
Chapter 3 – They Kind Of Suck?


"…. Wow. You kind of sucks." – said ClownFrog.

[Lesser Skeleton Servant] – [Level 1]


[Wandering Rabbit] – [Level 1]

Winner: Wandering Rabbit.

(This is the third fight already it only mange to win once and that that win was barely won, it barely manage to do it. For fuck sakes.)

(I looked into the skeleton servant stats and they are quiet low.)

[Lesser Skeleton Servant] 

[Level 1]

[HP: 6] [MP: 2] [SP: 4]

[STR: 4] [AGI: 4] [INT: 4] [VIT: 4]

"That's…. kind of bad."

"Maybe I should summon another one?"


[Using skills that create or summons undead that belongs to the [Necromancer] skill tree will need [Necro Mastery].]

[Each point of the [Necro Mastery] gives you a point that allows you to control more and powerful undead.]

[Simple put, each undead creature under your control needs some of these points so they can controlled, if you don't have enough points, then creating or summoning will be not possible.]

[Basic Necromancy] - [Level 1]

[Passive] – [Category: Class]

[Increase the [Necro Mastery] stat by 5 times this skill level (Current bonus: 5 points) and whenever this skill level up and also increase the level of the skill [Undead Page].]

[Necro Mastery: 36] – [31/36]

[Lesser Skeleton Servant – Level 1 – Cost: 5]

(I can handle to have up to 3 skeleton servant and I have enough points to do it. Maybe they will be more useful when I have more of them working together, but that doesn't change fact that its sucks.)

(Please don't fuking tell me that necromancy in this game sucks and I wasted all of my points.)

"…..Fuck…. Please don't be the case."

(Anyway, I just leveled up as well.)

(It may be good idea to pick a combat skill or something.)

(I saw two skills before on the necromancer skill tree that costed 10 points and I think they were combat ones as well. Maybe I should pick them.)


[Create: Lesser Undead Servant]

[Skeleton Servant – Basic Upgrade] [Skeleton Servant – Bone Weapon] 

(Huh, there are some skills that are linked with the [Create: Lesser Skeleton Servant]. May as well check them out.)


"[Skeleton Servant – Base Reinforcement]. Increases the stats of the lesser skeleton servants as stronger variants of this type."

"[Skeleton Servant – Bone Weapon]. Skeleton servant will now be created with the weapon. The weapons are part of the skeleton servant and can't be used by anybody else."

"…. Huh."

(So they are upgraded for those skeletons? Well, there are quite weak and useless right now. I literally spend 100 skill points and I literally those skeletons sucks right now.)

(Hm…. Should I pick those upgrades then? I mean, I already wasted 100 points into the necromancy and all, so I think I should at least make it worth it using and other stuff.)

(Anyway. The weapon and enchantment skill costs 10 skill points. Huh. I though they would cost bit more or something, since they are upgrades for the skeletons.)

(Hm…. Let's go with the weapons. Maybe they will be bit more useful with them.)

[You have learned skill: [Lesser Skeleton Servant – Bone Weapon].]

[Skeleton Servant – Bone Weapon] – [Level 1]


[All of your skeleton servants no matter the variants will now possess a bone weapon.]

[The bone weapon attack power is equal to the skeleton servant level.]

[Increase the attack power of the weapons equipped by the lesser skeleton servants by 2 for each level of this skill. Current buff (+2).]

[The weapon used by the lesser skeleton servant can't be taken or used by anybody else.]


ClownFrog turned towards its skeleton and saw a bone manifesting in the skeleton hand.

"Huh. Its straight up a bone. Just a regular one. Will it use the bone to smack the enemies with it or something?"

"[Create: Lesser Skeleton Servant]."

ClownFrog used the bodies of the rabbits to create a second skeleton monster.

"This guy is also holding a bone now."

[Servant Status]

[Lesser Skeleton Servant]


[Bone Weapon]

[Attack Power 1(+2)]

"Huh. Bit shabby but at least they have a weapon. Maybe it NOW will be at least useful."

"Now thinking about it. Can I give them my spear?"

[Lesser Skeleton Servant cannot equip items besides his own.]

"I can't. Well, that sucks." – said ClownFrog after trying to make the skeleton equip his spear.

(It would be nice if I could do that, I could give them armor and weapons and make them somehow useful.)

"Hm… Let's hunt one more rabbit and then return back to the town. I want to see if they are any good now."

ClownFrog beginned looking for the rabbit monster and after few seconds of searching, he manage to find two of them together.

"Oh, two. Nice."

"Both of you go." – said ClownFrog while pointing his finger towards the rabbits.

Both of the skeletons rushed towards the rabbits and beginned fighting them. The rabbits like before tried kicking and headbutting the skeletons, however sometimes their attempt were unsuccessful when the skeletons attacked at the same time, hitting them with their bone weapons.

[You have slain: Wandering Rabbit – Level 1]

[You have received 4 EXP.]

"Huh. This time it went better than before. They did struggle a bit, but they manage to defeat them at the end."

(The weapon they now have is quite weak, but it did made big differences. So I guess picking that skill wasn't a bad thing.)

(Let's try few more tries and see how it will turn out.)

[Sometime Later.]

Final results: 7 out of 9 fights won.

"Hm. Interesting. It went way better than before. They are still struggling but at least now they have a proper chance at winning."

(But, is still good? I mean, those are level 1 enemies and they are still bit struggling even though they have a weapon. The two skeletons I had already died and I needed to summon new ones. Honestly speaking, they still kind of sucks. Now I know why that skill cost was so low. They barely won those fights.)

(I guess I have no choice but to add more buffs to them.)

"Anyway, I should go back to the town."

ClownFrog returned back to the town.

"Stop." – said an armored elf near the town entrance.


"Sorry, but are you necromancer?"

"Em, yea? Is something wrong with it?"

"Yea. Necromancer aren't allowed to bring their undead creatures into the town. So, you have to make them disappear or get rid of them if you want to enter."

"Oh. Well, that sucks."

(I don't want to get into the trouble so I better comply.)

ClownFrog made the two skeletons that had accompanied him disappear.

"Is it okay now?"

"Yea. You can enter." – said the dark elf while moving away, allowing ClownFrog to enter the town.

(So, I can't bring undead into the town? Well, that sucks. Now I have to get new skeletons. Do I have to do that every time I go to the settlement?)

(Hm…. Should I just go for the hunt for a longer time then? It may be a good idea, but I wouldn't visits the town so often, however I wouldn't have need to making my undead disappear.)


"Eh. May as well try that and see how it goes."

ClownFrog headed towards adventure guild.

"Welcome. I see you are back. Did you completed the quests you picked?"

"Yes. Here is the meat of the rabbit and here are the healing grass." – said ClownFrog while taking out the rabbit meat and grass like plant.

"I see. Well then, you have completed the quests."

[You have completed the quest: Hunt Wandering rabbits.]

[You have received 11 EXP.]

[You have received 25 copper coins.]

[You have completed the quest: Collect Healing Grass.]

[You have received 7 EXP.]

[You have received 35 copper coins.]

[You have leveled up! You have become level 3.]

[You have received 10 skill points.]

[You have received 10 stat points.]

(Huh. I leveled up.)

"Excuse me. I hunted some more wandering rabbits and picked some more healing grass. I also have some of wandering rabbits fur. Can I sell them here or somewhere else?"

"Yes, you can sell them here if you want."

"Oh, okay, then here." 

"…. I see. Then here is your payment." – said the female dark elf before putting copper coins on the table.

"Thank you." – said ClownFrog before taking the money off the table.


(I have some money now. Maybe I can buy something with it now? If I remember correctly, there was something about blacksmith written on that board. Maybe I should go there?)

ClownFrog left the adventure guild and beginned walking through the town.


"…." – ClownFrog stopped walking.

(Now that I think about it, where are other players?) – though ClownFrog while looking around.

(I've never saw anybody go to the adventure guild, hunting or looking and inspecting the place like I did.)

(I thought I would run into to one sooner or later, but I did not meet even one once.)

(The heck is going on?)

Well, the explanation is simpler as it may seem.

Nobody chosen the graveyard town as their starting location. 

Most of the people have chosen 5 different places.

[Adventure town Aan] [Green Hill Town Jfa] [Forest Watch Town Huir] [Old Town Aran] [Hill Town Ugi]

Those 5 towns are the most chosen location for players and pretty much anybody can pick one or more of these town no matter what race they picked.

On top of that they [Recommended Starting Location] written next to their name and all.

Most of the people decided to go with the recommended starting locations, but some of the people decided to go with the different approaches and started somewhere else.

However only ClownFrog chosen graveyard town for the starting location as of right now and he didn't know it. He is the only player that is currently in the graveyard town starting area.

"…. Maybe I missed them or something? I did spend some time in the character creation, so it wouldn't be surprised if is somebody came before me and are still hunting and all or we just passed each other."

(Oh well, sooner or later I will meet up with somebody. Its not like I'm only one playing this game.)

ClownFrog headed towards blacksmith shop.

"Please excuse me." – said ClownFrog while entering the blacksmith shop.


(Huh. There are weapons and armors hanging around and I even see a magic looking staffs. This does feels like shop out of the fantasies.)

(And also. The shop owner is a skeleton?!)


(Wait. I'm also skeleton. Why I'm freaking out?)

"Hello." – said ClownFrog while approaching the skeleton behind the counter.

"Welcome. Do you want to buy something or have equipment repaired." – asked the skeleton with the male voice.

"I want to buy something."

"Well then, help yourself. The stuff that is on the shelfs and on the walls is on the sale. If you can't find anything then just ask me." 

[Basic Wooden Buckler Shield.]

[Attack Power: 2-3]

[Defense: 6]

[Durability: 12/12]

[Leather Chest Armor Piece]

[Defense: 6]

 [Durability: 13/13]

[Healing Grass Potion]

[Restore 20 HP upon consumption.]

After buying the equipment and items in the blacksmith and alchemy shop, ClownFrog returned back to the forest.)

(I think that should do it. I didn't had a lot of money, so I just bough some armor piece and buckler. I still have no attack skills or anything so I kind of needed that.) – though ClownFrog while walking through the forest.

(I also learned that other upgrade skill for the skeletons.)

[Skeleton Servant – Basic Upgrade] – [Level 1]


[Increase the base stat of the skeleton servants under your control by 2 points X current skill level (Current buff: 2).]

(Honestly, If I'm thinking of some long range attacks like the [Bone Darts] or [Necro Shot]. I want to be more of the mage that shoots from afar while undead fight at front lines. As soon as I upgrade those skeletons, I freaking need to take a one of these two if not both.)

(Anyway, I also picked some quests from the adventure guild. I picked a few since I want to hunt as long as possible.)

"All quest should be in the forest. I also picked some more difficulty quest in case I decided to go into the deeper parts. So let's try to clear as many of those as possible and see my current limit."

[Sometime later.]

[You have slain: Demonic Furball – Level 5]

[You have leveled up. You became level 4.]

"Fuck me. Finaly level up."

Demonic furball. A demon type monster that has appearance of the purple furball with the giant mouth and pair of eyes inside of their mouth.

Those guys do indeed give more EXP but they are freaking annoying. They can hit or two and they have freaking high attack power, some of them freaking jumped on the skeleton and munched it to freaking death! Honestly I was bit scared of them, even though they had cute/creepy appearance.

"Fuck me. The only good thing about them is that I only need two of their corpse to summon skeleton, since they pretty much kill them all the times and I need to resurrect them. For crying out loud."


"Great. No freaking mana. This is getting more annoying."

"Screw this. Apply all 10 points into mana."



"[Create: Lesser Skeleton Servant]."

ClownFrog used the corpse of the furball monsters to summon new skeleton before then registering it and replacing the old one. After that he summoned another 2 new skeletons, making it total of 3 new skeletons.

[Lesser Skeleton Servant] – [Level 4] x 3

[The skill level of the [Create: Lesser Skeleton Servant] has reached level 2.]


ClownFrog looked towards the pop up winddown.

"Oh? The thing finally got leveled up."

[Create: Lesser Skeleton Servant]

[LVL 1 -> LVL 2]

[Lesser Skeleton Servant base stat change.]

[Level 1] – [Base Stat]

[HP: 6] [MP: 2] [SP: 4]

[STR: 4] [AGI: 4] [INT: 4 [VIT: 4]

[Level 1] – [Base Stat]

[HP: 8] [MP: 4] [SP: 6]

[STR: 6] [AGI: 6] [INT: 6] [VIT: 6]

[Max number of the Lesser Skeleton Servants increases: 2 -> 4]


"Huh. Nice."

"I can summon more skeletons and now they have got bit stronger. Even small buff is good for those guys."

"But what are the conditions to level it up?"

"From what I remember, it said something about using the skills or doing stuff related to it. So far, I only made skeletons fight nonstop and I continue making new ones whenever one died or after I leveled up and changed to new ones."

"So I guess the conditions to level it up is to create skeletons or have them fight or both. I think it's a third answer, it seems most likely possible."

(Anyway, lets see what to pick.)

[Skill Tree Necromancer.]


"?" – ClownFrog looked at the skill tree with confusion.

"Huh. They didn't unlocked? The skills linked to the [Lesser Skeleton Servant – Basic Upgrade] and [Lesser Skeleton Servant – Bone Weapon]. And they are still hidden?"

"But why?"

"Hm…. Menu. Tutorial."

"…. There."

[Tutorial Skills]

[To unlock new skills, you can pick you need to meet special conditions or/and acquired one or more related skills.]

"Oh. So, I need to meet the conditions to be able to get those skills? But what is it?"

"…. I have few ideas but don't know if any of them correct. Oh well, I will have to wait and see as the times goes on."

"Anyway, lets continue explorin