
Weird Shit [#16]

"So... Uhm... I kinda got married."

There was a silence in the table as Nancy, Steve, Eddie, Jonathan, and Robin all turned to look at him, all asking the same question with the same tone of voice- Like they couldn't believe what they just heard: "You WHAT?" The different faces showing the same expressions was funny for first few seconds before Billy slumped his head on the table before him- "I mean, he asked, and i said yes...? I thought he was just like, high, but then i turned out he asked as a ritualistic thing and now we're like married? I mean, i don't mind being married to him but i like- i wanted something, like a ceremony, and i feel like it wasn't exactly romantic..." Billy groaned, continuing: "But he was showing me his secret drawings he makes of me, saying romantic shit like 'I can't take you out of my mind, so i put you on paper' and shit and- I fucking melted when he said that, his eyes were so fucking green and i couldn't resist when he asked me to marry him-"

"Okay, you're clearly, very, very smitten with that guy- Your husband?" Robin chuckled turningot Nancy as she nodded with a smile on her face: "Well i mean, you guys were already so close, being married doesn't need to change that you know?" But Billy just shook his head: "Apparently he wants me to meet his parents, his mothers i mean, then also greet his grandmother and spend some time with her in Italy... He also said he'd take me to Hawaii and Greece, because he thinks I'd love thise places." The smile growing on his face was like one of a teenage girl, waiting at the phone for her crush to call her, smitten and charmed- "Wait, what? But isn't he like, American?" Steven asked confused, Eddie was now too focused on ready a paper Zunni had given him so he didn't see Billy's face of confusion: "I don't know...? I mean, i know I'm like, half Scottish from my mother's side but, Zunni? He said he's Italian by heart and Greek by nature, so i guess- Also, his Grandmother is like, the Champion of Autumn? Summer? I don't know he said it while he was high, like, he tried explaining to me what were the many champions of nature and how he was also one and it technically made them all gods and goddesses."

"So you're married to a God and a King?" Jonathan pointed out, his other hand holding the sandwich his mother made him: "I mean, yeah... And by title I'm the mother fucking Queen of All Chimeras." He cringed when he heard Steven, Nancy, Robin, Eddie, and even Jonathan snicker at his title: "Yeah, laught it up- He looked so happy when he said that to me, i couldn't say no to him!" Nancy just hummed before saying: "Well, if you're marrying him, can't you wait until graduation to have your honeymoon? That way you guys can go around the world for a year before deciding if you wanna go to college or not." Jonathan quipped in to give his opinion on the matter: "Yeah, i mean, if you wanna go to college i think somewhere close? Like, the kids are starting to like you..."

"I don't think I'm gonna do college, and like, Zunni's filthy rich, like Steve levels of rich-" | "Hey! I'm not that rich-" | "Like, he's the heir to an oil industry? He said his grandmother put him up for it, since he's the one she likes the most i guess, plus, it took me three hours to convince him to pursue his love for art since he's good at it- Like, crazy good at it! Another thing is that he started teaching your kid to do magic, well, the basics of it at least." Steve raised an eyebrow at that, thinking to himself about it before he asked: "So it's like, real n shit?"

"Pretty much real, but the Henderson kid is gonna have a hard time- Mostly because the principles are-"

-Scene Cut-

"The principles of magic are simple. You need three things." Sitting in the middle of the Hawkins forest, Dusin turned to look at his "teacher" while Dart sat beside him, his weird dog head would open sometimes and he'd pant like a dog in this hot day: "First, a source to draw magic from- We draw magic from nature, but there's others sources of magic that aren't nature... Other dimensions for example, can be used to draw the energy from and cast spells, but for that you'd need a connection to that dimension or a power source, which is something I'll explain to you in the future. The first thing we need to do is establish a connection to the source, a connection to nature- So here's your homework; Meditate." Dustin's eyebrows scrunched so much that for a moment he thought a vein would pop, but Zunni kept talking: "The second principle of magic you need besides a connection to a source is language- You need to tell nature what you want it to do, i can do it without words because my connection to nature is deep, really deep, so it understands me without saying a word. Just like you and D'Artagnan de Naturis, you think and he comes to you, because of your bond... That's why you gotta learn the language of nature: Old Tongue."

A large book was placed right onto his hands, the title read: [Old Togue for Dummies by the Champion of Many Shapes and King of All Chimeras, Nwundy-Zunni aka Victor Zunni Vermont] - Dustin was about to ask him a question but Zunni stopped him by continuing: "Nature Magic is very balance oriented, which bring us to the last but most important principle: Sometimes, nature magic needs sacrifices to cast. Most just need energy, energy which you naturally draw to yourself once your connection to nature becomes strong enough... Promise me Dustin, swear an oath by your soul right here and now that you'll never, never use a spell that i haven't given you the go to, because if you don't have enough energy to cast it, nature will take your life instead... It can be years, or days, or even just seconds, but it will take energy from your blood and body." To demonstrate such thing, Zunni pointed his finger to the tree before them and Dustin watched as Zunni's arm got thinner and thinner, almost skeletal before the tree just- Blossomed in several, thousands of different flowers and fruits.

"That's also why you need a staff, humans need something to store extra energy inside, so you can be safe from having your life harvested instead." Faster than it withered, the arm got back to normal- Just like that: "W-what...?" To say the normally talkative boy was speechless was an understatement! "Oh, this? I'm Immortal. It hurts, sure, but i won't die from it- don't try to do it though, you'll surely fucking die."


"Page one, let's get started with some Old Tongue and then go for the establishment of the connection to nature, I'll show you how the connection feels so you know what you're aiming for."

And like that, for the next few days Dustin had until graduation and the Snow Ball- Zunni was happy for him and gave him some ideas, he also got to think about a party he'd throw because technically he'd be graduating High School! He needs to celebrate, right? Dustin told Zunni his plan to go to "Camp Know Where" which Zunni gave him a few things he had to work on, like learning a few words and at least a small lesser spell that he knew was easy to do which was to accelerate the growth of seeds, so he gave him a bag of seeds from a special plant he himself created- He called it Snare Traps, since it was small seeds that once stimulated by magic would grow into vines thick enough to snare a strong human male, making it impossible for them to get free on their own! He gave Dustin a whole bag of those seeds, just in case he needs it, you never know.

The day of the graduation, Zunni watched in pride as Billy take the paper that proved he survided- He survived High School even with Weird shit happening around him, and now? Now he's married and is going on a expensive honeymoon around the world with Victor Zunni Vermont- "Wait, do you get the Hargrove surname or do i get the Vermont surname?" A little bit tipsy, Billy turned to look at the man of his dreams- They were naturally on their bed, looking at the glass ceiling above that showed the stars and the moon, smoke filling the air as Zunni smoked and Billy drank: "I mean, dyiu wann the Vermont surname?" Zunni's speech was a little bit weird but Billy loved it nonetheless, mostly because it was cute: "I love your surname!" Hands grasping the rather large member between Zunni's legs, Billy grinned at the reaction he got from the bigger boy- In height and size. "And i love you~"

Next thing that happened doesn't need explanation nor description- They fucked, loud and strong, Zunni ended up sinking his hands on the wall for the sixth time that night before he felt satisfied enough, Billy was in a blissful heaven of exhaustion as he went to sleep, not bothered with the sweat, he hang by Zunni's cock for the rest of the night before making the other do the same (With his consent, of course!), but the very next morning they receive a call- From Zunni's mothers, they apparently received news that a recurring evil has returned once more and Zunni was asked to take care of it, but be careful... It's a feareater, a Glamour. One of the most strange and stupid Outsiders ever, since it takes the form of your worst fear to feed from it, but it also eats human flesh...

The thing's name? Its name is apparently Pennywise.

-Scene Cut-

1985 - Derry, Maine.

Zunni was the new guy in a new city, he "moved in" as far as the locals know, and already he could feel it in the air- It was constricted to only the city, but there was energy from another dimension here, and it was disgusting to him and Nature itself to feel... The Glamours are a species of interdimensional feareaters who can shapeshift into the person's worst nightmare, which is why Zunni has a plan! He remembers watching the film It, he never thought it be here in this world, but now that this thing is here, he'll make sure it never comes back... 'Wait... What if there's more horror movies out there?' Little did he know how right he was...

Billy also came with him, besides his warnings about the creature they were about to fight, he had a few backup plans to deal with IT from banishing the creature to sealing the creature in a glass case and using it as a decoration in their future house maybe? Regardless, Billy also felt really disgusted by the energy around the city, which was from years and years and a lot of fucking years of having a portal open around here- If they followed the energy they'd probably find it as well! "Missing children?" Billy had returned to their temporary apartment here in Derry, there's nothing he loves more than how Billy always know how to treat him right when he feels like shit- A kiss, a hug, and a lot of fucking, but now? Now they couldn't fuck, they had a monster to hunt after all: "Georgie Denbrough..." From Zunni's body, several butterflies and birds started to grow like small spheres before popping out and flying away, they were sent by Zunni to scatter among the city and find the portal, and any information about anything.

"Well honey... Call us Winchesters, Warren, or even Hellsing, cause we are a couple of monster hunters~"

"I feel like those are some kind of reference to something... only got the Hellsing one."

-Scene Cut-

Yep~ It!

Not the Stephen King universe, only the movie It. Might add some horror movies