
[Rewrite Ver] Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen With THREE WISHES

This is a rewrite and new version of Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen with THREE WISHES. Storyline will mostly stay the same until Shibuya but I might add or change a few scenes here and there. This is more fluff, slower-paced and generally happier tone than the original so feel free to enjoy this! (Action / Mystery/ Romance) MC died an unfortunate death and a god offers her to reborn in Jujutsu kaisen world! And she had THREE WISHES! Innate technique? Cursed energy? She can have EVERYTHING !!! Follow MC's journey as she goes to Tokyo Jujutsu High, messes with people, toying with curses and getting stronger all the while facing strong, unexpected enemies. Will she overcome the obstacles and uncover the truth of her rebirth to get a happy ending for herself? OC x Gojo Satoru Fluff/ Action / Mystery / Smut/ Romance (Happy Ending) So, for the male ML, I decided to go with Gojo because I can't see Sachiko with anyone else so it'll technically be Student-Teacher relationship. MC is NOT UNDERAGE. However you have triggers, please do not read this. Warning - Violence, Death, Self-harm, Implied Sex Scenes, Explicit Sex scenes, Extremely Possessive Behavior (I know it's more fluff but it's still JJK so expect some blood and tears, I won't make it as dark, I promise TT) SPOILER ALERT IF YOU DON'T READ MANGA SOME EVENTS AND INFO FROM MANGA STARTING FROM VOL 2!! (Bookcover is an art I commissioned an artist san ^.^)

Chaotic_Clara · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 24- Meeting the first years

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Gojo came outside after a few minutes of waiting and he looked excited. "Now, let's take you on a tour to Tokyo Jujutsu high!"

"Okay." Sachiko nodded and started to follow Gojo.

The tour was quite fun, Gojo showed her the training grounds, classrooms, morgue, where the vending machines located and finally, the dormitories. Sachiko was quite amazed by the whole theme of the school and the idea of not making the school as peaceful anymore excited her.

"So...here are the dorms. There are a lot of empty rooms so you can choose the one you like." Gojo said, holding a bunch of keys.

"Oh..in that case, I kinda want a room near other students. It'd be annoying if I have to walk so far just to annoy them." Sachiko replied after thinking for a while.

"Leave that to me!" Gojo said, giving her a thumbs up.

Soon, she was taken to a room around the corner.

"There's another first year girl student living next door. Her name's Zenin Maki. Good luck!" Gojo said before giving her the key.


"Oh and by the way, you need to give your measurements and requests for your uniform by today evening. Don't forget ne~" Gojo told her just as he was about to leave.

"Wait! Who do I give it to?" Sachiko asked.

"Oh yeah, someone will be here shortly with your stuff. Just give the measurements and custon requests for your uniform to them and you should be fine." Gojo said. "Anyways, see ya later, sweets!"

"Don't call me that!" Sachiko shouted but Gojo was already gone.

She couldn't understand why Gojo wouldn't stop calling her weird names.


For her uniform, Sachiko decided to put in a few custom requests. Sachiko had always wanted a cool vibe so she decided to get a black hood for the jacket and made some modifications near the sleeves to make the uniform less boring. Then, she added a dark red belt and some thigh high stockings.

And since she decided to do thigh highs instead of whole stockings, Sachiko decided to throw in a custom request to add some built-in shorts underneath her skirt so that she wouldn't be flashing her panties when she fights.

Satisfied with her own customizations, Sachiko sent in the request and then started unpacking her two big luggages.

The room she got was really spacious so Sachiko wasn't worried about not having enough space to put her stuff. She spent the evening unpacking and ended up eating some snacks she brought for dinner.

The next day,

Sachiko woke up pretty late as she was more used to waking up in the afternoon rather than the morning.

She remembered Gojo telling her to show up at a specific classroom so that she could meet with the other students. So, she started getting ready to go there.

The uniform wasn't ready yet, probably because of her customizations, so Sachiko could only wear her own clothes. She ended up wearing a crop-top and cargo pants ,and a pair of black boots.

"I hope they don't mind. But well, even if they mind, it's not my fault the uniform isn't finished on time." Sachiko muttered as she headed to the classroom.


"Hey, Maki, have you heard?" Panda started as he walked to the class with a girl with dark green hair and a boy with platinum blonde hair, covering his mouth.

"Huh, what of it?" The girl asked, a little annoyed. They had just got back from a mission this morning and that idiot teacher inisisted them to come to class. Talk about annoying.

"I've heard that there is a new student joining us today. Apparently, that's the reason we have to go morning class." Panda said.

"Heh, the reason we can't even catch a short break this morning is the new student?" Maki sounded more irritated at that.

"Bonito flakes."

"I also heard that she's like older than us. Eighteen or something.." Panda continued.

"Really? I hope she's not one of those insufferable adults." Maki groaned.

A while later, the three students sat in their usual classroom and watch their overly excited teacher telling them to be more excited.

"Everyone, get excited!!!" Gojo with white bandages around his eyes said dramatically to his three students. "Today, we have a new student! Now, we will have four whole students in first year. Isn't it amazing?"

The three students stayed silent.

"Come on, be excited!" Gojo pouted a little.


Again, the students were ignoring him.

"Anyways, you can come in now!" Seeing how his students were unresponsive, Gojo finally said to Sachiko who just arrived at the door.

"Hello, I'm Nakamura Sachiko!!" Opening the door, Sachiko decided to start off by matching Gojo Satoru's excitement.

She wasn't really expecting to see an actual panda there so she was kind of surprised. She also saw the other girl with glasses and dark green hair and a guy with platinum blonde hair who was covering his own mouth for some reason.

"I heard that you're older than us." The girl with glasses said.

"Well, yeah, I'm eighteen!" Sachiko answered.

"I wish I didn't say anything this morning." The girl said, looking annoyed at how Sachiko was matching Gojo's excitement. "You look  just as insufferable as that idiot."

"Why, thank you so much, green hair girlie!" Sachiko said with a smile as if she got a compliment instead and Gojo laughed at that.

"Don't call me that!"

"Girl, I don't know your name." Sachiko said as she casually took a sip of coffee from the girl's desk.

"And don't steal my coffee!"

"Come on, it's just a coffee. Relax. Breathe in. Breath out. Slowly.." Sachiko even started teaching her how to relax. "Yeah...just like that. Breathe slowly."


Seeing Maki about to snap, Gojo finally decided to step in, "Alright, class. No murdering each other on the first day of meeting."


"I will now introduce you to the first years!" Gojo said, turning towards Sachiko.

"This is Zenin Maki, a cursed tool user. You know what cursed tools are, right?" Gojo said, not really a question but Sachiko nodded anyway.

"Good," Gojo hummed as Sachiko was the only one acknowledging his words, "This is Inumaki Toge, a cursed speech user. He can only speak in onigiri ingredients so good luck!"


"Salmon." Toge said in a rather quiet voice but Sachiko couldn't understand what that meant. But a quick glance at the others revealed that they understood what he said so maybe she just had to around him for a while to be able to understand.


Finally, Gojo pointed to the panda and said, "This is Panda. Well, he's a panda. And a cursed corpse."

"Nice to meet you." Panda said.

"Nice to meet youuu!" Sachiko then tried to shake hands with him, before exclaiming, "You even have panda fur!"

"Umm yeah." Panda said, not really expecting her to comment on his fur.

"Wait, are you made by the principal, Yaga Misamichi?" Sachiko asked after looking at Panda up and down for a few times.

"...It's Yaga Masamichi." Panda corrected her. "And yeah, he is my creator and father."

"It's impressive you can tell with a glance." Gojo commented from the side.

"Well, it's obvious from the cursed energy. I can sense the principal's cursed energy in his cores." Sachiko said with a chuckle.

"You can even tell he has multiple cores? That's some good sensitivity to cursed energy." Gojo said, looking even more interested.

"It's just my cursed technique but thank you, Satoruuu!!" Sachiko said.

Gojo raised his eyebrows at how Sachiko addressed him, then chuckled, "Well, you're welcome, muffins."

"...don't call me those names." Sachiko said with a little bit of stutter, she just felt really weird and hot all over when he called her those sweet related names.

"Then, you should call me Gojo sensei, no?"

"I told you I don't call snitches 'sensei'" Sachiko said quickly.

"Well, in that case, I'll keep calling you whatever I want to." Gojo, no, Satoru said with a grin.

"..." Sachiko couldn't refute him and to make it worse, she was starting to look like a tomato.

"I am uncomfortable..." Maki said with a groan.


"Awww, are you jealous, Maki?" Satoru said and Sachiko could swear Maki looked like she wanted to hit him.

"Stop flirting with your student! Aren't you her teacher?" Maki said, crossing her legs.

"No one's flirting, Maki." Satoru said but his tone almost suggested otherwise.

"Keep lying." Maki scoffed before turning to Sachiko, "Don't be an idiot and play along with him. I don't care if you're an adult. If you have braincells, you should know better."

Sachiko took a sneaky glance at Satoru which didn't go that unnoticed, "Thanks?"

Maki sighed.

"Okay, now that we are done with our introductions, let's move to the more exciting part!" Satoru announced.

Maki looked so done.

"The next part is going to be..." Satoru was trying to build up the tension again, although no one really responded to it, "Pair up and exorcize curses!"

"Oh that's fun!" Sachiko could appreciate the fun activity to distract her from this but she didn't get why her new classmates wouldn't share her sentiment.

"We just got back from a mission this morning." Maki complained.

Oh, okay. Sachiko could understand where they were coming from.

"That's why we are doing it in pairs and only one unlucky pair will have to go on the mission." Satoru announced.

"Panda, Toge, pair up." Satoru said.

"And..Maki pair up with Sachiko."

Maki looked unhappy but then again, she had been looking like this since Sachiko showed up.

"So, how do we decide which pair will go?" Sachiko decided to ask.

Satoru smiled and answered, "We draw lots, of course! And since you're the new student here, why don't you draw one of these for you and Maki?" He was suddenly holding two sheets of folder paper in a cup and Sachiko wasn't sure when he prepared those.

"Come on, don't be shy." Satoru continued.

It should be fifty-fifty. Sachiko thought to herself. But since she wanted to go check out the mission, she decided to sneakily use her cursed technique to find the one which would make she and Maki go.

Satoru looked at her with a knowing smile at her attempt to use her Possibility but he didn't stop her.

Seeing Satoru wasn't stopping her, Sachiko used Possibility and saw that both papers contain Maki's name and hers.

Sachiko flashed a smile at him before picking one paper.

Sure enough, she and Maki were chosen to go on the mission.

But Sachiko now knew the whole thing was probably an excuse to get to see her in action.

This should be fun.


A/N :

What do you think of Satoru and Sachiko's interactions so far?

is it too weird or fast?

i mean they are not at a point where they like each other but something's going on?