

The more you read the more it gets intresting

anonymous_thinker · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter-6 Power??

I am just gonna teleport all of us to my house but how am I gonna do that I don't even kn- * Leo faints* Noah do u know what's happening here the crazy doctor is about to die and I think we should run with Leo's unconscious body " Kai, Leo, Noah these three have gone to kai's house " Noah let's give Leo some water so he can regain his conscious...

" Leo regained his consciousness " I think I have to get ahold of this powers and even teach you both how to use these, but it's too complicated the thing I saw after touching that vase was about the god and the demon realm and how to enter it or the danger that is coming and I maybe know the future for our tomorrow.....

sorry for the very late chapter

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