
[Rewrite in Progress] HP : A Wizard's Tale

*PLEASE TRY TO PERSEVERE THROUGH THE CRINGEY, CURSED CHAPTERS (9-17)* *Please read the entire synopsis* An ordinary lad suddenly finds himself in a new world, and with the one main difference between his old world and new world being the presence of magic, things are looking to be interesting. Follow his journey as he transforms from a small orphan to a legendary wizard in a world that is very familiar to him. .... First novel. Writing for FUN and for FREE. .... [1. Warning Notice : Contains innumerable plot holes and inconsistencies, read at your own risk! The author cannot be deemed responsible if you end up losing brain cells or get frustrated enough to go on a rampage. 2. PLEASE (TRY TO) READ TILL THE END OF VOLUME 2 BEFORE DROPPING. 3. Reading the auxiliary volume chapter before the rest will be much appreciated. 4. May contain many minor or major differences from the original Potterverse. 5. Extremely OP MC.] .... Release Schedule : Extremely irregular.

WiseOldFool · Book&Literature
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41 Chs

Chapter 33

Waking up on the floor of the RoR seemed like a deja vu experience, probably because I had done it once before. After getting a satisfactory amount of bonding time with the floor, I decided to stand up and managed to do it without experiencing excruciating pain, which was good. I did have a headache and my magic seemed to have been exhausted but all things considered I was feeling fine.

I decided to rest for a while and the helpful RoR created the comfy couch for me. My headache seems to be subsiding and my magic seems to be recovering, all was well with the world. I was feeling a bit hungry but I could wait for a while before stuffing myself.

Feeling better than when I had just woken up, I decided to see if I had managed to gain the elusive Parseltongue. Conjuring a serpent, I focused on it and spoke out, ~Hello.~

I could feel it was a success when my tongue twisted in shapes I thought to be impossible and my vocal cords started doing funny movements, and sure enough the snake hissed back, ~Hello, Speaker~.

Well, that was a success. I vanished the snake and closed my eyes to ponder what else I had managed to gain. For starters, my knowledge regarding a lot of magical subjects had went up, especially the Dark Arts and rituals. Voldy focused more on those so it wasn't really surprising, but most of it was useless to me. Well, at least he had well beyond NEWT knowledge in Charms and Transfiguration so at least there was something good in there.

I didn't manage to get much of his battle experience which was kind of disappointing but not really that important in the grand scheme of things. It was better to create my own fighting style anyways, like that Magic Warrior style my pact-addled self had tried to create.

I cast the Tempus spell and saw it was an hour before dinner time which was surprising because I had left for the Room of Hidden Things right after breakfast and my business there had taken barely an hour, which meant I had been passed out for quite a while. Hmm, alright that just gives me more reason to not do that again until I manage to find something that can stop me from experiencing all that pain and passing out business.

Well, I knew just what to do to spend the next hour. I took out the diadem which was thankfully still in my robes in perfect condition and taking a deep breath, put it on myself.

Bliss. That was what I felt when I put on the diadem. I could think with extreme clarity and focus on only one thought, a stark difference from the multitude of thoughts that used to bounce around in my head. That was when I realised my mind wasn't as organised as I thought. No wonder I seemed to go on different tangents and acted on the first remotely interesting thought that popped up in my, frankly, chaotic brain.

I don't know if it was because my Occlumency wasn't as good as I thought or as a side effect of using the Integrator or because of my two Minds, but whatever the case, I didn't want to go back to my random, chaotic brain now that I had felt this utterly blissful form of..inner peace.

I didn't want to take off the diadem, ever, but thankfully my last bit of rationality made me realise that wearing a tiara everywhere, even if it was a pretty famous tiara, sounded exactly like the kind of thing my pact-addled self would do and get mobbed as a result.

Taking off the diadem, I almost impulsively fired the Integrator at it with a healthy dose of desperation and when it connected, I heaved a sigh of relief. Sure, I had broken the promise to myself in barely a few minutes but I believed it to be for a good enough cause.

The wait for the integration process to end was torturous. My thoughts seemed to be too loud, and I was going a little mad at being my normal self after I had experienced the magic of the diadem. When the pain came, I was almost relieved but fortunately for my mental well-being, the pain was excruciating enough to stop my inner masochist from fully developing.

This time, I didn't pass out for a reason I had no intention of finding out at the moment. Soon, the process had ended and the bliss made me feel like I was high on a drug without the nasty side effects of course. I could definitely live like this for the rest of my life.

The diadem's effect was immediate. All I could do was lament at the fact I hadn't done this sooner. So much potential, and I had basically squandered it. No matter, I could plan and systematically do everything I should have done and step one would be to make a mental list of my tasks in order of their importance.

But that could wait till tomorrow, because right now I had to partake in dinner as my status had turned from a little hungry to starving. I also had to plan for my magical maturity first of all, which was going to be coming in a few days if my calculations were right, because I doubt it would be like the rest of these wizards. I would most probably cause quite a commotion and well, I definitely couldn't do that in the Ravenclaw dorms so once again the RoR would be my salvation.

Before leaving for the Great Hall, I first took a quick shower in the RoR because I was a little dirty what with me sleeping on the floor and screaming in pain while I sweated bucket loads. Sure, a Scourgify would have sufficed but sometimes doing it the old-fashioned way was more satisfying.

Donning on my uniform, I made my way to the lone table where the students who hadn't left Hogwarts were sitting. It was a small amount and most of them were seniors who didn't pay me much attention, which was a plus in my book. I suppose that would change when I started to sit with the third years but I was content with the present arrangement.

Sneaking out the Ravenclaw dorm was very easy, seeing as there were very few people who were staying here. I quickly made my way to the RoR where I willed the room to turn into something that can help with my magical maturity. To my surprise, I walked in to a small chamber surrounded by wards and a book written by Rowena Ravenclaw herself. Was this a result of me integrating Ravenclaw's most prized possession or would the result be the same no matter who asked for it?

The book was an interesting read. It told of a small ritual one could do to find out the exact time period of one's magical maturities, the ones at age 11 and the next at age 17. The time differed between people and various factors, which meant my calculations based on me turning 11 from the day I had transmigrated could be wrong. The rest of the book had details regarding what was basically magical puberty, but it was nowhere near as...let's just say, interesting? as it's non magical counterpart, for which I was thankful. I really didn't want to go through puberty again, and going through two simultaneously just seemed like torture, but fortunately the great Mother Magic wasn't a sadist.

I decided to conduct the ritual and I was thankful I did a few minutes later when I found out that my magical maturity seemed to be tomorrow, some time around noon.

Well, looks like I am skipping lunch for two days in a row. Joy.

I have come to the startling conclusion that this book has tons of flaws, shocking, I know. But rather than trying to correct the numerous errors and discrepancies or patch out the countless plot holes, I have decided to proceed as I currently am doing.

Thank you for your continued support and please don't expect a rewrite. This book was supposed to be a learning experience anyways, and so far I have learnt tons of things like keeping a solid plotline in mind and not to write senselessly.

WiseOldFoolcreators' thoughts