
^the Circus^

don't judge the cover it's just the way I draw and I was lazy

Leon_098 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

the Day

By the time Marco stops there was a sticky mess on the bed and floor as Liam was in the bathroom taking a bath while trembling a bit from the after shocks from pleasure as Marco was currently glaring out the window at the clowns that seemed to be across the street performing at the edge of the forest luring lost children in the circus tent as 'small' sacrifices Marco could only mumble in discussed...

Marco: ugh..... stupid demons....

After a while of staring out the window Liam walks back in the room stumbling a bit on the way, he looks at Marco a bit confused.

Liam: are you okay?

Marco snaps out of his trance of hatred and discussed before looking at Liam with lust and a bit of love while smirking to cover up his real emotion..

Marco: yea! I'm okay no need to worry~