
Cursed & Blessed [#1]

[This is fic i had in mind for a while- The general background of this fic came to me to make angst be heavy and shit. The way the system of the protagonist will work is as following: He gets a curse that gives him some type of power, but it comes with a drawback, he can overcome this drawback on his own (if possible) or complete tasks to break away the curse, absorbing the power and getting rid of the drawbacks. Cool? Cool!]

Being reborn isn't as easy as one might think- Even more so when you died in a very traumatic way! Trauma comes with you, as do all your other issues. Here is Luxian, he died after his abusive father tried to kill his youngest sibling, he got in the way and- Well, was stabbed a few times and bled out in the carpet while trying to calm down his little brother, the kid had to run to the neighbors since the father still tried to "get rid of the witnesses" or so he screamed, he did manage to keep the man occupied by holding his legs while his brother ran away- And to think he only needed another year to leave this hell? He would've taken his brother with him, everything would've been fine... He just wanted his brother to be happy.

[Congratulations! You are cursed.]

He blinked... 'The fuck?' First thing he noticed: White walls, white floor, white clothes- Everything's white except the man before him, who wore a black suit as he spoke: "Number 13-CAL, your results have been quite... Dim." The man's whole body language screamed one word for the boy: Silent Anger. "If you do not cooperate, you will he punished from here on forward, understood?" He nodded before he even understood what the man meant, however the man simply turned around and left the white room... A sudden black screen with golden letters and numbers popped in front of his eyes!


Name: 13-CAL (Luxian Volven)

Age: 8 (17)

Cruse Points: [100]

Quests: [0]

Cursed Powers: [1]

Clean Powers: [1]

Blessed Powers: [0]

{•Body State: Tired, Small Bruise (Left Arm), Headache, Bleeding Nose.•}

(•Emotional State: Confused, Freaking out silently.

Mental State: Mental Trauma, Anti-social Behavior, Trust Issues, Attachment Issues, Overprotective, Possession Issues, Others•)

<•Spiritual State: Cursed (Curse of Rage)•>




Strength (The ability to extent physical might): [5]

Endurance (The ability to endure damage, pain, the amount of stamina in one's body): [5]

Agility (One's hand-to-eye coordination, body speed, reflexes): [6]

Dexterity (The finesse and precision of one's physical movements and actions): [4]

Intelligence (Capability of one's mind to store, memorize, and organize information): [15]

Willpower (Capability of one's mind to resist, prevail, overcome and go beyond one's body capabilities): [20]

Wisdom (Capability of one's mind to use stored information to the best of one's capabilities): [12]

Luck (Capability of one's fate to intertwine and twist the destiny of the world around you): [5]


Cursed Skills:

[Cursed Rage (A+): You can make forcefully activate this skill to empower your body to high degrees, but it comes with a great drawback:

Your Intelligence, Willpower, and Wisdom stats become half of what they are and the chances of you hurting allies increase by 50%

This skill may activate under stress.]


Clean Skills:

[Emotional Inducement (B-): You can make anyone you want feel a certain emotion, be it glee, sadness, disgust, arousal, or any other emotion or sentiment.]


Blessed Skills:


Cleansing Quests:

[Cursed Empowerment: To get rid of this Skill's curse you must:

Have the curse for at least (1) Year: (0/1)

Use it at least once: (0/1)

Have more than 50 points in Willpower (20/50)

Save 5 lives (0/5)

Kill 5 Lives (0/5)

Have a 1000 Curse Points (Does not consume points) (100/1000)]


'Ergh... What?' He took a few moments to read through it all, at his best understanding of this floating screen, he knows he has the power to make people feel what he wants and the power to enter a uncontrollable rage? Neat... "13-CAL, it's time to go back to your room, tomorrow we expect greater results than today." He had no clue what they were talking about, but the woman had this glint in her eyes- and this strange red aura around her body... Is this her emotional state? '[Emotional Inducement]' He thought about the skill, looking at the color around the scientist's body and wishing it would be different, clearer, weaker, not so... Red. "Come on now 13, its time to go to sleep." He was pulled by the lady and followed her, the aura around her body wasn't red like anger, but slightly pink like... Love? 'Love, love comes in many ways...' He thought about his mother, the only person he loved, and he wished she was still alive- Unknown to him, the pink aura around the woman thightly and forcefully became a dull pink of love mixed with the cyan and grey of empathy, as she was empathizing with the poor boy she never even thought looked this thin, so weak...

What are they even doing? They are children for God's sake! She swore to herself then and there, she would help- Doctor Emily was the most sociopathic person in this whole laboratory, but just a thought from the kid changed her entire personality and thought process because her emotions were 'fixed' by the small child she guided to her room- She would've felt confused by her sudden change of emtions, if confusion wasn't an emotion...

Terrifying ability, isn't it?

-Scene Cut-

Luxian, or rather, 13-CAL woke up the next day- his headache was gone by the morning, he didn't know why but he felt it deep within his mind when he laid down, it was like he had his skull bashed against the wall- something he sadly knows how it feels. He wore his white gown and stood by the door confused as to why it wouldn't open until he heard it click as the red light above turned green- In front of him were guards wearing white hospital-like clothing as they looked at him. He felt nervous and followed, he learned the hard way that sometimes you need to obey rather than think about what you are doing or where you are going. Once he was brought tona room full of other children did he sigh- There were older kids, probably around 11 or 12, there was a small boy probably 6, a young girl by the age of 7 or 8, and a few teens around the room. They all had different colors around their bodies, from grey to blue and yellow, to red, grey, cyan, magenta, and even deep, deep, deep bright brown.

A few minutes later, something appeared before his eyes:

[24 Have Passed!]

[+1 Extraction Point- Would you like to extract a curse?]

'Uhm... Sure...?' He was confused by whatever this thing was asking of him, but he was equally curious, so he agreed to it- The screen shattered before his eyes and entered his body, making him shake his head when a headache almost exploded out of his mind-

[Curse Extracted!]

[E- Curse: Alien Mind]

[Your mind is so different from normal human minds that it is a challenge for Telepaths to read your mind or control your actions, as your mind is actually harmful to them


You have a higher difficulty on understanding others aroung you, normal human skills come to you in different degrees of difficulty to learn.

Sometimes, you may do things that unintentionally may hurt someone.]

'Okay- Now i understand what that curse extraction thing was... And what's up with the letters?' Luxian felt weird, nothing actually had changed about him but he had some random intrusive thoughts about the most random things, and he also got this annoying headache that makes him want to hurt the one doing this to him- He wants to eat their teeth, maybe pull out their eyes? No, break their spine should be a good enough punishment! Maybe make maggots burst out of their mouth whenever they try to speak so they are cursed to be silent forever with their tongue rotting inside out but never able to speak a word- Okay, this was weird, what's up with the purple? 'Oh, that kid?' His head turned to look at the kid that looked to be a year or two younger than him, he had all these weird tendrils of transparent energy around his head that pulled the colors from others while also connecting him to them: 'He can't control it, can he~?' He didn't know why, but he felt amused at such predicment, he felt so many different things as different thoughts and thought processes seemed to meet in the middle and explode, creating this idea of colors and emotions until he saw the same screen:

[Cleansing Quest:

To get rid of the drawbacks from the skill [Alien Mind (E-)], you need:

Spend 30 days with the skill (0/30)

Protect yourself against a Telepath 5 times (1/5)

Act like a normal human for 1 day (0/1)]

'It should be easy, right?' As it turns out- it wasn't easy for him to act like a "normal human", whatever the fuck that is... It was hard, so he focused on imitation! Since he didn't know what a "normal human" was, he imitated the older kids- He used his [Emotional Inducement] to make them feel friendly towards him, which was something he could do to one kid for about 10 minutes, it lingered for 5 minutes before they felt he was too weird and backed away... They were together for half an hour before the scientists entered the room and each kid went to one scientist, Luxian was selected by that same man he met as soon as he (reincarnated? transmigrated?) came into this world.

He was dragged to a room and put before a test subject: Two small mouse in a cage, his instructions? "I want you to destroy them, kill them, understood?" They apparently didn't know his ability, and because Luxian didn't have any memories of this kid, he didn't know where he was or who he was at all! 'Just... Kill the rats? Sure?' He focused on both rats, them being animals made it so much easier to control induce emotions on them! 'Anger, mad anger, rage-' He saw as the white and yellow auras of both rats turned into a pure red aura as they squeaked angrily, biting and tearing each other apart! Teeth and skin flew around as blood poured from their brutal and violent exchange of bites, both only stopped when they died, because even half dead they didn't stop. As for Luxian, he felt weird- The death didn't faze him, but he thought how he could, maybe, have made them turn inside out and eat each other's internal organs as it would've been funnier? Damn, thankfully this skill of his is weak, he needs to get rid of it as soon as possible.

"13-CAL, you've finally shown us great results." The creepy man in black smiled, and Luxian knew from experience: That type of smile promised pain, fear, and hatred.

He felt a trigger go off in his mind as the things he did to survive under his father's home just- Were forgotten, he could only remember that man, his brother, and his mother lying in a pool of her own blood as he cried desperately- He saw red as his veins throbbed with anger, rage, madness, his mind fuzzy as he blacked out.

The last thing he saw and heard were the screams as his arms grabbed the neck of the man before him and snapped it, breaking it so easily.

And then- He blacked out.

-Author Notes-

This story will explore "curses" and "blessings" of life and their meanings, the general plot i already have in mind, and the love interests are 2 men i find really relatable and handsome: Billy Hargrove (I mean, it's Dacre Montgomery, give me a fucking reason why you don't like him and I'll ignore your existence) and Steve "The Hair" Harrington (Because pretty boy needs a man, maybe two, and some loving too because i will torture him during this fic- Or maybe not.)