
Chapter 5

Sorry I disappeared from you yesterday… i couldn't stay anymore, i was having a little bit of emotion. I know, I should've stayed, so we could talk about it… but I was scared, so scared that I would scare you with all that is happening between us. I might seem like a strong person, but I am not, I am full of fear.

What? You have fear too?Yeah… I should've known, I mean everybody has fear, I was in my emotion, I know that now, I'm sorry for leaving you. Can you forgive me?

Thank you, I will try to do it, I promise.

So?How did you sleep? Did you have a good night?What did you dream about?Not of me right? hahaha sorry i couldn't resist, i wanted to make you laugh after everything that happened. I knew it would work. I think I am starting to know a lot about you.

Oh you thought about what i asked yesterday?No dont answer, everything is fine, i dont want to loose you because of some childish ques….

Alright… i let you talk… sorry.

Fami..ly? Really? Yeah I have fiction talk with you, I make you say words that I want to hear, I hope you don't hate me for it. But I really want to be family with you, so starting now, you are my darling! My family, not in a romantic way, it's a bit… fast for that, but you are still family, i dont have one, so now, you are my family.

i shouldn't, people will think that i am crazy, but you know what? I don't care, you are the most important thing in my life right now. I hope talking to me will make you happy too.

So for changing the conversation on something less…. sad, lets talk about… food. Everybody like food, no?I like a lot of things, but my favorite thing is raspberry and I have an allergy to nuts, don't give me nuts alright? No, not those kind of nuts…. Got you!! I can't believe you thought about that… that's so perverse of you. I. Am. Shocked. I didn't think of you that way. Hahaha, sorry, i will stop, it was just so funny to say.

Talking about those types of things, i am talking to you in a bath, yeah a bath, i should take care not putting you in water, i dont think its really good if i want to continue talking to you. It's a joke, I take care of the way to talk to you, I hope you do too. Baths are cool, a little bit underrated don't you think? It's so good for the back. When I work with my hands, I like to take a bath sometimes and just…. relax, think about anythings, but today, with the bath I am thinking and talking to you.

For your curiosity, I did put some bubbles in, it's a bit stupid, but with bubbles it kind of feels like a spa, it's fancy don't you think? It make the bath being… more calming…

And since you are not really here… we can talk all i want while in the bath, that is so cool. I really like the fact that e can talk everywhere.. except in work… that is not a good place to talk, i mean i want to talk to you everyday everywhere, but i don't want to lose my job, i suppose you don't want to lose what y9ou are doing in life because of me.

I don't want to cause you problems. You know, you are important, you should be happy. Everyday, everywhere, at every time of the day or in all places of the world, even in a garbage can, Yeah, even there, ok maybe it's too much, but it's a bit cute no?

a bit too much, i should probably calm down, i cant embarrass you again.

I am cooking now, i kind of like cooking, i wish you could eat what i am cooking, maybe you would like what i do, i mean… except if i make everything disappear in the fire… hahaha that might happen, i am not really good with fire, but i couldn't afford another way of cooking, so i am learning right now.

I don't think you should eat what I cook because of that, I don't want to poison you hahaha. I am not that kind of person. Maybe we should eat out if you are here. It would be a better idea if I don't want you to die. Eating for me its ok, because i need to know how to cook, but not for you, i don't want you to puke because of my food hahaha.

And i was right… you distracted me… i burned my food… it looks…. not edible. hahaha. Damn it… I don't think I would be able to eat that, that is the next level of burning… I hope you are better with fire than me.

Noooo it's not because I like to look at fire, dont misunderstand, I like looking at fire, but at the moment that…. yeah it's weird… But i don't lie, it's really not because i like looking at the fire, this time it's your fault, i really wanted to talk to you.

So… I should go outside to get some food… I will just go grab something at a convenience store and I will return home. I don't really want to wait for food at a restaurant.

Nooo its just that i am not patient enough to wait for food to be ready, i am really hungry right now. So ready to eat food it is.