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This is Life!
In the dead of night in the forest of Konoha.
Sweat fell on the face of a man, it was an Anbu Hunter.
"You did well, hunter"
Multiple white hands bound him, with no chance of escape.
"Damn you 'Devourer'!... no matter what you do, you will have no information on me!"
"I wouldn't be sure about that, Mr. Hunter"
Coming out of darkness was a boy wearing a strange black clothing with red patterns, the hood covered most of his face, thus showing only his eyes, one was golden with an inorganic clock, the clock hands were turning continuesly, while another was scarlet red, thus showing 3 little tomes tails on it.
"You damn!"
Thu hunter widened his eyes when he saw those eyes, he recognized one of those eyes, it was the Sharingan.
"You're from the Uchiha Clan!"
"Hihihi, it took you a while to figure it out" with a small evil smile, the boy out a strange weapon to the Anbu Hunter's head.
"Now let's see, all your dirty little secrets, Mr. Hunter"
*tick tock
Behind the boy, a huge antique clock appeared.
[And you]
Shooting directly at the Anbu Hunter's head, the boy closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them.
"He~ so, if it was Danzo after all, wasn't it?, Captain"
"You?! How?!"
"You're noisy... "
[Tud Aleph]
Firing again, the Anbu Hunter was swallowed by darkness, the clock hands in his left eye beginning to turn to the left.
"Oh! I think this will be enough... at least for now"
Sighing, a huge amount of chakra was expelled from his body, thus creating small gusts of wind.
The boy raised his head to the sky, before disappearing into the darkness.
_ _ _ _
Danzo felt, threatened, in the last two years, several hundred of his hunters have disappeared.
There was no information, not even close to finding the culprit was possible, due to the blood marks from the crime scene.
The culprit was named 'Devourer', this matter was very serious, all of Konoha was warned of such a criminal, however they could not find him.
"Damn 'Devourer'!" Clenching his fist tightly, Danzo frowned, he knew the Devourer's target was 'Root'.
All the missing Anbu were from his organization, but it was very elusive to catch him, even now they don't know if he is male or female.
Sighing, Danzo closed his eyes, his organization had weakened a lot in these two years.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Ne~ Big Sister Tsunade"
"Tell me little Yuki"
Yuki looked at Tsunade who now had a smile on her face, she was counting money, there was a strong smell of alcohol coming from her, Yuki just sighed at the sight of her, this woman increased her addiction to games and drinking one more degree.
It's like he upgraded her level, Yuki knew, that he was responsible for this, but who could blame him?
A year ago he tried to stop Tsunade, but this woman didn't listen to him, he tried to keep a little distance, but thus woman found him.
From the day he took her as his disciple in the game, this woman was like a powerful magnet, clinging to him and not letting go.
When she asked why she did it, Tsunade just answered her.
"Who would be such an idiot, to let go of the goose that lays the golden eggs?"
Basically he was her golden ticket, she kept losing money like before, and every time she lost, she would search all over Konoha for Yuki, grap him by the back of the head and force him to get her money back.
It was an endless cycle, where she loses money and he gets it back.
Of course he would also have Tsunade clean up his little messes.
"Do you think I could join the Anbu Hunters?"
Tsunade stopped counting her money and gave him a suspicious look.
"You haven't done anything troublesome again have you?"
"Of course not, Big Sister"
Yuki quickly shook his head.
"When did I create trouble to begin with?"
Tsunade gave him a blank look, wondering how thick his skin is.
"I'm suprised you didn't bite your tongue"
"When feelings are hurt, everytime you doubt me, big sister"
Placing a hand on his chest, Yuki gave her a pitying look, his eyes glazed over.
"Come on~ it's a joke.... Okay, come here"
Tsunade was weak at that look, she quickly brought Yuki into her arms.
Giving him a little pat on the head, Tsunade sighed and wondered if she had softened.
Yuki of course was a man of culture, sank his face into those huge valleys without any reservations, a strange smile formed on his face, feeling the softness of her chest.
(Haa~ this is life)
Not caring in the least for Tsunade, he took a deep breaths and caressed those big melons with his face.
Tsunade of course noticed, but she had already gotten used to this boy's perverted behavior, she knew he loved her chest.
She didn't care though, after all he was cute, he brought her money, he cooked for her, he gave her massaged, aside from bringing her trouble, he was a perfect little brother, bowing her head, Tsunade took deep breath from Yuki's hair.
(Haa~ Thus is life!)
Tsunade liked the smell of Yuki a lot, a strange smile formed on her face before, continuing to recharge her batteries with his scent.
Opening the door, Shizune walked it with some trepidation in her voice.
"Tsunade-sama the... what are you doing?"
Shizune froze at the sight of the duo, her eyes starting to lose their light and giving them the look of a dead fish.
From his perspective they were a pair of perverts taking advantage of each other, even that weird smile on their face was the same.
"Tsunde-sama, Yuki, I'll be mad if you don't stop this"
The light in Shizune's eyes dimmed more and more, the duo felt a terrible cold on their bodies, they quickly separated.
"Oh? Shizune were you here? Hehehe"
With a goofy grin on her face, Tsunade reluctantly pulled away.
Yuki was silent, he thought it was funny to see this look on Tsunade.
"Tsunade-sama, you are one of the three legendary Sannin, please think a little more about your image"
Shizune was angry, after several minutes of scolding the duo she finally calmed down.
"By the way Shizune, why are you here? Weren't you in the Hospital?" Tsunade said a little depressed.
"Oh right!" Remembering now why she came, Shizune gave Yuki a slightly suspicious look.
"Tsunade-sama, the Hokage is calling you"
Tsunade narrowed her eyes and looked at Yuki.
"Little Yuki, what did you do now? Quickly spit it out! I promised not to get mad"
"I don't know, what are they talking about" Yuki looked away, so serene and calm, as if this had nothing to do with him.
Tsunade and Shizune, seeing him couldn't help but increase their doubts.
"Fine, I'll go see what the old man wants" Shaking her head, Tsunade prepared to leave.
(Worst case scenario, I'll make that little booger apologize)
She knew this was for Yuki, the little brat loved torturing the Hokage's life, so much so that he used the children of various clans as bait for his misdeeds.
She didn't know if he had any feuds with. the Hokage, but everything he does always gets her into trouble.
She sighed, after all she had accepted this child as her family.
Also no matter what trouble he got into, she would still protect him.
(Agrhh! Damn honey trap!)
Leaving her house, she thought it wasn't much, she still wanted to go back to lunch.
(After all, his food is delicious) With thoughts of food, Tsunade walked away with a smile, not knowing that she would regret thus later..
_ _ _ _ _ _
Update next Monday....
Only 123 Chapters are Translated and I'm going to stop translating this novel.