When operator Daniel is connected to a panicking woman saying that there is a shooter in the school, he is about to send authorities, but, he is interrupted by many gunshots and what sounds like... A whisper. "If you interfere with Jade...you'll regret it." Now he must find and help Jade escape a violent, Terrifying and Evil being that wants her for an unknown reason... and Daniel isn't ready to find out.
"Hello?" The male operator said, having just connected to a panicking woman.
"Hello, y-yes, there is a shooter in my school, Hollins Academy... it's a high-school and it's near Hollinwood..." The Terrifed woman uttered, unable to speak clearly from fear.
"Alright, Authorities are on the way, would you stay on the line for me? What is your name?" He asked, typing up a report and showing a girl which nodded swiftly and briskly walked off to contact the authorities.
"J-jade..." The girl stuttered in a panicked whisper.
"Alright, how old are you?" He asked.
"I-i'm 13..." She sounded utterly terrified.
Suddenly, he heard screams and lots of gunshots, and the sounds of running feet.
"What's going on?" The operator began to feel panic, but remained calm because he didn't want to scare her more than she already was.
"I'm running, the shooter is near, I'm heading to some sort of gate that I can climb over, I think, me and my friends found it in year 8."
"Ok, Police are on the way." He said, as a gate rattling and sounds of struggle sounded.
"Are you over the gate, Jade?" He asked, as he heard her running, but stopping shortly after.
"Yes, I am..." She panted, the Operator could hear the relief in her voice.
"Do you have anywhere to go?" The Operator asked.
"Uhm, I do, but my relationship with my mother and step-dad is..complicated..." Jade explained, a tone of sadness took over the relief in an instant, possibly reflecting Trauma.
"Uhm..Well, go to *********... it's my house, my wife, Nicki is there, tell her I sent you, she'll understand." He said.
"Thanks, I'll have to hang up, my phone is almost dead.." She said, now hanging up.
Instantly, he called over Attendant Grey, a esteemed officer.
"Go over to Hollins Academy, and search it inside out, someone is in there and obviously couldn't have gotten away yet." He said, getting our his phone and texting his wife about Jade.
While this is happening, a word should be put in for the operator, his name is Daniel, and he is in his early 30's and is married to Nicki, his wonderful, considerate wife.
Daniel is fairly muscular, and he is quite kind, he is tall-ish and his figure is Slim, only buffed to a little less slim by his muscles.
He helps others and sends police to emergencies like this, only usually what just happened, wouldn't happen.
After getting off work, he drove home quickly, the events playing on his mind, and he soon arrived home in the secluded Town.
This Town is moderate in houses, and not as secudled as Daniel says, but the scenery is something to behold, with happy people, but weather can be harsh at times, bit mostly it is a safe, lovely town, but it hides a secret that could endanger Daniels Family.
He opened the door, and saw Nicki having just cooked dinner, and a 13-year old girl sitting on a chair.
coming soon