
¿Am i the same as rapunzel?

Sebastian is a dominant alpha from a rich family and a tradition of dominant alphas, but behind the mask that his family shows there is a secret ... Joshua is a shy and fearful college boy whose desire is to live in peace, his life was not easy, his parents died from strange circumstances, he had to live in hiding for reasons he never knew and his only living relative was his aunt who took him in, taking care of him, protecting him of the outside world, now that he is an adult he can come to know the outside world again.

La_casa_del_terror · Eastern
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13 Chs

Ep 7

I went to my bed barely leaving my shoes in the hall, wishing I could calm my racing heart. It had not been more than a single day and I already had a friend, a weird guy with whom I did weird things, not to mention that half of the university apparently hates me for getting close to a dominant alpha.

-What a day ... -I sighed- If I had known that it would be so troublesome, I would have been locked up.


-Aunt !! - He screamed as he ran through the spacious field of that place

-Do not go too far! -My aunt said something worried

-I'm fine-I ran as fast as I could, it was the first time they had let me go out to the patio of the house and it was an exciting experience, I did not know the texture of the grass or the smell of flowers.

Every time I asked why I couldn't go out, my aunt said that I was very sickly and somewhat allergic, so anything would harm me, but since it was a special occasion like my 12th birthday, I asked my aunt if she could leave me as gift to go to the patio for a short time, she left me and that was how I could finally feel everything that I could only observe through my window every day, I longed to be able to touch everything, to know what it felt like to have dirt in your shoes or to get wet with clothes on.

-Aunt I can get wet in the lake-Ask looking at that beautiful crystalline lake

-Just a little- smiled my aunt approaching me

In my aunt's patio there was a beautiful lake which I always saw every time I was somewhat anxious, looking at it helped me to clear my mind and calm me when I was furious, seeing how the sun reflected. I couldn't take off my shoes because my emotion was bigger.

-Joshua you must take off your shoes !!! - My aunt raised her voice

I didn't want to, but I was right it was better to feel everything first, I took off my shoes and socks leaving them on the shore, now I could feel that feeling

-This is feeling free -Emotivated I started to move my feet, the stones bothered a bit but what did it matter - Is that ...? - They were small fish passing under my feet, I did not hesitate and I threw myself back never before I had swum or floated but felt that it was not the first time I had.


-I miss my aunt's house -Sighing something nostalgic- But I couldn't do anything after her death… .. I decided it was time to sleep, I did not think much and fell asleep, the next morning my body feels something strange -mm… .nm….-I complain when I get out of bed, I look at the nightstand next to my bed at a calendar which was marked with a flower -It can't be… .ahhhgh-I complained pulling myself towards back- Today my jealousy begins- Angry I start to turn over in bed It was normal to spend my jealousy locked up masturbating, but I didn't want to this time I felt like something else

-Everything is Sebastian's fault- I cursed in my mind remembering yesterday's event- I can't miss class- I looked at my dresser again looking at my pills- I think I'll have to take "that pill". When I got my heat, my aunt gave me a purple pill, she told me to only use it in case of emergencies, this pill would help me dissipate my jealousy for a few hours- Today ..- Look at a calendar that I had on top of my dresser , this indicated the days of classes that I had and the subjects that touched me- It does not touch me for many hours so I think it will help me for today- Usually my zeal lasts 3 days but sometimes only 1 day- I think This pill lasts 4 hours - I didn't think about it anymore and took it, grabbed a glass of water that I always have with me on my dresser and drank it - Well it's time to go!

I said animated wishing this would work or else I would have a lot of problems.