
Weird Shit 2.0 [#2]

[TW: Non-explicit Child Abuse, Referenced Homicide, Suicidal Thoughts]

To say Neil was pissed was an understatement.

He was fuming at the mouth like a rabid dog, so angry that his skin was red- Billy almost expected to see horns growing out of the guy's head, since in his mind he was already the pure devil. He felt sore after, as he laid in his bed in the middle of the day, unable to properly walk due to the pain... His eyes stared at the ceiling of his room, at the blades of the fan that spinned around, the looked kinda sharp? Not like a knife's blade, but kinda sharp. "Hm..." He hummed, feeling this numbness enveloping his body from all sides, he just closed his eyes as a buzzing sound echoed inside his head- Memories of what happened earlier came to his mind, making him cringe... Miss -Call me Joyce- Byers didn't treat him like a lost cause as he thought she would, but rather treated him like a lost kid, and somehow that made him feel nostalgic and angry.

Angry because she was treating him like he was a charity service kid- He didn't need any of their pity, he didn't need any of their sadness, and he mostly didn't need any of their help! 'You can eat, honey.' She said, 'You look hungry.' She completely ignored his glare because she knew- And they both knew, he was an asshole kid who didn't need or deserve any of their help anyway. He ate before any of the brats woke up, or Herrington, Wheeler, or Creep Byers woke up- He remembers seeing Joyce so worked up, unable to go to sleep, so he did what he remembered his mother doing for him before... He talked to her.

About anything, really, just to keep her out of her head and into a conversation- He also managed to convince her to accept his help, since he was the one to cook and clean after his mother was gone, he cooked her a simple breakfast and told her to eat since she fed him, he'd feed her too. Next the creeps woke up, first was the Pig followed by his little Piglet girl freak who woke him up in his weird dream, they kept staring at him while he talked to Joyce and decided to cook for them too- Just because he didn't want Joyce to be tired, she was nice to him, at least a little bit... Also, she might've reminded him of his mother, but he'll never tell a living soul about it. Next the little creeps woke up accompanied by their mother Steve The Hair Herrington, they only looked at him cooking before abandoning the idea of eating.

'It's probably poisoned.' The little asshole Wheeler said while Billy told Joyce she should go sleep by her son's side, because even though he knew very little of what happened, he was sure something involving the little kid did happen and he was one of the few he didn't hate- For the simple fact he kept his mouth shut most of the time. 'It's definitely poisoned.' That little shit named Lucas Sinclair whispered when he saw him talking to Joyce and giving her the cup of coffee she asked alongside a 'sorry for trying to kill someone inside your house' look, which she just nodded to as she walked away- Then he was left alone with the Pig and his little Piglet, alongside Shitbird and the Freaks- Little Asshole Wheeler, Sinclair Nightmare, Henderson, and of course King Steve himself. "So are we gonna ignore the psychosis he had yesterday?" Of course it was Henderson who spoke first, Billy blinked as he thought of what "happened"... And nothing came to mind, nothing much, maybe him having a mental breakdown and being pathetic in front of a bunch of people and then trying to stab himself didn't really happen and it's all in his head.

"Your brother is a freak, Max." Sinclair, once again, talking without a care: "Hey, he can hear you dumbass." Ah, King Steve, the mother, slapped the head of one of his children before Eleven (He's freaked out by Little Asshole Wheeler calling her that, like she's a thing, and not a human being) turned to look at her dad question mark with these big doe eyes as she said: "Eggos?" And That's how Billy Hargrove ended up making pancakes for a apparently telekinetic child who can explode his head with a single thought- If he wasn't on edge before, with Piggy, Maxine, and her freak friends, he surely was now -so he said absolutely nothing when one of them asked him something, he just looked at the kid with his best angry glare that was the equivalent of a spark due to his lack of fire.

"So, Billy Hargrove huh." The Pig talked, but sadly for him Billy didn't know how to oink- "Oink?" He couldn't help the snicker that left his lips when he heard Jane (The name he heard from the Piggy when he was referring to the girl) speaking out loud what he was thinking, since that's one of the things she can do. "What?" Piggy turned to look at her confused, she ony smiled at him before repeating 'Oink' to him with a little innocent smile- Billy lost it, laughing to himself: "F-fuck." He coughed a little as he felt like he was going insane, laughing at whatever he was seeing: "Well... Son-" Billy cringed, not liking where this was going already. "-We need to talk about some things, some serious things-"

"Steve-" Right at that moment, Bitch Wheeler entered the room, making Steve turn to look at her and Billy sigh in relief at the open window he received to dodge this argument. "Good. They're awake. Let's go Maxine, you already got me in enough trouble with him, wanna get me killed that much?" He walked right past them, feeling their eyes on him as he left the insane house of the Byers, full of papers on the walls that he sincerely did not want to know about, knowing about the scaled dog thing was enough for him already! "C'mon Maxine, we're going to hemo- i mean home! Fucking shitty shit."

The ride home was awkward, the silence was cut short only by Maxine, who turned to look at him as she said: "Why do you hate me so much-" He didn't let her complete her sentece, because it was clear and she was just playing with him, she was making him mad on purpose, she wanted to see him snap so she can go running to Neil and be the daddy's daughter and get him killed- "Because, Maxine, who wouldn't hate the ome who's trying to get you killed?" He sounded more tired than angry, so his voice didn't sound as venomous as he wanted it to sound like, so he just ignored her all together until they got home, where upon Neil was waiting, sitting on the sofa with a beer bottle in hand... "Max, go to your room." He said, and the little princess ran, of course she would, she's a kid and Billy's the monster who needs to be killed- Right!?

-Scene Cut-

Floating in the same darkness, Billy just sat down on the ground that moved like water under his feet, his thoughts weren't so messy inside this darkness here and for some reason his bed was also here... "Billy." That same little girl stood beside him, he just looked at her and said: "Hi." It was a simple greeting, but he was just dreaming again so he didn't need to be an asshole to a kid that didn't deserve it, a kid who was not Maxine with her murder tendencies! The girl, Jane, placed her hand on his cheek where a still red mark of his father's fist stood, she looked at him with an almost too kind and understanding look as she said: "Bad Papa." He let out a sigh-chuckle, he was really going insane wasn't he? "Yeah, kid, he is... Very bad." He closed his eyes, but even with his eyes closed he could feel as she sat beside him in his bed, her hands touching some of his bruises gently: "Kill Papa?" He stopped for a second at the implications of her question- did she just asked if he wanted to kill Neil?

"Yeah, i do wanna kill him... But he has friends, in the military, or navy, or whatever the fuck he went... This whole town knows me as just a fucked up bad boy, making them think it was me who killed him is easy enough for anyone- And Maxine, she could just point that Chief Pig to me and bam! Locked away for murder." He turned to look at the kid who was now touching his hair and sighed- This all reminded of his: "Mama?" Yeah, it did, it reminded him of how his mother would play with his hair and tell him stories, sing him a lullaby- But then she left, she was gone, and he was bound to the evil monster named Neil Hargrove.

"Find her?" He blinked, looking at Jane as she placed her hands on his head: "Find Mama." He was about to say something when suddenly he was alone, in the dark, sleep overcame his senses and he blinked awake- Looking at the timer on his bed he saw that he spent 6 hours here, asleep... He should go do his shit before Neil comes and destroys his face again.

-Scene Cut-

Jane Hoppers, or Eleven, stood in the endless dark expanse she knew as The Void looking for someone- Billy's Mama, he needed her, she was the key to turning him good right? He was just like her, afraid, with a Bad Papa, and trapped! He needed someone to help him, he needed to be saved just as much as she once did. "Hello?" Her voice echoed in the Void as she walked around, the only thing she could hear was static, there was a white light in the distance that she slowly followed as the words echoed: "I guess so, dear... Tell me, where is-" Suddenly voice stopped, Eleven kept walking towards the light and saw a man, sitting on a chair wearing a white mask, looking at her, he didn't seem to be wearing a shirt so his chest was exposed, there were many tattoos covering his chest and left arm, the right one had only one tattoo however- 002. Eleven gasped just as the man said: "Well, hello there little girl... Who are you?"

The white mask had no holes for the eyes or mouth, Eleven could only see how tall the man was and how muscular he was, and he also seemed to be able to see her, which is in itself a proof of his identity "Eleven." She gasped, she just met another one? A brother this time, wait till Kali knows about this, she'll be thrilled- "Ah, Eleven? Okay Eleven, I'm sorry to say this but i don't like when people enter my head y'know?"

"Looking. Searching."

"Well, dear, who you're searching for?"

"Billy's Mama."

"... Who?"

-Scene Cut-

002 sat down in his chair, dumbells beside him that he used a few seconds ago before Number Eleven came to talk to him in search of Billy's mother? She asked him if he knew her, but he knew several Billys and imagine his surprise when he asked for a surname and she said Hargrove... "Ah, the past really haunts, doesn't it?" He whispered as he looked around, he took his phone and dialed a specific number: "Howland! Can you be a dear and find me the whereabouts of someone~?"

"Boss, you know well I'll find whoever you ask me to find-" Howland responded, cocky, but his cockiness was cut off by his Boss's words: "And yet you've failed once." 002 sighed, pinching his brows, an eerie silence filled the room as he whispered in a menacingly voice:

"I wanna know where is Neil Hargrove."