

Just read it I’m bad at these

Angel_Vents · Fantasy
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2 Chs


White colored walls rose up to forge a large, almost hall like room. Equipment lay strewn across a table. On a bed not far from said table was a woman. Her eyes dazed and her throat dry, she had been hysterically screaming only a minute ago. An elderly lady stood not to far away from her, with a warm smile and her arms holding a small crying mass. She said "Congratulations m'lady it's a baby boy"

As soon as those words left her mouth a huge hulk of a man and a group of servants nearly broke through the large door, speaking in a deep booming voice "HAHA, the Gods haven't forsaken me!" At the moment he is likely the happiest person in the kingdom. As you can imagine this man is the boys father, as to why he is so happy. It is because in times like these only 2/10 births are successful. And even if they are, the mothers are usually to weak to live on. "So what will we name him my love" he practically bellowed. She laid there contemplating before deciding and saying "Anthony, Anthony Goldheart"

*Argh* 'What is this?' 'Where am I?' His confusion was quite understandable, as one second he was in his lab stumbling onto a mind boggling discovery. Then the next second he is bound in white cloth and cannot move nor see. He tries his best to open his heavy eyelids and he is greeted by the brightest thing he feels he has ever seen. Hence the crying, a few minutes that felt like hours later and he gradually adjusts.

As he has adjusted he stops crying almost abruptly. This surprises everyone present, even the mother who was quietly recovering showed concern on her sweaty face. 'This isn't supposed to happen?' The elderly woman thinks. The next this surprises them even more, the barely ten minute year old child is looking around with his eyes filled with intelligence! The father gasps but his shock is replaced by pride as quick as it came.

"HAHA my son is of course a genius among geniuses!" He claims. "I expected no less!"

This statement seems to Calm everyone in the room, soon after the pride bleeds over onto the servants for this is their young master! The heir to the dukedom. Of course they would be happy he was a genius. And like this praise after praise showers on the couple until they bow and leave. When the adrenaline and euphoria wares off some, the man looks over to his wife and jokingly asks "You still kicking love?" The woman stays quiet for a bit then looks over, smiles and says "still a million times stronger than you Charles"

And thus the story begins