
[Reverse Isekai] Story of My Life

Theo is a knight on a mission to kill the evil Demon King when he is suddenly transported to Earth mid-battle. Theo soon meets three friends who tell him he's nothing more than a side character to a famous online story. Coming to terms with the shocking truth, Theo tries to build a new life with the help of these friends. But will he be able to navigate the strange world and learn to live an ordinary life? *** [June 2024 WPC Contest - Slice of Life] This book is slice of life so there will be laidback chapters. Additionally, this story is written in multiple characters' pov, mostly in Theo's pov.

coffee_writer · Urban
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8 Chs

Author's Note

Greetings Fellow Reader,

I see you've come across my book and it has interested you. For that, I must thank you, but before you begin reading this story, I want to state some important things.

Firstly, this book is slice of life. There will be some action and magic, however, most of it will be laidback chapters of Theo trying to figure out life on this strange world called Earth.

So, if you're looking for some heavy action, well this ain't the book for you. 

Otherwise, this book is competing in the June 2024 WPC Contest, so if you do enjoy this story, please leave comments, reviews and powerstones.

I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this story, as it's my first fantasy novel. 

Anyway, thank you for wanting to read this and enjoy.