A new world. A new reality. Something straight out of the novel huh? Well then, let's see what this new world have to offer? Shall i be a good guy?..... Meh. Lets just play it my way. Lets be a freaking villian.
"There is a lot of guards here." – said Shri while using spy glass in order to spot the guards on top of the wall as well as the guards that are at the check points.
"They really did reinforced this place, huh?"
"Not only that, but that place is apparently quite popular among the players, meaning that the resistance there will be nothing alike to the city we burned down before." – said Ogo.
"So… How about we attack during the night?"
"It should work." – said Shri.
"But won't they be still on watch and all? Especially since a lot of players usually log out during the night time to take a break?"
"Won't they increase their defenses in the night to make up for the lack of players?"
"Probably." – said ClownFrog.
"I don't think we can just sneak in or anything like that."
"I can fly up there and start killing people with no explosive attacks, but I'm straight up a giant and all."