 

What are you kidding? And give up the chance to use it as material for my future Hogyoku. Or as I will call it the 'Saikō no Subarashī Hogyoku' or the best brilliant Hogyoku. Eh, let us forget the name for now. 

Why is it brilliant? Because I will create a Hogyoku that is far beyond what the one from Aizen will be able to create. And if you want to bake a cake, you need the best ingredients. Because even the best cook will make a bad cake with bad ingredients. 

But now imagine the best cook with the best materials. Now that is something that I can work with. 


So in short this means that I have no interest in just sealing Ikomikidomoe away for good. No, I will create a container of sorts that I can access to feed my Hogyoku when the container has been completed. 

For the container, I have done some calculations in my head. I theorise that both Urahara and Aizen used material found in Hueco Mundo and Soul Society to make the container. And they found a way to combine these materials into one, creating the blank Hogyoku. 

This was the best theory for now. I had not started creating it and was still playing with different ideas on how to improve upon the Hogyoku. Something that was clear to me was that I wanted to add a third component to the Hogyoku.

And this component would stand for the Quincy side of things. Quincies could completely eradicate Hollows. So they had the ability to erase souls or rather truly destroy them. 

I theorise that the soul energy from which Hollows and Souls are made up then returns to the world itself. Because energy could not be destroyed, only transformed. 

Now imagine if I, instead of killing all the Sternritters and coming back after Juha Bach uses 'Auswählen', destroy them like the Quincy destroy the Hollos. Wouldn't that be a sight? 

There was more to think about of course but that was my first idea on my future Hogyoku. We'll see how it goes. 

Apart from using the materials found in this world, I also had other options. So many other materials from all around fiction were available to me and thanks to my infinite storage, I can remember a lot of them. 


For example: I plan on using Element X from DC comics which will act as the container as a main ingredient. That would work wonderfully in combination with the Hogyoku. Why? Because Element X was the metal of literal pure imagination personified. Having the ability to shape and materialize anything the user can think of and make it into reality.

It was a match made in heaven. The perfect material to shape the Hogyoku out of. 

But as I said this is still quite a while in the future. For now, I will have to create a Zanpakuto that can hold Ikomikidomoe. That Hollow is seriously powerful for an Adjucas.


I entered the forge and began to work. I knew my stuff now. I have been living here for roughly a month now. I got very skilled at crafting and creating Asauchi and was already making plans for Zanpakuto to make. They would then help me forge things. 

It would also get livelier around here. The first one I'll create will be a butler. 

Wait a minute ... 

I stopped my work because I had just gotten a banger idea. Why not ... Instead of just creating Zanpaktos, I am thinking about making Homunculi. 

I can create the first artificial soul using a ... a no ... that would take the role away from Kirio Hikifune. Then I would be the one to create Gigais and the like and not her ... that might be a problem ... or would it?

Do I care about Hikifune? Was she essential to the plot? Do I care? Eh, I'll cross that bridge when I get there. For now, let's continue my work.



(3rd Person POV)

Oetsu started the process similarly to how he would when creating a normal Zanpakuto. He found out that he could create Zanpakuto directly if he imbued the Asauchi he created with a specific power or job. That is also how he will create the Zanpakuto who will help him in the forge. 

But for this one, he had to change things slightly. He was not going to create a normal Zanpakuto, he was going to create an Asauchi that didn't have unlimited development potential.

He will create an 'empty' Asauchi if you will. That will act as a container and seal for Ikomikidomoe. To add his personal twist, Oetsu will add multiple security measures inside the Zanpakuto to seal Ikomikidomoe with different stages.

This made the Zanpakuto essentially a dispenser for Oetsu, to take out the Adjucas or parts of him and use it in his work. 

Ikomikidomoe had devoured too many Hollows to simply kill him, as that would throw the balance off. So Oetsu was going to make use of him in my way. Why would he waste good building materials?


After a few hours, Oetsu was just about finished when he heard and felt explosions. It seems like Ikomikidomoe had arrived and was currently fighting Ichibe. That was good timing as he was also just finished. 

He hit the Zanpakuto one last time and then used the water to cool it. 


"And done!"

Finally, he was finished. He observed his work. It was an ingenious Zanpakuto that could seal something very securely and allow Oetsu to use it like a dispenser. He was satisfied with it. He took it and left the forge to see the last part of the fight between Ichibe and Ikomikidomoe.


Ichibe was enjoying himself. This Hollow was strong for an Adjucas ... really strong. He wasn't sure at first how to handle him but he decided to not kill it as that would unbalance the world.

He chose another option while he was fighting. He told Oetsu to create a Zanpakuto to seal the Hollow but then thought that it might not be enough. So he will use Ichimonji to remove the Hollow's name. 

Ichibe dodged a giant Cero and then prepared an attack of his own. 

He raised his hand and then brought it down. 

'Senri Tsūtenshō'

A large hand manifested and then pushed the Hollow away with extreme force, making it fall onto the platform below. The Hollow was resiliant though and had great healing. Before it could stand up though, Ichibe used Senri Tsūtenshō again. 

This time he manifested a leg and stomped on Ikomikidomoe, flattening the Hollow and almost killing him.

Icibe then took his brush, Ichimonji and swung it to the side, activating it. 

"Blacken, Ichimonji."

Upon release, the brush transformed into a form of a somewhat short glaive, with the top portion taking the form of a short, single-edged blade reminiscent of the tip of a chokuto, attached to the long brush handle. Additionally, a large halo of black ink appears in the air behind Ichibe.

Swinging Ichimonji, black Ink covered the entire body of, the Hollow formerly known as Kuishinbō. The name was taken from him and he was now a blank piece of ... Hollow.

"Quite the cool power to have, Ichibe.", a voice said from above.

Ichibe looked up and saw Oetsu sitting on one of the pillars looking down. He held something in his hands. Probably the Zanpakuto wrapped in some cloth. 

"Oetsu, good to see you here so soon. Are you done already?"

"Yeah. We can go ahead wherever you say.", Oetsu answered and came down to stand next to Ichibe. He unwrapped the Zanpakuto and showed it to Ichibe. 

"Oh ... wonderful work and so secure too. To think you managed to add Bakudo inside the Zanpakuto ... very good work indeed. An ingenious idea and so functional."

Ichibe had an impressed look on his face. He of course knew all about the Zanpakto as he saw the name it held. That was a broken ability, and very useful as well.

"Shall I seal him then?"

"Yes, please do.", Ichibe said.



Oetsu walked to the Hollow who was lying on the ground, covered in black ink. This poor Hollow had no identity at this moment and was therefore seemingly powerless. 

Oetsu took the Zanpakuto and infused his Reiryoku in it. This activated the sword and with a strong push, Oetsu stabbed the Hollow's head. 

After a moment, the blade as well as the Hollow started to shing and marking became visible on the blade. These markings started to travel from the blade to the Hollow and then ... they moved back.

The Hollow was sucked into the Zanpakuto, sealing him for good.

"It worked. Pretty cool.", Oetsu said. He was unsure whether the Bakudos he added would not implode when they grabbed the Hollow and pulled him in. Theory and practice are two different things.

But he noticed how much better he had become at predicting the outcomes of his creations. This was due to the Essence of the Blank and the Essence of the Crafter. He was getting stronger and better, the more he did.

Ichibe then swung his Zanpakuto again. 

"Shin'uchi: Shirafude Ichimonji", Ichibe said.

This was his equivalent to Bankai as they would be called from the moment the first one was achieved. 

The blade of Ichibe's brush turns into white bristles akin to its sealed state but begins emitting white energy instead of black ink, with some of this energy forming a large circle around Ichibe himself.

He then began to write a name on the Zanpakuto.

'已己巳己巴' (Ikomikidomoe)

After he was done, he deactivated Shin'uchi again. Oetsu then grabbed the Zanpakuto and observed it. It indeed now had the name Ikomikidomoe, but the power of the Hollow was not gone, it was just a part of the Zanpakuto now. Marvellous. 

"Well then. I'll store this in the Hōōden until we can use it again.", Oetsu said and the left.