
[Under Revision]Heard It Through The Grapevine

Story about friends. edited by Swaning

filledelisle · Urban
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57 Chs

A Total Authoritarian

Northern Command Zone — Military Base

Rookie rode his bike around the compound. This was his 15th lap in the secluded area designated for the Northern Command officers and their families.

He looked at his watch, squinting under the pale yellow light from the streetlamp. He shook his head when he saw what time it was.

Unfcking believable. Seven! Almost seven in the evening! Dates should be scheduled during the weekends, not on school days!

He thought of going for another lap, now around the whole military base. Maybe by that time, Cora's bright and blinding shadow would be seen.

He rode his bike and all set to pedal, his back now drenched in sweat from all the laps that he made.

To Rookie's horror, what he saw next was something… no, he saw that certain someone he has been trying his best to avoid bumping into tonight.

He saw his dad's yellow jeep.

He saw it, and it drove past him.

He ducked his head and quickly got off his bike. He crunched down and tried to hide by the bushes on the roadside, but the jeep stopped in its tracks.

Then the jeep drove in reverse. The tail lights looked like demonic eyes ready to swallow Rookie whole. He was sweating profusely by the time the jeep reached his "hidden" location.

A burst of booming laughter could be heard from the jeep. "You stinky child! Do you think I would not spot you?"

"Hi, dad." Rookie stood up from his hiding spot and patted down his clothes to free it from the tiny leaves that got stuck to his soaked in sweat uniform.

"Where's your sister?" His dad's voice shifted from playful to terrifying in an instant. Rookie immediately turned blue from the indirect suffocation.

He started praying for miracles, asking for somebody to please help him right now. 'I cannot for the life of me lie to this scary man. Please. Please. Please.'

Not far from where they stood, a pick-up truck turned from the corner, its headlights switched from hi to low.

The pick-up truck stopped before the father and son, blinding Rookie in the process.

When Lucas alighted the car, it was as if a halo was glowing above his head. Rookie let out a gasp at the silhouette of his lifesaver. He covered his mouth with his hands upon seeing him, stars seem to twinkle in his eyes.

'Big Brother Lucas, you simply are the best!'

Rookie's dad cleared his throat that stirred him from his daze. When he realized what he looked like, he also cleared his throat.

"Ehem. Big Brother Lucas," Rookie addressed in his usual low voice.

"Uncle James. Rookie. Good evening," Lucas said in his signature monotonous voice, and he nodded his head towards them.

Behind Lucas, they saw Cora hop out of the pick-up truck before walking to the trunk to grab her bike. Four-Eyes trailed behind and helped her.

"My, look who's here? How's your grandma these days, Lucas? I see the military academy is keeping you in shape."

"Mmm. We were supposed to drop off Cora in your house, but I saw your jeep…"

"Oh, it's ok. It's fine. You don't have to explain yourself," Uncle James interjected. He needed to get into Lucas's good shoes to help his wife.

"Oh, I hope you can put in a few good words for Uncle. Please tell your grandma my wife sent an application for the bidding of the proposed project in the capital," Uncle James added.

"Mmm. Goodnight, Uncle. Rookie. Cora," Lucas replied before he turned on his heel and went back to his pick up truck.

As soon as the truck was out of sight, the mask on Uncle James's face changed in a flash. The doting father image now completely gone. His tone was strict and uncompromising — a total authoritarian.

"Hugo, what about my explicit instruction about going home together with your twin?"

Edited by Swaning

Hilltop Friends Checklist:



Giant - Grant


Bright - Cora

Rookie - Hugo

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