
Ílios : The Sun of Hope

The first thing I noticed when I first gained consciousness was that I was small, like baby small, and if that wasn’t already weird enough there’s a blonde haired purple eyed giant man with a mouth way too big who looks like he’s about to eat me, while this brown haired giantess is screaming at him to let me go A Man who had everything stripped from him and vowed to never again be weak is suddenly reborn as the Ílios the 4th son of Kronos God of the Sun, Light, Life, Hope, Destiny, Rejuvenation, Devastation, and Innovation. Follow him on his journey through the Percy Jackson world and see his impact on history Warning : This is for my more soft skinned readers, my MC is neither a good guy or evil, he’s been reborn as a Greek god and will act like a Greek god so be prepared for murder, incest, and 1 or 2 instances of r*pe(mostly the Zeus style of changing into some one else and sleeping with their wife). I don’t like fanfics where the Mc is a Greek god yet acts nothing like it, I want my Mc to be flawed yet have some good qualities if stories with this type of content aren’t for you then pls don’t read. Discord Link : https://discord.gg/6kb2PxQd

DaculeDNamikaze365 · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

Let's Start Recruiting

Rhea POV

"You mean to tell me that you just happened to land on lord Ra's sun boat, got threatened by his daughter after loudly proclaiming you would bed her, after explaining your story, Ra, impressed by your power and potential offered to train you in preparation for you to face your father, you then spent all night training with him and Set before falling asleep, waking back up and getting stuck in the Chaos Serpent's illusion, where I helped you escapee, and now you are currently meditating in the cabin trying to contain your divine form. And you did all of this in less than a day." I inquired to my son. We are currently speaking mentally.

"I know it sounds a little farfetched and convenient but this really did happen exactly like that." Said Ílios.

I knew something was off, why would Ra ruler of Egypt want to train a god from another Pantheon, it made no sense, if I couldn't sense Ílios' ease and came nature I would think he's being held hostage by the Egyptian Pantheon. I'll just have to trust in my son he seems confident in his path. "I'll trust you on this my Ligos Fós(Little Light)."

"Good, now tell me what you've been doing since my departure, did father do anything to you after my escape, I don't want you to suffer in my place.

What a caring son, Even Zeus my little Spítha(Spark) never inquires about my treatment at the hands of my husband always asking for more training and to be allowed to explore the world outside of Crete. "Worry not my son, I have long gotten used to Kronos' abuse and false apologies, I am a Titan, I can endure anything your father throws at me because I know one day it will all come back to him when you and your brother Zeus free your siblings and destroy Kronos." I say to him with conviction.

Ílios POV

"Zeus? You spoke that name earlier who exactly is this person?" I ask Rhea. I obviously knew who Zeus was but she doesn't know that.

"Zeus is my 6th child and your elder brother, I had him on the island of Crete about 5 years before your birth, with the help of my mother Gaea I was able to trick your father into swallowing a stone replica of Zeus, he's currently being raised by my nieces Hagno and Metis along with the Kouretes and the goat Amaltheia, I visit him whenever I can, but I can never stay too long less your father learns of his existence."

"Mother, under whose supervision is Zeus being trained?" I asked her.

"Although they are not great warriors, my nieces are still Titans, they teach him everything they can and the rest he picks up himself. Why do you ask?"

"Hmmm, that won't do I want him at his best for when we eventually take on our father, going in with less than adequate training will only make our war drag on more than it needs to. Have you thought about recruiting some of the male titans to our side, I know it's still early but it would help to have some allies early on, when we declare war eventually most of the Titans and nature spirits will not join our side if it's just me and Zeus, but if we already have some Titan allies it will help convince others to join our side."

"I want to but I just don't know who I could trust with the knowledge of Zeus' existence, the only ones I think would keep this a secret are my sisters but they would most likely choose to remain neutral." She tells me.

"I want you to give me a detailed list of every Titan, their powers, and personality traits, I might be able to discern if one of them is suitable enough to join us." I ask her.

"Are you sure my son, that may take a while?" She asks me.

"Don't worry mother, I still have time before dawn arrives and I'm forced to rejoin the others, plus I'm talking to you is helping me focus on containing my Divine Form." I tell her.

"All right where do I begin, well we can definitely cross out your father and his main generals, I doubt they'd want to join you." She says with a giggle.

~Minor Timeskip~ 20 minutes later


...And finally, there is me Rhea, your beautiful and strong mother, Titaness of Motherhood and Fertility." She finishes with a smile.

"Hmm, this is a lot to take in, from what you've told me the only possible candidates I can think of are Hecate, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Themis. Hecate though skilled in magic as you've told me, brings little gain in terms of combat training, maybe we can contact her later when the rest of my siblings are freed. Prometheus seems like the smart choice, a skilled warrior and tactician would definitely aid not only Zeus but our cause, but you've also told me that all of his decisions are based on his ability of Forethought. I am confident that we will defeat father in the future but if you go to Prometheus right now with talks of betraying Kronos, he would instantly look at both sides' strengths and weaknesses and carefully calculate and outcome in his head and I'm sure that outcome would be us losing. We simply don't have enough on our side to convince him. Epimetheus on the other hand is not only a skilled warrior but an easily fooled person, he would be the best person to seek out and maybe then we can try and convince his brother Prometheus. Finally, Themis should be easy to convince, everything Kronos does goes against her very nature as a Titaness of Justice and Divine Law, play on her instinctive need to see justice served and she will surely join us." I explain to her.

"You've put a lot of thought into this my son. I'm proud of you, so young and already you have the makings of a fine General. I will listen to your council and contact Epimetheus and Themis. Goodbye my son we will speak again soon." She says to me and I feel her presence in my mind disappear.

'Having Epimetheus and Themis on our side this early on will definitely be a great boon for us, maybe with this some of the neutral Titans might join us in this universe and we can end the Titanomachy earlier.' I think to myself.

"Good job you were able to contain your Divine Form, I sensed a strange presence around you earlier when you broke free from the Serpent's illusion, it looks like it also helped you learn to control your Divine Form, who or what exactly is this presence?" Asks Set walking into the Cabin.

I look down at myself and sure enough, I'm back to my normal self, I look up to Set and answer him. "It was my mother Rhea's presence it seems she can sense her children's emotions and communicate mentally with them, she sensed my distress and helped me break free then helped me keep focus on my Divine Form." I tell him.

"Well whatever she did it worked, but she won't always be able to help you. You only gazed into the Serpent's eyes by for a second and it wasn't even focusing on you, if it paid even the slightest bit of attention to you your mother would not have been able to help, that's why you'll need to get stronger." He tells me.

"Also did you ever manage to figure out what I was teaching you with my training method?" He asks me.

"Yes I did, you were teaching me not only your combat style but how to properly switch forms for every situation. You would start by first attacking me with a set pattern of 4 moves a right hook, a leg sweep, a headbutt, and a knee face breaker, you would repeat this cycle until I finally got used to blocking or dodging and then you would randomly add another move showing me what I should do in that situation if someone starts countering me." I explain to him.

"And here I thought I was just beating the shit out of you, I guess I'm a better teacher than I thought huh?" he says with an irritating smile. "You pass the first day of training but don't get too confident I have a lot more tortu-, I mean trainin-, no, I definitely meant torture. I've got a lot more torture just for you so prepare yourself." He says before walking out.

I walk out behind him and see the boat approaching this beautiful Golden Gate at the edge of the river. 'That must be the gate of the east, this means we're about to pass back into the mortal world.'

"When we pass through that gate I will no longer be Khnum, I will become Khepri of the morning sun, I that form I am a sun deity unlike now where I am a god of fertility and rivers, Khepri will be able to help you with your sun and light related powers, then at noon when Ra starts to hold court for the gods and humans you will learn about kingship by observing him, do you understand?" said Khnum standing beside me.

"Yes I understand and thank you for what you have taught me, I am eager to learn more from you tonight." I tell him.

"No thanks necessary my pupil, now hold on tight the entry back is always a little rough." he says with a smirk.

A.N : I'm trying to show the mc's tactical side here, he's already finding allies and building his forces years before his sibling's release. This is something I never understood, why did Rhea wait till after the Titanomachy had already started to try and start recruiting allies. I most myths she only manages to convince Prometheus and Epimetheus, sometime Nike and her siblings join in later. But that's about it. In this story, my mc will build his forces up early so the Titanomachy doesn't drag for 10 years.

As always leave some feedback, how do you guys feel about the mc's tactical side, hate it?love it? Also pla leave some reviews for the story.