
{As The Primordial Origin Dragon God in Tensura}

Shiro Yamamoto, a regular Otaku who has quite a nice life, gets killed in an impulsive attempt to save a young girl from being hit by a car. Results? He died. But when he heard a mechanical voice inside his very being, he realized what that voice was, and boy oh boy... P.S.: I don't own any of the characters except for the OCs.

VAITAS · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

{Chapter 7}:[Messing with the Demon Lords](1/4)

{MC P.O.V.}


So, this must be Veldora.

What should I do with him?

Ho? That must be Chronoa trying to 'save' the Vampire Queen, Luminous Valantine.


This is really interesting.

"Oh well, [Uriel]".

Sooooo... I locked the Storm Dragon in the cave in the Jura forest since I want cannon to happen...

What's left of it by that time at least.

Oh! Chronoa is staring at me.


I wave at her.

She stares at me warily.

I mean... what did I expect.

Haaah~ Fresh air.

That smells like blood and despair...

Oh well~ I'll clean up I guess.


Much better.

Hoh? Hahahahaha!

The little hero is all confused and surprised~

How adorable.

Should I strike up a conversation?

Might as well.

"Chronoa, how are you on this apocalyptic day?"

Why hesitate to answer?

Come on I won't eat you... not in the way you think at least.

"I-I'm alive and well I guess... And who might you be if I may ask?"(Chronoa)

How polite~

"You may ask~ I am the {Primordial Origin Dragon God} Azatoroth Zen'nō. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I-I see... so that announcement was your doing I guess. If may be so bold, what do you plan on doing in this Universe?"(Chronoa)

"{Yog-Sothoth Herk} wasn't of any help so you decided to ask me directly? How amusing~"

Oh don't be surprised.

From my title alone you should have known what to do and not to do.

Let's see what she saw hmmmmm... a black Void.

Not really surprised. Especially since nothing is really set in stone anymore since I'm a True Singularity.

"How did you-"(Chronoa)

"Oh please darling, this is nothing. So, are planning what had already been planned to do or change things a bit? Oh, and I can help you if you want~ Since I'm Oh so generous. But to be clear, I am not leaving your body with that mosquito X bat crossover.

So, your choice?"

She was baffled.

Obviously. Who can blame her really.

And you really think that your mask can hide your facial expression from me? HAH! Think again.

BTW, Athena has gone silent...

I wonder what she's doing? Let's see.

O-Oh. Quite the project.*Cough* I'll leave her to it then.

"If possible, I want things to go according to my original plans... at least most of them."(Chronoa)

"Granted" *Snap*

There she goes.

Hmmm... Let's seal her in my Dimension.


Now, what to do what to do...

Should I interrupt the Walpurgis?

Hmmmmm~ I mean why not? Why should I not interrupt the most important meeting in there lives?

Then it's decided.

But how to make my entrance? Just teleporting in doesn't scream 'BOW TO ORIGIN' now does it.

Should I open a 'rift' at the roof of the meeting chamber and enter like it's the most natural thing to do while greeting them as if we've been friends for a long time now?

I wonder how Guy's expression will be like when he meets a being infinitely more powerful than Veldananva?

I can not wait~