
{QT} Is it bad for me to go OOC?

"Huh, quiet and gentle...I can work with that." Yu nodded. "Alright this is a simple mission, just don't go ooc." The system was relieved it was an easy task. A few minutes later~ "Are you stupid?! You really didn't think I would notice huh?" Yu spat out to the person lying on the floor. "..." -male lead "..." -person on the ground "HAH?!!!!" -Everyone else Heyo Im Koru and i'm a helper for the author Kist. Kist has been trash at doing updates for her own books, so I wrote my own.

DaoistSFHCTS · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

A Cat System?

"Hah...." Yu was currently roasting in the hot summer heat. The blistering sun seemed to ignore his roof and dig right into him. He brought a fan to try to fix the problem, but it didn't work at all.

After procrastinating for a while, he finally got up and went to his room. He turned on his computer and continued writing something. 30 minutes had passed before he stopped and clicked publish.

He scrolled the comments on his previous chapters.

BloomingPeaches: '-'''''' that was kinda spicy! >.<

CatsareBetter: My goodness that one scene where Xiao kissed Yulan made me heat uppppppppppppppppp

Newo: -.- this story is chef's kiss! Best story ever <3

Maik_294_47: Trash story, no plot, loopholes, stupid characters, trash, garbage, would not ever read.

These types of comments would appear on each chapter. One talking of a particular scene, reacting to some spicy things, complimenting, hating, all of these came along when being an author.

He calmly pressed the reply button next to Maik_294_47. "WELL NO ONE ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION YOU DIM-" He quickly deleted that. Yu rubbed his forehead and sighed.

Yu got up and went to his kitchen. When he got there he felt something...off. It was like, something was out of place but he couldn't point it out. He ignored it as his imagination and began cooking himself some instant noodles.

Putting the flavoring packets in, he heard a soft thud sound behind him. He turned around swiftly, but it wasn't fast enough. The unknown assailant struck his head and knocked him out almost instantly.

Time seemed to be going by slowly as he stared at the shiny leather shoes belonging to the attacker.

"Huh, what a coincidence...I always hated those shoes....." He blacked out.


"Hey, wake up....." A soft voice whispered in his ear. "Wake up....Wake up!" Cold water splashed onto his face as he was still getting his bearings. He shook his head quickly as he opened his eyes.

Everything was very blurry and bright. He could only make out a tall dark blob near him.

"Finally awake Resui?" A mean voice sneered above him. Yu's hands were tied behind his back, all he could do was murmur, "Da faq?"

"Seems you're not fully awake, maybe this should help you." A crisp slap descended from the blob.

This snapped Yu into reality, he focused his eyes and saw a handsome, dark blue haired teenager staring at me. His black and blue eyes seemed to draw you in.

"I already told you, Anna is mine! So you better stay away or else i'll pummel you again." Those beautiful eyes were glaring at Yu, and Yu couldn't get his eyes off the teen.

"Um...what?" Yu dazedly asked as he was trying to figure out what was happening. Resui? Anna? This rude, but beautiful teen was assaulting him????

"OI! Athel! YOU BETTER NOT BE FIGHTING WITH MY BROTHER AGAIN!!!!!" A loud female voice was heard outside the door. Now that Yu was more awake now, he saw his surroundings.

A very fancy looking room with gold ornaments hanging from the roof. The wall designs were like waves gently pulling you in from a rough day. But it seems something happened in here, as there were things scattered and broken all over the place.

When Athel heard that voice, he immediately panicked and untied Yu.

"Speak one word of this and I will make your life HELL." His eyes had fear in his eyes.

"OPEN ZA DAMN DOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!" The girl's voice was heard one last time before a blond, green eyed teen burst in with her foot glowing, burst into the room. The expensive door broke and fell onto the floor in front of them.

There was a moment of silence between them.

"...Oops." The teen widened her eyes as she looked at the door. She recovered however when she say Yu and Athel with the room scattered and messy.

"Were you guys fighting....again?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Nope uh, we were sparring for fun! Especially since the tournament is coming up, right Resui?" Athel hurriedly explained.

"Um yup, Athel requested it so I uh joined him." Yu was terrified of the random girl who burst into the room. He also assumed Athel was the name of the guy in front of him. Athel seemed to glare at him for a second before looking away.

"Awwww~ Then if my dear brother days so! But seriously, you guys can't spar in the room!" Her attitude did a 180 as she turned into a doting older sister. She cradled his bruised cheeks as her voice got soft and mushy, like she was talking to a baby.

"Just look at you honestly..." She pouted as she showed concern for his cheeks.

"I-I'm alright, you don't really have to do this..." Yu tried to resist the stranger's friendliness.

"Hm? Are you sick or something? You don't usually act like this..." Anna frowned. "I'll call the servants over---------

*System has paused the world*

"Hah?" Resui widened his eyes, as time seemed to come to a stop.

A cute kitten popped out of nowhere, it flew around before coming to a stop infront of the astounded Yu.

"Hewo~ I am system 257! My job is to assist you in....uh what was I supposed to do again???" The kitten rubbed its forehead as he pondered about what it should do.

"Oh yeah! You got the chance to hop through worlds, and i'm here to make sure you succeed!" The cat smiled as he went back to Yu.

"Any questions..?" He mewed.

"..." Yu was not amused. Why did the system come now? Couldn't it have came earlier???

"Why did you come just now? I was thrown into this world with no clue whatsoever on what was happening." He narrowed his eyes.

The cat seemed to pause, "U-Um..." 257 couldn't tell him that he forgot his appointment with him, and was lazing at home when he was being slapped...

">.< The main system kinda did an error ya know? Doesn't really happen alot, but it happens..." 257 nervously replied.

"..." Yu wasn't satisfied, but what can he do? As far as he knows, this "System" thing was some sort of powerful being able to pull souls after dying.

"A-Anyways, here's the information you need for this world!" The cat waved his paw, and Yu felt a splitting headache. It was so bad, that he fell to the ground. The cat just watched him, as if this process was normal.

After the pain was gone, Yu felt information flow in.

Yo it's a chapter from me, the one and only Kist....jk she doesn't get credit. Since she never writes anymore, I get bored so I got the account I made awhile ago and now i'm writing books. I hope I don't become like her TwT

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