
{_And in her smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars_}..

Heyyyyyy guys !! This is , as you can imagine by the writing that's about to come , my first book . So pleeeease forgive me if it's bad . I'm still trying this thing out . But I promise I want to write some really good for everyone to enjoy so definitely gonna practice my writing skills So to help me write better in the future i wanna know what you think

Salimo_spain · Realistic
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You make me smile

{_And in her smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars_}..♡

Heyyyyyy guys !! This is , as you can imagine by the writing that's about to come , my first book . So pleeeease forgive me if it's bad . I'm still trying this thing out . But I promise I want to write some really good for everyone to enjoy so definitely gonna practice my writing skills So to help me write better in the future i wanna know what you think

One day my friend and I were going to a beautiful place, but suddenly my friend met his girlfriend who was with her friends and among them was a beautiful girl whose beauty is indescribable, my heart explodes from seeing her I couldn't take my eyes away from her, I was just looking at her I didn't expect this to happen, my friend is talking With me and I was walking around thinking about her while I maintain gentle, intentional eye contact.

And I talked to my friend and told him about it, and he told me to go and talk to her, but unfortunately I don't know about these things I don't know how to deal with them I'm shy I don't have the courage to go and talk to her I was a little impatient and I said to myself, I must. Find something.

She must have an Instagram and Facebook account. Suddenly I met her account, and I didn't know it was her. I told her, "Are you such-and-such?" She said yes and I was very happy. I can't control my feelings. I'm just amazed and say to myself Is this a dream? And after a while I talked to her that the pressure not to say something stupid or exactly what I'm going to say next makes me nervous and I got to know her very well and I asked her how she feels and she says "okay" she is 20 years old and she has Both tenderness, striking beauty, strong character and wonderful qualities did not believe in love and did not believe the love stories that she hears from her friends and relatives, so she had a serious and strict character, always inclined to work hard in her studies, interested only in her life and her family, and we talked about dreams of the future, And past bumps, Netflix shows, favorite books, and new music. The desire to give her all my attention is strong.

I want to know everything about her

I want to know what a child was like

I want to know her biggest secret. Contrition. and successes.

I want to know what makes her body shrink with fear. I want to know what makes her heart swell with joy. I mostly shared it because it kept alerting. I'd rather listen than talk, and we'd talk a lot. She's interested in me. I can tell by touching her eyes and her smile We played this question game I found online - my two best questions were: 1) "What was your most embarrassing moment?" and 2) "Which song do you like the most?"My most embarrassing moment is laughing so hard

And the song I like the most is

And then I confessed everything to her.

I can't hide whatever happened. That day would come and tell her, and I think I liked her. She always texted me, we talked, I saw that she was interested in me, but we weren't dating. She wasn't my girlfriend. This is something that comforts me when I see her. It became better. I am fine. I have changed. I was not like this before. I hope God will give me a little patience. After seconds, my friend called me asking me how are you and also asked me about her. He told me what I did. I told him now we are just talking, laughing and joking. I have a boyfriend I told him I don't know but she said I broke up with him two months ago and my friend told me there's a Halloween party Do you want to come? I liked this.

We have to have a little fun. I told him yes and hung up the phone out of anxiety and tension. I wanted to tell her there was a Halloween party. I wish we could go together. She said it was nice. Well, I accepted my invitation and confessed to her everything. I was very interested in her. She knew I liked her. A lot through my actions when I see her, my mood changes when I hear her laughter.

I can't control myself. Our relationship is the best ever. We talked on the phone for three hours, I flirted and teased her. I became really good at this because I was shy and reticent throughout my childhood (I still am, but I have improved greatly). And then the night came and I was a little late for the party because of a problem that happened to me at home and I went to my car while I listened to music and a big smile on my face you can't imagine how happy I am and the party arrived I went to my friends I passed by them I laughed with them a little but tension and anxiety overcome Ali sent her a text message where are you and she didn't reply I think she didn't come I walked a little after that I saw her with someone I don't know what to do with this? My friend came and said this to her boyfriend.

I went out of the party and went on a date with a guy who felt their relationship would end soon but you never know the relationships now my eyes see everything and my mind doesn't know what's going on The reason I was upset when you didn't text me back is because I got hurt; I I hurt because I like you more than a friend."

We have to have a little fun. I told him yes and hung up the phone out of anxiety and tension. I wanted to tell her there was a Halloween party. I wish we could go together. She said it was nice. Well, I accepted my invitation and confessed to her everything. I was very interested in her. She knew I liked her. A lot through my actions when I see her, my mood changes when I hear her laughter.

I was angry. I felt rejection, pain

I broke the ice because I wanted an explanation. I felt like I deserved one.

I regret this decision for two reasons: 1) it showed that I cared too much, and 2) I didn't like it

I take a 10-15 minute break and do some yoga, I've been rolling forward and backward trying to figure out any knots or tension. I couldn't find anything because I was distracted.

""Should I tell her?" I write in my diary sitting on a cement bench during a break between classes. And guess what, I was thinking about it. . I wish I could walk away from this love, but I couldn't as if it attracted me.

The bench is hidden under the trees behind the library. I was thinking while the leaves were falling

I should never have confronted her about not replying to my letter. I felt like an idiot when I got home. I was having a hard time sleeping because I felt like I ruined things between us. I felt like I needed to explain myself

I wrote down all the pros and cons of telling her I loved her. Truthfully, the list of negatives could have been a mile long, and it wouldn't matter. Ha

I told her so many times that I loved her the way she was. Was she ignoring my assurances?

My feelings got the best of me on Halloween night I was checking my phone every two minutes.

no answer.

My anxiety turns to anger.

How can she? I thought we were close. I thought she loved me. I've been waiting five months for you to be single. Now she will not respond. You must not love me. I wanted to tell her because I was hoping she would reciprocate with similar feelings. I have finished. I got over it after thinking it was better for me to move on I thought I'd like it. If you text me or send me something via Instagram, I won't respond. If I call, I won't answer

After two days of no contact, she texted me

no answer.

Days later, she texted me

no answer.

I commented on my Instagram story, I missed you but I miss you

no answer. Why do we have to lose someone before we realize their importance?

I tended to respond to the above. It's hard to walk away, especially for someone who cares a lot about what people think of him and wants to please everyone.

I've worked on it over the years. You have come a long way. Keeping distance and learning to get away was a huge step in my development as a person.

The only person who matters in this world is you. Your happiness and emotional well-being are more important than others - including just friends and family

I haven't seen her or heard from her since I was fired for being an idiot. My heart jumps when I see her Instagram post. My brain is wondering!!!

{__ I wonder if the strength of your smile would have weakened without me_}." ?

I want you and you dont want me...♡

I wonder if she found someone else. Someone who will not give escape. Someone you'll like, unlike me.

I wonder if she was happy without me until I remember how happy I was without her.

When we love someone. Little by little he becomes our favorite person, and takes priority in our heart after he controls all our details. He enters our world and settles in it without us paying any attention to it, at that moment we are almost numbed by his love, we don't care about anything at that moment except the way that makes him always stay by our side...

The most thing we fear at that moment is separation, to wake up one day to The slap of his departure, because when we fall in love, the only loss that we may suffer then is the separation of our loved ones, but in the end it remains a matter of choice, I do not mean choosing the person we love, this is not possible, because love is the choice of the heart and no one interferes in it But by that I mean the issue of trust, I mean that when we love that person and become attached to him, we have no way of proving to us that that person will not leave us, so when the one we love leaves us, the first person in whom we lose confidence is ourselves, and sometimes we may We completely lose ourselves. So don't get attached to a person so much that you make him your whole life, don't get attached to someone so much that you don't suffer more after his departure. Do not relate, because after the departure of your loved one, you will experience a very difficult conflict of feelings.

When we love someone. Little by little he becomes our favorite person, and takes priority in our heart after he controls all our details. He enters our world and settles in it without us paying any attention to it, at that moment we are almost numbed by his love, we don't care about anything at that moment except the way that makes him always stay by our side...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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